"If you cheat? Your not a part of the solution anymore..",said Prof.Monsod of University of The Philippines,Diliman.
Cheating is a big problem that universities here in our country is facing.Most of us know that we can see in the University of the Philippines all of the finest students in the country.But come to think of it,if cheating prevails in that institution,what more to the other actively performing university next to UP?
The professor have mentioned that most or our country's officials came from that elite university.Imagine what kind of politics we have and we will have if from the very start(studying in college)they're doing anomaly. With this,we can justify the professor's allegation that we can not solve the problem if we're part of it.
We are the next leaders of this land someday.in the present tine,we're experiencing poverty as a result of our today's corrupt leaders.Are we going to continue what they're doing now?We must start the change!
I start this advocacy now as a member of ACOS-CCC in our university.It is a Christian group of college students that advocates the control of multiplying cheaters in our university.I'm glad that I'm a part of that campaign entitled "SAY NO TO CHEAT!SAY YES TO GOD!" I know that my participation to that movement will contribute a lot to stop students from cheating.I believe that God was there with me and He will help mus to make a change.
A simple act will contribute a lot!So the change will start in you!If you stop cheating,you decrease the number of Satan believers as well as you made God happy as many angels are singing now above:)
Watch the video. Take the challenge. Write an essay about how can you be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem in solving the nation's /world's crisis.
“Great things come from small beginnings.” Most of us may be familiar with this line. It emphasizes that every big successes begun with a single step. But not only GREAT things come from small beginnings, AWFUL things also spring from little basics. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
University of the Philippines’ mantra, Honor and Excellence, is admirable. Prof. Solita Monsod highlighted that “honor first before excellence.” Thus, she proposed a deal or a threat whether students will help find the solutions or be a problem that would burden the country. Personally, I intend to be a part of the solution. I, along with the other students, can start this by living the way of honesty, as in NO CHEATING. Then, I will use my full potential to contribute to solving the problems of the society and not adding to its burden.
“I am only one but I am one.” Prof. Monsod explained that each one of us cannot do everything, but can do something. Let us help in doing something for our country. I really hope that each scholars will unite to assist in the progress of the Philippines.
"You are in a position to be part of the solution of this country's problem, not part of the problem." Prof. Monsod said.
What is that problem that many Universities are facing now? Cheating, yes! Many of our Universities are having this problem right now, even our own government. Are you a part of it? If not how can you help to stop it?
I as a future leader of our country, I can help in stopping cheating in our country. Even I'm just a student, I can help by starting it at myself. I must not be a part of this problem. I must trust to God and always ask for his guidance. Just like what Prof. Monsod said, we cannot do everything, but we can do someting. So, I must not CHEAT!
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.” - Prof. Solita Monsod
Certain problems ought to be solved not by one or two, but a lot of people. These problems are not just what others problems, but it is for all of us. It may seem bothersome for us but we ought to help in solving these certain problems not just for our country, but also for the world. We may not know it, but inside of us there is a solution waiting to be unleashed so these problems may be solved once and for all. In the end we just didn’t help our countrymen but also all the people living in this planet.
We lived in this world for how many years now, and we are still waiting for something to happen. What that may be? Who knows? Maybe you do? But, have you asked yourself that maybe “I am that solution”? We may not know it, but others may. We can’t see that we may be that solution because we are so focused on our personal goal not knowing that we also have to think of others. So start ticking that brain of yours and think those things you need to do for the country and its people.
I know that being part of the solution of our country’s problem is not an easy job for us being at this point in time. But let’s face it, we are born here to help others and not be a burden to them. One’s life is difficult, why add more to these difficulties. By this point in time, we may not be ready to face these challenges, but many other people have to face their own battle and they won it, so why can’t you? Haven’t you realized that you are one blessed man, because you are here, studying and living the life others wanted?
Life may not be as beautiful as it should be, because many people chose to be part of the problem and not to be part of the solution itself. I just think that they are just scared to fight this battle because they think that when they made a mistake, other people might think lowly of them.
So for those people to choose to be part of the solution, one should understand them and let them solve the country’s problem in their own special way. Even if they made wrong moves, someday they will make it right and it will lead to a very acceptable outcome and make our country even better that everyone will wish to stay for good and get a job in the country. We might not do it now, but at least we are now mentally prepared of what we have to do in the near future. Others might not think we can, but we still ought to believe in ourselves that WE CAN.
Honor is defined as esteem paid to worth and is associated with reverence, dignity, distinction, reputation, good name and a good sense of what is right, just, and true. The key part to honor is having respect for others and for yourself, the two must act together because with out both you have nothing. and excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It is also an aimed for standard of performance. We all know that anybody can be a leader, now we are already a leader as mentioned by Prof. Monsod. Cheating is not unusual she added, but that is true because we must not do cheating because cheating leads to a bigger problem. You will not be a part of the solution if you done cheating, in fact you will be a part of the problem. can’t do everything. If we are going to help the country, we must be in our own country because how can we help the country if we are not there, because if you do that “you are betraying the people of the Philippines” she said. Therefore, we as a student must be good and as honorable as we should be. We must not to look for our own good but to help our country on its problems. more money but we must earn more credit to the people of the Philippines by helping them on the problems that the country is facing, because it is nice to help than to be helped. Mark Joseph O. Gamitin BSME I-GG
“When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world…
…And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realized: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world...”
An excerpt from a poem of an unknown author that made me come up with the realization that if I want a change, it must start not with other people, nor with anyone else, but rather with me. There are plenty of reasons to be cautiously optimistic about the state of the world today, and maybe even about the future.
Global issues have risen dramatically all over the world and the rate at which big problems are emerging seems to be rising through time. As part of this evolving world, some people tend to focus on problems, mostly because we are interested in finding ways to address them and thereby improve the human condition. Not just because every existing individual has a responsibility for the welfare of this place we call home, but we, ourselves can do something about it. But still, there lies the question “Are we really seeking for the solution or are we just adding to the dilemmas of this world?” Please note that I am not talking about our ability to achieve perfect solutions, only responses that are good enough to keep problems from getting worse and that can be improved over time as we acquire even more experience.
Most people have this notion of blaming the president, the senators, the congressmen and other people in the political world for what is happening in our world today. While some remain prisoners of their superstitious beliefs bounded within the natural phenomena of this world, even blaming the moon’s pull of gravity for having earthquake and other natural disasters. How funny it is to think but we’ve been one of these kinds of people at some point of our lives. But as a realization, these wrong undertakings and narrow-mindedness are one of the culprits why and how we contribute to the predicaments of today.
Let’s take a look within ourselves – our actions, words and thoughts. The poem “Start with Yourself” tells us a story of how a man dreamed of changing the world and how he failed in the end. Lying on his death bed, he carried in his mind the thoughts of what he should’ve done but he never did, realizing that the change that he wanted should start within him. Stop blaming and accusing others for what is happening around us. One way of helping this place we call home lies within our bare hands. Our little ways like respecting nature through our proper actions, talking out the things that promotes the ethical perspectives in life and being a morally upright example to other people especially the youth and the children are means of not contributing to the dilemmas of this world. Living a life guided by the light of none other than our Almighty God and praying for the welfare and goodness not just for myself but also for the people around me is my way of doing my responsibility of improving human lives as an existing individual.
Selfish thoughts in critical times are not the solution to escape from danger and mitigate disadvantages. The solution for a global problem will only work if all the nations take advantage on it, since the solution relies on the cooperation of all. The next step to keep the planet healthy is to learn how to play better as a team. But of course, it would work better if you start with yourself. It may not be as crazy or impossible as you think if God is the guiding light on it. Let us all look forward to changing our self first for us to be able to change this world for better and not for worse.
Leadership is one of the rare and precious human capitals. Without leaders to guide and shape decisions society would become stagnant. Within the arena of leadership there are good leaders, bad leaders, and effective leaders. All three coexist simultaneously in a world of followers.
A good leader is one who possesses many qualities. First and most important a good leader is just. To be just is to possess the ability to recognize what’s fair, good, and honest. A good leader always sets a good example of integrity, morals, and will lead his followers in accordance with these qualities. In addition to being just a good leader must be a strong thinker.
A strong thinker is able to think outside of the box. Thinking outside of the box means to approach decision making in an unconventional manner. One way a good leader must do
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.” - Prof. Solita Monsod
I can't do everything for the country but i can do something for our country. Even in simple things that would help but not fully but at least i helped and if cheating in little things would grow in cheating in bigger things maybe helping in little ways would grow too. It has the same situation with the homily i heard before it was like this there was a little boy about 10 yrs old who recognized that there are big problem happening in our world so he said "i wanna help the world" but the world is so big for him but he never stopped. But still he reached 20 and he haven't done anything for the world so he said" the world is really big i think i should help first the country then after that i would helped the world." He reached 30 and nothing happened again.Then when another 10yrs was added to his age he then realized that if he just started helping his province maybe he had helped the world but its too late he's old now and always tired.
see we could helped our country. but theres a process..its like growing a plant it wont grow if you will not watter it. when you have done something don't stop its better to do more then it'll grow..
‘’I am only one but I am one, I cannot do everything , but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do and with the grace of god, I will do it..’’ - Prof. Solita Monsod.
- ‘’ God has put all of us to the right place where we are right now for a REASON .We are there to BLESS, to INSPIRE, and to CREATE a positive influence . We are there because HE can use us to be HIS hand, feet and mouth to carry out HIS work’’.By simply being ourself we can do something to be a part of the solution, not one of the problem.
CHEATING is one of the worst thing that we can do in our lives. These can be done by small things to the huge one, still it’s a sin that we made. When you cheat in your exams or in any other activity in a very easy way, it’s just like doing a CRIME, that at the end of the day you just cheat not only for your selves but more on your beloved country. You just made the bad image that can affect your country and also everything that surrounds you.
We can be part of the solution !, If others can do, then why should be we can’t ? Being honest to our self and to our beloved country and being one of those people whose going to dedicate there lives for our nation., it could be a big help to raise our nation in the whole world. Before we start the changes in our country, we should start it to our self , so that it’s easy to share it to others.
-‘’STOP CHEATING and be ONE of the GOOD INFLUENCE in our country’’ - SERVE and LOVE our nation; DO NOT DESTROY IT.
Cheating is one form of stealing. It is one of the biggest problem here in our society. According to Prof. Solita Munsod “Cheating in the small things is cheating in the large things. Once you cheat you are now no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much a part of the problem”.
Each every one of us is unique to each other. We are far different in everything from one another. God created us with a purpose to fulfill in our own lives. We are here not to become one of the burdens that will ruin the creations of God but to become one of the creations that will help in the progress of our dear Land. In this society we must first learn to be independent and we must learn to avoid cheating at an early age of our lives. As a student I will start to apply it by myself. By this I will not going to be one of the problem. You are only wasting your time and it ruins your self-confidence. We are here for others, especially for our country not only for ourselves. We can become the country’s aspiration in our own little ways.
So you are on a road that leads nowhere and you are cheating only yourself. Either change your ways, or rearrange your life so you end up in a situation where you don't feel that cheating is the only way you can cope. “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it”, said by Prof. Solita Munsod.
What can we do to help our country, the Philippines, to progress? Is cheating a part of it? Of course not. Once we cheat, we became one of the problems in our country. What we need now is a solution.
I remember our national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal while watching the video. Dr. Rizal and Mrs. Monsod have something in common. They both believe that the youth, who strive hard to study, are the hope of our country and will serve our country someday. We can use this as a starting point, two remarkable people believe that we can do something, we just have to believe in ourselves and our ability to lead. The problems that our country is facing may not be like those simple mathematical problems that we used to solve in our classes where there are formulas we can use to get the answers, but still, we can do something to help and we can do something for our future. There is nothing wrong if we try not to cheat today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow until we get used to it. We can dream of being successful to help our parents, but it is much right if we include the Philippines in our success.
I am one of the leaders in this country and I will do something to be a part of the solutions and not part of the problems that our country is facing. We don't need to be very intelligent to help our country, everyone of us can contribute something through our own little ways. We must act what we think because nothing will happen if we kept our thoughts hidden.
All of us want to be successful someday on our chosen field, also to help our beloved parents as a change for their sacrifices for us. We have a lot of fresh graduates here in our country. Some have their permanent job and happy on their life and some are still searching for it.
Students now do anything to pass some particular subjects. We're studying hard, memorizing a lot of terminology, and sometimes cheating. I, in myself admit that I am cheating. But that doesn't mean I have nothing learned in this society. I know all of us felt so happy every time that our examination ends. It is because we will not be look haggard again. We also felt proud on our self , and it is better if we know that we passed it through the help of our self and God.
In conclusion, we can be successful if we have self-confidence and perseverance on any odds that come to us. Always strive hard and pray!!! :)
Dr. Jose Rizal once said: "the youth is the hope of the nation"
every time i hear this saying from older people, questions came rushing into my mind. if the youth is the hope of the nation, how come the nation is still in its previous status and more worst? each and every one of us undergoes in the stage of being youth,our president once became youth, same as the other government leaders, our parents and the other people of their age. yet no positive changes are seen in our country.
youth is said to be the catalysts of change, this is true,only if the youth shows sympathy to our motherland. we are today's leader according to prof. Munsod. but some of us will be a much greater leader of the country, taking the seats of the previous government officials. but we will not be able to fight the negative issues that our country is currently facing if we ourselves cannot fight the negative things we have in ourselves.
for us to be good leaders someday, lets first deal with the things that we have to change in ourselves. every big thing starts first with a little one. we have to imply fresh ideas with an idealistic point of view for a better tomorrow, be analytical and intellectual keen,to prevent us from submitting blindly to any course set before us. Every youth worth the spark has certain originality and self consciousness and would not normally toe the line or become the follower of others. we set our own course of life and follows it with all the devotion and dedication.
we are not born to live in this country to experience this negative issues, we are born here to change everything.
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.” - Prof. Solita Monsod
There are so many types of criminal act in these world. One of those act is Cheating, It’s a form of stealing someones idea or taking some advantage so someone. There are so many people who does that kind of act and being one of the several people here who watched and inspired what Prof. Solita Monsod have said.
I can’t remove us from that kind of act but I can help to lessen the immorality of Cheating by not doing it. If we cheat, We are not fooling the people around us but we fool only ourselves. God knows everything even if no one saw you. Don’t use your life just to take advantage to someone else. Help others and change yourself. =))
Now a days, our country is experiencing problems which are being worldwide crises.
Being a student, I can be of help in being a part of the solution to the problem. I will be honest to myself and be an example to others by studying hard so that when examination comes I can pass and get good grades by my own and never by cheating. A simple way of cheating may lead to bigger and more serious way which may lead to corruption someday.
I will try my best to spend wisely every peso given by my parents supporting my studies. I will not spend for unnecessary things wherein I will never crave for vanity someday.
Simplicity in everyday activities is a must so that I can save for my future needs. As the saying goes, buy only the necessary things important in your daily activities.
Every year in college, I will try my best to spend wisely in every undertaking be it in school or at home.
At the end, if ever I become a professional, I will try to help first my countrymen in serving them first ,so that our own country will be enjoying a comfortable and healthful way of living particularly in the community and the nation as well.
I’m only sixteen years old and I know in myself that I can be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.
Since childhood, most parents always tell their children that they should try their best to finish their studies in order to have a good future. I really believe that. I’m sure all of us have dreams in life. My dream is to become a registered nurse someday. I’m sure, once you heard a person saying that she or he wants to become a nurse, the first thing that would come in your mind is that this person will work abroad. To tell you the truth, I’m not one of them. Definitely, I will be committed to serve my country. That is why I’m trying my best to do all what I can do to finish my studies. Because I still have my dream that once I became a registered nurse, I will serve as an inspiration to the student nurses during those times. I want to become an example and I want to mold their mind while they are still students that it is not appropriate to work abroad and leave your country after you became somebody. Because working abroad is the same as betraying your own country. I’m gonna show them that helping their countrymen is the most fulfilling thing that they can achieve. I will help them realize that being a nurse who serve their country is a wonderful thing to do than working abroad to earn a hundred and thousand dollars.
So as long as we have the ability to serve our country, don’t waste time and grab the opportunity.
Cheating, as we all notice nowadays, have been part of the daily lives of the students specially in high school and college. It is the activity that invaded the minds of the youth that made them to be lazy. They do not study their lessons and just copy their classmate’s answers instead. In that case, it is very unfair to those students who put their effort and time reviewing their subjects then they will just have the same grade without giving any of their effort.
As far as Prof. Solita Monsod has said we are all leaders. All we need is to let that leader be out of ourselves and not to be poisoned b y doing wrong things. We are all born to lead and solve the country’s problem and not to be a part of this problem.
As for students like us, we can help the country by merely stop cheating and learn and do things independently. We should not always relies on the answers of our classmate. Don’t let laziness destruct your future. We can do something for our country. Let start now, as in now because if not now, when?
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.” - Prof. Solita Monsod
In order to rises our economy we need to set a good example to the people.Leader for example we need to choose a great leader.There are three main things that make a good leader. The first is that a leader must practice what he preaches. The second is that he has to look after and protect those around him. The third is that he must be able to develop other good leaders. I will go into more detail about how to implement all three of these characteristics, so that you too can become a good leader.
A good leader is excellent at practicing what he preaches. I love the quote that states, "Your actions speak so loud that I can't hear what you are saying." The greatest leader of all time was Jesus Christ and he was the best at practicing what he preached. This goes back to the old proverb that says, "Live by the sword, die by the sword." This is the same with leadership and how much a leader abides by what he says. As a good leader, how can you expect people do what you say, when you don't even do what you say?
A good leader looks after those he wants to lead. He does this by always doing what he can to protect them from harm, criticism, or blame from other people. People want security, that's why they buy SUVs, put money in their 401k, and stay at the same dead end job for years. It's integrated into our nervous system that we want to feel secure. When you have a team of people that you are leading, it can be very powerful when they know that you are on their side, and that you will do whatever you can to make sure that you protect them from harm of other outside forces. A big part of being a good leader is knowing how to take the blame when things go wrong, and how to give away credit when things go well. A good leader knows that when things go bad or wrong, it's his responsibility to take the blame, even if it was not his fault. And when things go well, a good leader knows that it's his responsibility to make sure that he gives the credit to the deserving person who did the great work. Hence, making that person look very good. A good leader develops other good leaders. This can only be attained once a person has first become a good leader. How can you expect to develop other good leaders, if you are not one first? Most of this just boils down to taking the time to spend time with the leaders that you want to develop and cultivate. By being a good mentor, you can teach and coach them through their trials and tribulations as a young and developing leader. Sometimes just being there to help them get back up after they have fallen is all you have to do. One of the best ways that you can invest time, is by investing it in the relationships of others around you.
The making of a good leader is extremely broad, so I hope that I've narrowed it down into three simple strategies for you. If you practice what you preach, look after the others around you, and invest time to develop other good leaders, I believe that you will be well on your way to making yourself a good leader.
CAROLINE KIMBERLY V. SARMIENTO BSNI-A A great leader is someone who can inspire you to be a truly good person. In a good sense most of us depend the responsibilities on them, but try to evaluate, are they in the right place? To govern is just like to learned, the skills and knowledge processed that can be influenced attributes or traits, such as beliefs, values, ethics, and character.
The qualities that constitute leadership seem to be linked with a person's own sense of self worth. For example, a leader is willing to assess a situation and trust in their own ability to act. While the decision may lead to positive results or not, the leader is willing to take a chance because of his or her own confidence in their judgment.
Additionally, the leader develops trust in other people, and they trust him/her in return. A good leader knows how to recognize innate ability in the people around them. Further they encourage and nourish those abilities in others by allowing those under their authority to take on tasks that require them to exercise those gifts. The leader then demonstrates confidence that the subordinate will succeed in the tasks at hand and express satisfaction when they receive accolades for their accomplishments.
~ I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating by sophocles.
I know cheating is not a good way to pass the exam or to win something.we can say cheating is lying,if we do cheating, its just like we make fool of ourselves. as a student and as we face the near future. its better for us to practice not to cheat,because if we used to practice cheating ,we can bring this until we got a job and until we got use to it.
Me personally i know cheating is one of the cause why our country is still one of the poor country. so it is better to start not to cheat.lets just be true to our selves that whatever the fruit of our sacrifice its god's will.
Watching prof. monsod last lecture makes me realize those things.she yought not only to her student but to us one thing it is to be true to our self and be a role model to the next generation.
Cheating is a kind of activity that is usual for almost of the students here in the Philippines not only in UP. The students cheat to get good grades and to pass their subjects without thinking that they may loss their honor as a person when they cheat. Prof. Solita Monsod is bothered by this issue of cheating among the students because she knew that a simple cheating can lead to a something worse than what we expect.
As a student, the lecture “DEAL AND THREAT” helps me to realized that all of the students must study hard instead of cheating during exams because if you can cheat when you were still a student, you can do things worse than cheating like being corrupt in your work for the future.
Dr.Jose Rizal said that “youth is the hope of the nation” but how can you be a hope for own country if you are corrupt? If you Are cheating?. We should now start to change our lives into righteous way by simply abstaining with that cheating activity. Always think that you can get excellence even without cheating.
Prof. Solita Monsod said in her lecture that we are all leaders; we are the leaders of ourselves. Just be responsible enough in your life, lead yourself and always do the best that you can do, no wonder that sooner or later success will chase you.
Cheating is the main reason why our country, the Philippines, is facing poverty. This is because most of our leaders are really big cheaters. They are corrupt. They get money which not belongs to them. That's why Philippines is being eaten by poverty.
If this thing will not stop, what will happen next? Are you going to wait superheroes to come and save the country? This is a real world not fantasy. Wake up! You must be a part of the solution.
While we are students we must not cheat because we will not be the solution to the country's problem but the main problem of the country. Graduates must serve the country, do not prioritize working abroad because this is a betrayal to the country and to the Filipino people. Honor must comes first before excellence. It is because excellent leaders without honor and integrity become corrupt and problems of the country. We must start to be good leaders while we are students so that when we are there, we will be good leaders of our country because our generation lies in our hands.
We all know that our country, Philippines, is experiencing and having a big big problem. Until now, that problem has not yet solved. Because, we, the solution is not taking our part on that problem.
I know that a 17-year-old student like me could not, let's say can solve the problem, but will be a part of the solution. Since I am still a student, I can be a part of the solution in my own little way. To be a part of the solution, I should follow the rules and regulations here in our country. I should be a role model to my co-citizens. I should also respect others as they respect me. And most of all, I will pray to our Almighty God to guide and protect us from the people who are destroying and not taking part for the solution of the problems in this country.
We cannot do anything, but we can do something. What are we waiting for? Let's do that something! =)
"I am one but I am one.I cannot do everything, but i can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it."
Of all the relevant things that Prof. Winnie Monsod was trying to point out in her last lecture at the University of the Philippines-Diliman, these lines awakened the sleeping nationalism in my heart and mind. It is really true that if only all the people in our country will ascribe to this what Prof. Monsod calls mantra, then our country would be soon on its way to progress.But it seems that it is impossible for us to achieve this progress especially during these days when selfishness is the only thing which rules our own selves. We are educated in our country, planted with lots of knowledge that we surely can use in the future but why is it that we are not letting our country reap what it sows in us?
Being a part of the solution instead of the problem in our society is a very easy thing to do if and only if we're really willing to be a good citizen. As an ordinary person, I will first and foremost remove the word SELFISHNESS in my vocabulary. I will do my best to serve the country in the very best way that I can. I will let the country reap what it has planted on me.I will also not work abroad in the future so that all the things that I've learned will be used only in our country. I will also avoid cheating in small things because I know that doing this as a habit will turn this into cheating in big things. Even though that we're still students we can do small things that will make us part of the solution of our country's problem,we should stop cheating and stop being selfish.
Great things and big change comes in small things. All the small things that we have done and we are doing contributes a lot in our society so we must now stand up and do our part. Even though we're just one person, we can do great things which can help a lot in our country. We are all made unique and special in our own way so let's use this to be a part of our country's solution!!!
"Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned."—Harold Geneen
Being a leader is a great responsibilities that we need to handle. No one is born to be a leader unless we started to went in school to learn new knowledge that we need to know in order for us to be molded enough to be a great leader someday. Leardership is cannot be measured by how many millions do we have to be a leader. All we need to do is to study harder for our future.
We can considered ourselves to be a good leader even though we are just studying. A great leader must have good characteristics. They must value and gave importance to our nation and our people. They must be loyal in their responsibilities and duties.Altruism is one of the characteristics that they need to posses.
As of now our duties and responsibilities is to study hard to let our parents be proud of us. Studying is one of our top priorities now. I hope someday from the knowledge that we get from studying in school it can lead us to be a good leader someday. As for now, study first and reach our goals in life.
So I believe that,every foundation of the society started and began on school. Meaning to say that the problems can also be found and be the source of the cheating problem. With regards to the graft and corruption in our country which can be seen throughout the example of a simple student who cheat. A leader once became a student in school, they experienced to chat, A simple experienced that could produce a big step for the further cheating throughout their life. For I believe that one must have a self discipline to control themselves from cheating because " before you burn you must stop the fire. And I as a student,and a citizen of this country as well I want to be part of the solution regarding in this difficulties.So, I can help by simply implementing to my classmates this:"say NO to cheat". With that I'm going to be a role model to my constituents, I'm not going to cheat nor do some bad-tricks in examination.I rather choose to get a low grades than to attain a higher grades by just depending my answer with my seatmates. Because cheating may lead to a irresolution crisis that could possibly affects our life. And we all know that God is looking unto us, He will not be happy if seen that His child is preferring to cheat rather than to strive hard to make-up on the exam. I praise and love God,so starting from now on I will study hard to be able for me to get high grades without the help of my classmates.
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating”. I don't to be one of the known cheaters,the politicians they are the people who promotes graft and corruption and they the major problem of this society. Instead of showing us the moral value,look what they are teaching us. Is that a leader that we are hoping that will help us in the progression of this country? What an awful truth? I will not be like them, I will show to other the right thing to do. I will be the part of the solution and not the problem.
Winning by Cheating?.Can we call it winning if we cheated?.I thought it's not. I should say winning by cheating is losing.Why?Because in order to win we cheated, but unknowingly you loose. It is why our country doesn't improve and develop because our leaders who must be the role models show bad things.We all know that most of our leaders today were intelligent and were good enough to rule over this country.But what are they doing? They must be the one who must resolve occurring problems but it happened that they were the problem and not the solution. So, as a student what can we do to our future to avoid such problem of the society?
Since our problem today were CHEATERS, as a student, the very simple thing to resolve this is to have "discipline" and be "responsible" on ourselves. We all know that cheating is bad, so why are we going to do such thing. Discipline must exist. Just like on every exams, its our responsibility to review, so review! Review, in order to avoid cheating.Just a simple thing but can be a big thing in the future.Every small thing today can be a great thing tomorrow...
So let us live now in a world of honesty where CHEATING has no place.Let us be "CHEATERS BUSTERS". Do all good things in order to resolve the problem in our society. And let us be the GOOD LEADERS IN THE FUTURE!
As an ordinary student we can help our country in a way that can affect our country. We can Like in is school by just simply don’t cheat during exam you can help as a student. We are in school to study to learn new things, to improve our knowledge and to be more independent. As the old saying, “ Kabataan ang pag-aasa ng bayan “ . But how is that? If some of the students today are not serious about their studies. They don’t study they just depend on others.
Cheating is one of the big problems in our school. How can we help if in school we do things like that? Many students now days don’t have care even if they cheat, they were happy if they passed even if they cheated. They are happy for passing in a particular test but are we sure that they answer it alone and they don’t cheat. They don’t reviewfor the test and they don’t even listen to their teacher during the lecture but how come they passed and got a high score.
I can say that I will do things that are good for our country; I will not do things like cheating. I will be a good student as possible and I will study harder as much as I can.
Cheating is very popular in every students in all universities. We have many reasons why the students are cheating, and that reasons are, to pass the quizzes and to have a high grades in every subjects, but this video tells us that being a good student in every universities should be a good model and should not make cheat.
As a college student, we should make a solution to lessen the crisis of the Phillipines. We should be a good model and stop cheating, We should study hard to have a good grades in our subjects and to pursue our dreams with our all effory in studying. And support the campaigne which entitled " SAY NO TO CHEAT,SAY YES TO GOD ".
The aim of most people is to have excellence in everything. Most of us have it now. Did they do with honor to achieve that excellence?
Cheating is the biggest problem that most of the schools encountered. And now it becomes a part of our daily lives. Some of the students do it in their examinations just to passed. Maybe those students says that it is just a small and a usual thing to do, but they did not realize that if they are so often do cheating even in small things, they may get usual to it and it can leads them to cheat in big things that they will do. Like the leaders of this country, some of them are very qualified to have that position and some are not. But why those who are not qualified gets the position, did they cheat to be the leaders of this country? And now it is the problem of our country. Our leaders don't use they power in cheating people just to achieve what they want.
We can be a solution to this problem by just stopping your own self to cheat even in small things and in all things that we will do. It is our choice if we are going to be part of the solution or be part of the problem. We should do things in God's way to achieve honor and excellence.
“Honor and excellence. Honor first before excellence. It’s not excellence and honor, it ‘ s honor and excellence.” -Prof. Solita Monsod
In this destructive world we live in, many have lost their wealth, lives, and even their morality. Only a few have maintained the moral ethics, honor, and integrity of their selves and those persons are said to be the leaders of the society.
Many have endured and persevered in order to succeed and to grab the excellence what he/she had dreamt of. Though many have succeeded, some have not and some only succeeded because of ways despicable on others words. Cheating is what makes a person lose his honor and integrity. Those persons who cheat in order to succeed are persons who many think of as immoral, incompetent and unworthy. Honor first before excellence. It is what a person need in order for him to become excellent. Even in critical times we must think of our honor first because it is the element that will make us succeed. We may succeed without honor and integrity, but will it make us a true person? Of course not, excellence without integrity is meaningless. Without honor and integrity life would be meaningless.
We may be different in the way we act, speak, think and move, but we should all be united to the path which will lead us to success accompanied with honor and excellence. Honor and integrity is neither a gift nor an inheritance, it is the fruit of morality and our unending respect to ourselves.
"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much a part of the problem." -Prof. Monsod
Cheating is the worst thing that students practice nowadays. Not just students but even an ordinary people do that, commonly in the higher positions specially in the government. When we cheat, we are just exacerbating the problem rather than helping in the solution (like professor said). So as an educated person, we should stop cheating or any other ways that can give us bad reputation or stuff. If we do that, we are not helping our country. We are just making it worst.
When I was a kid, I am so excited to reach my dreams. I was raised with my parents always teaching me good things. None of those lessons was cheating. I got my eyes open to do things on my own. With my own effort to study and perseverance to finish what I've started.
I'm a student and all I can do for now to help my country is to do good things, extend my helping hands and not to cheat.
If ever you are being transacted to the things you are used to, are you gonna deal with it ? or you'll just blow it up without thinking of the moral aspect on you t6hat will be lost ? plus the rote quailing every time you can't resist it ?
Having prudence, cheating is somewhat a problem as well as a syndrome of most of the people today. it should not be imposed as a goodwill but rather a precocious problem ever since. Cursing people who do this kind of activity will not only alleviate our predicaments but also, just somehow, add up in our perseverance on craving up for a change. In despite of our impotent situation, we still aim for a better position esp. those who are stuck up in life's downstate level.
Honor and Excellence -- as being stated, only implies the need to seek first the honor just before excellence. in such manner, we could attain the uprightness in everything and hence gain the superior quality that each and everyone of us desires. In order to lead an entire empire state, one must be suitable and have enough knowledge. At this very point, people I'm talking about over-used their so-called knowledge. As a result?, egoism is kept and their concerns are set aside. They usually maintain their title but in the eyes of many people, they are just like plastics that will be degraded as soon as their time has come.
As one of the future leaders of this country, and as an intellectual elite of my very own self :p , I'll stick with this principle. Never let myself down and never take for granted those who are in need and in hope that their life will be much better than it is. CHANGE is the only permanent thing in the world so why bother to ignore it if it is always there. This only speaks one sure thing -- I'll take the chance to improve everything in accordance with WHAT I CAN DO. Just as what has been quoted ... " I am only one, but I am one, ... , what i can do, I ought to do, and by the grace of God I will do it ".. so I'll stand for it and will always remember that great things come from our very own selves and with the help of the Almighty, I will be able to do it.
“Don’t dare to cheat”, a very popular phrase that I used to hear whenever there are exams or even quizzes.
Big things were absolutely came from small things, which may also means that if we start doing something evil it will possibly turn into a vice. In relation to this thing I remember a story that was shared by a priest during his sermon to a mass when I was in high school. He said, there was a boy who was caught by his mother while getting money from her wallet without even telling his mother. This boy used to get money from his mother’s pouch, at first he just get few coins but as time goes by this mannerism of him turned into a habit. When he became a politician he was accused and proven guilty in corruption case. See here, there are lots of instances that small things can really developed into big things.
Yes, I’m proud to be a pure blooded Filipino but then I felt ouch when it comes to the type of government we have. I don’t know why but it just happened that most of our government officials were greedy and tightwad who were all thinking for the sake of themselves which is a huge factor why our country didn’t reach its progress.
Patriotism must run into our blood. It’s true that you can earn greener pasture from the country of whites but you must think first about the sake of your country where you were born and where your own beautiful culture lives in.
As for me, I’m hundred percent agree with Prof. Monsod that we can do something for our country. We can begin it right now by serving as a great model to others. Don’t let evil things ruin our lives, be one of the parts of the solution to save our country, to uplift our sinking economic status from the quicksand of poverty. Don’t dare to cheat and have conscience for other generation who will continue the legacy of our race in the near future.
“Since you are the next leaders, don’t cheat.”, said Prof. Monsod.
Yes, I admit that somehow I am a cheater and I am aware that indeed it is a violation. Prof. Monsod was right when she said that if you are going to cheat, you are no longer a part of the solution. For that reason, it made me realized that I am now a part of the problem but I believe that there is always a room for changes.
“To be a part of the solution, first, we should have discipline. We should be responsible for every action that we will do and we should be courageous enough to face the consequences.”, added Prof. Monsod. Second, being aware and being involved in our nation’s crisis is a must. We, especially scholars of the government must do something to alleviate the problem of our country. Third, follow on what President John F. Kennedy said, “Don’t think of what your country can do for you, think of what you can do to your country.” It’s very important to have selfless concern to others. If I will be given a chance to work abroad, I will refuse instead I will give my knowledge and skills to serve my own country because they really need my service the most. Similarly, I can’t stand seeing my fellow Filipinos suffering from poverty while I am earning a lot of money and comfortably living in abroad. And I was threatened by Prof. Monsod when she said that she will be hunting me on the special day of my life if I failed to serve the country. Lastly, owe a depth of gratitude to your country.
I, as an individual, I will change for the better before I let others be change.
Imagine yourself earning a lot of money and you’re making a lot of strangers happy. Then after that, try imagining yourself earning ¼ of the public teacher’s salary but you’re making your family happy. Between these two, which would you choose to be the goal that you certainly won’t regret after reaching it?
“I am only one but I am one.”, this line by Professor Monsod suits every Filipino’s eagerness to be a fruitful and faithful part of this country’s triumphant peak. It’s true that a country’s solidarity won’t be complete if a single person denies from being a part of it. Thus, if you want to have a progressive country, you should undoubtedly be a part of it. You should be a part of the country’s solution to problems not part of the problem.
“If you work abroad, you betray your country.” added Professor Monsod. This line might make you say a bunch of disagreements but it’s true. Though we consider that Filipino Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) as hope of the country, I could say that it’s much more genuine if we consider them as betrayers of the country. It doesn’t sound good, isn’t it? It’s not just because they’re not working in their own country land but it’s also because almost all of them don’t really care about their country. They just care about their own families.
This truth made me realize what a country needs. Our country needs our presence, patriotism, service and love. Therefore, as a student who wants to be a nurse, I’d rather earn pesos than dollars. I might not be as rich as Oprah but I’ll be as happy as a hungry little child receives a piece of bread. Working here in our homeland doesn’t just give the whole country financial aids but it also gives the Philippines a trademark of having faithful and proud citizens. So as a single Filipino citizen, you could give a big help to the whole country. Your great belief and perseverance for this country’s success could influence other Filipinos. Remember that every “million” comes from a single “one”. Thus, I could proudly say that I’d rather earn little as long as I’m happy and as long as I’m making others as happy as me.
Cheating used to be considered an unmentionable sin. However as time passed by cheating becomes common. Many people view cheating as mere occurrence and something that can often skip over. The reason why cheating become extensive is because many students suffer from parental pressure, the aim to be the best, to be at the top, results to dishonest behavior.
Since cheating is the main problem. We must not be the same people that cheat our society. We can notice that all people who ruled our country are intelligent and excellent but if they were so good, why are we are now? It is the reason that they have always looked at excellence, and not the honor and integrity. It should be honor first before excellence like motto of UP. But most people are always mistaken and make excellence always comes first and because of having their good brains they cheat and corrupt our country and results to problems.
Student like us can do a lot. We must not train ourselves to cheat in small things like in exam, test, project, and money. Forget parental pressure and go on with the flow of life. If we are not that good at least we’re honest and not be the best because of dishonesty/cheating. Cheating to small things may lead to cheat on big things in the future. So be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Existence of problems in our lives is really unavoidable. Problems serve as trials in our lives to make us stronger. There are problems in which people themselves are those who create them. This type of problem should be avoided so that improvement would be possible to come sooner and sooner. Sometimes, difficult problems occur but it doesn’t necessarily imply that they are unsolvable. Every problem has its own solution. Like in Mathematics, there are different approaches in solving them.
In the Philippines, many problems are at an alarming rate especially those which are about government. Officials are supposed to be the ones who must do their best steps to bring our country in the list of the most successful countries in the world but they are doing the opposite way. I, as a student, must do my part. I am also an official right now in a way that I don’t realize so it is implied that I am also supposed to help the Philippines to be progressive. I must not cheat not only during the times of examinations because if I do so, I am just proving that I will corrupt tomorrow or the day after. Many students like me cheat because they aspire for excellence. But what is excellence if you are not honored? Do you think God will appreciate what you’ve done? What I should put in my desires is not only excellence but more importantly, honor. I will always bear in mind that God is more interested in our obedience than in our success. I will study my lessons and perform honestly so when the time comes that I will be the one to serve a big mass of people in the Philippines, honor will be implemented and success will easily follow. I will apply all the things that I learned in my education as a contribution to Philippines’ improvement.
Every drop counts. That’s why I am determined that these simple acts of a student like me will contribute as a solution to our country’s problems. Every little thing becomes gigantic when joined. I really hope that everyone has his God-given talents that he will use to be a part of the solution.
Prof. Winnie Monsod’s lecture in the University of the Philippines has emphasized the university’s motto, honor and excellence. She referred the word leaders to her students and they have to stand for it. But, looking at their situation where cheating is very usual to the students bothers her a lot. She said that cheating in small thing can lead to cheating in large thing. That is why she is challenging them to live with honor and excellence and so to help the country. Be the solution instead of being the problem.
Look at our government officials. If you will ask a person to describe them, most people will answer that they are corrupt. I’m not saying all of them are corrupt but almost all of them do. It brings crisis to the country and to every Filipino. What will this country be in the future if today its system is already a failure?
Like Prof. Monsod, we should be all cautious of this fact. Students like me must bear in mind what solution can I give to this nation instead of giving more problems. Every one of us is capable to do anything as a help. Maybe we know it but we never tried. Today, we can, so that in the future we know that we had done something for the better by being a person of honor and excellence from the very start.
"Cheaters Never Win, Oh wait they do…… they’re Cheaters"
Students can acquire superior grades by cheating. But is it worth it? Teens nowadays are choosing the easy way out by cheating, disregarding the negative effect of it. Cheating occurs everyday, in every school. Cheating occurs even in the nicest schools, including private schools. This usually occurs when someone does not study for a test or just does not feel like thinking. Also, one might do it because he knows he can get away with it. There is a wide range of cheating that can go on in schools. It can be a simple as copying one word, to copying the whole test. Cheating, We've all done it at least once in our lives, in all types of situations. Its human nature to want to win, and some of us will go against the rules to do so. It can be harmless, but in many cases it is annoying, or even hurtful.
We have faced the problem of cheating. We know it is there. But now the question is: What shall we do about it? That is hard because there are so many dishonest people who do not care in this world. For now, all we can do is to tighten down on cheaters. And just don't let them cheat. If everyone would guard themselves against cheaters, they might give up. Of course that means we can't cheat off of others. We need to build back up our trust of people, because without trust our world will crumble.
"Life can be difficult. People are always looking for an influence, someone to look up to. You can set the example. You can help change the world by changing yourself. Change must come from within, so become an example."
BECOME A LEADER...... A leader who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
"True Leadership must be the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment of the leaders"
I'm a student who is willing to be a leader someday. A leader who is not numb enough of the voices of my country. A leader who is not perfect but trying to be the one. The one who will never ever attempt to cheat,even a single centavo. Like what Prof. Monsod said "Cheating in small things is cheating in large things".
Some of us is aware that our beloved country is suffering in greed surroundings of some leaders. As they control the power that they obtained from us, the people of the Philippines, they are abusing their positions for the sake of their own enrichments.
Don't be an innocent one, clear your eyes from the deceiving light of the greedy leaders. open your mind and be aware what's going on. Do your part to be a solution and not to be the another problem of our country.
Changes will start within me, you and all of us. GOD BLESS PHILIPPINES!
One of the infamous unresolved problems of the world is cheating.No wonder why it is present in almost all industries,institutions, government, and at of our great concern,in universities. Universities where the future leaders of the world were skillfully developed.That fact sure is very alarming.Despite of millions or billions of faculties(world wide) efforts against it ,cheating manage to come up with various defense mechanisms to overcome all obstacles in sight.
As a student,I fully comprehend why cheating still roams around and sometimes even reigns at the wall of classrooms,like an air borne disease out break ."it's better to cheat than to repeat" ,is a thought of which is a common excuse of students .We cheat as a result of our irresponsible characteristic that we posses.Carelessness of studying our lessons before hand tends us to use a very reliable handy seat mate.Now, why do a certain person would let others to copy his/her answer? Well,for me it's because of thinking that no one would help him whenever he/she in desperate need of an answer if he/she keep his/her answer to his/her self alone.It's more explicitly defined by this line:"give for you receive".Also, he/she may conclude that it's okay,since most of the people around do it.Yet according to what I've learned in our subject logic (humo3),even if one thing is believed or done by the majority it doesn't always mean that it's correct.
For whatever the cause don't despair, because there is still a hope of changing the world crisis.No matter how many times you've committed cheating in the past, it'snot enough reason to think that you can't be a pat of the ones that can make solutions for it.Remember,nothing in this world this constant except change.
To be a part of the solution ,or join the ones who worsen, were two options of which we can freely choose from.In my case I choose to be a part of the solution.Its much better to get rid of the unwanted weeds around your plant if you pull the weeds along with it's roots. the roots of cheating is not the complicatedness of the given task but the carelessness to do things we ought to.Thus, it starts to one's self.
With in me I've grown a large concern to cooperate in aiding the world's criss.I can help by means of starting to do simple things that maybe not much but would surely helps.It is by means of start building up confidence that I can be independent with m answers.Taking off the fear of failing.Keeping in mind that experience is what man calls to his mistakes;and experience is the greatest teacher any human being could have.Focusing on studies.Thinking that I am very blessed to have the opportunity o study unlike others.Stop wasting time on unworthy things.And of most importantly asking guidance from above. Praying for the success of my aim for a better world.
It's a fact that the world this at great crisis due to the different problems it holds upon it's hands.Superheros arejust fruits of the creative imagination of the mind.No oe had enough powers to savethe world with just one instant click.Yet,if we worked together we can make a diffrence.
It is definitely true that we are all leaders. It is up to us how we will be a leader. It is up to us how we will be a good citizen of our country and lead each and every single one of us to success. It is the choice and difference we can make in his country. We can all be a good leader and not be a disgust in this country.
Being a good leader is just not leading. We in ourselves have to be a good, honest, loyal, and brave citizen of this country. Just like what Mrs. Monsod said, creating little mistakes just like cheating can lead us to creating bigger mistakes in the future. Being comfortable in cheating can and will lead us to bigger cheatings in this country, to our fellow Filipinos and to ourselves.
It doesn’t mean that we have to be a politician or work for the government to be a good leader. We just have to be in the point that we can tell ourselves, “I’m a good person and a good citizen of this country.” Staying in our country counts. Having fear and faith in God is the real thing.
“It’s better to fail with honor than to win by cheating”
Academic cheating is a major problem on all levels and has negative results on everyone involved. The person cheating is learning nothing by taking the easy way out and the people being cheated off of from are being cheated themselves. Although academic cheating is a problem that reaches almost all schools in the nation and most classrooms, there are solutions that may be used that are reasonably effective.
There are several contributory causes of academic cheating. Lack of respect for oneself could lead to cheating. One contributory cause is laziness. A lazy student would rather cheat off of their neighbor than do the work themselves and study. Usually procrastination is involved in this situation. The students put off studying until it is too late.
You can help change the world by changing yourself. You can set the example. When you become a leader, you take on a great responsibility. You promise to change the world for the better. But before you become a leader, you must be honest and never lie.
“The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one's self. All sin is easy after that.” -Pearl Bailey
CHEATING! Many people know how to cheat most especially for students like me. It is the biggest rival of all the school and university here in the country. It is like a virus the slowly thinning out and penetrating the mind and conscience of a person. Come to think of these, if all the leading school and university here in the Philippines do cheating, what more about to other school and university?
Some of our politician here in our country accomplished their tertiary education in those leading school and university. Do you think some of those politicians don’t cheat in their position? For me, they cheat in their position because some of them used the money of the citizen of the Philippines and some are doing some anomaly or having a control in election. I believe that great big things start from small things so, since the day the person learn how to talk and to write is also the day they learn to CHEAT until they grow up and made their career on the flow.
Dr. Jose Rizal once said, “kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan.” These only mean that we as a youth of this country play an important role in doing right for our country. We are the treasure and hope of our beloved land. Maybe some of us youth dream to become a politician someday but what if they CHEAT in their life? We need to have a hard work in our study.
Don’t let the spirit of CHEATING control you. You have your own decision. Let you do the responsibility in your life and study. Just stay honest on what you are doing because honesty is still the best policy. Cheating is like lying so if you lie it like you fooling yourself but not just yourself, you also fool your family, friends and God. Stop cheating there will be no big award in cheating. It only means if you cheat you don’t trust yourself.
“CHEATING” one of the most famous word when it comes to schools, governments and even in the relationship of human kind. This kind of activity, for us students is only a little thing to do but we never realize what will come back to us after we made or make this kind of activity. It’s a small thing but in time and time that passed this word what we call cheating is being huge in some other ways. In some instances this thing can give us a beautiful life in a short period of time, but what is the feedback of our mighty GOD to us or what we call the karma, maybe this will be triple on what we do. So be wise in doing such crazy things. We students can be the solution of or country in different ways, we can start on being honest and not making silly things and specially not doing “cheating” in every ways we do. Its like when we cheat we also cheat in ourselves not only to ourselves but also in our country , simple as that. In doing this we must start first to ourselves and no one else. This comment my be like or dislike by other people but its my own opinion in interpreting the post video. I hope I can be part of making our country a better place to live someday.
“Don’t CHEAT if you CHEAT you will go to HELL” and “Don’t look at your classmates paper its all wrong” (Ma’am Manzanilla) hahahahaha.. ^^
"Do not ask what your country can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your country."
-John F. Kennedy
As of now, we are expecting something from our leaders. We want QUALITY SERVICE, HONESTY, TRANSPARENCY, EQUAL JUDGEMENT, FAIRNESS AMONG INDIVIDUALS, and most of all we want TO RISE FROM WHERE WE ARE NOW.
Honestly speaking, it is very normal for students to cheat. Some enjoy doing it, and some do it just to survive. Yet why do we get angry when the people governing this country cheats? Have you tried getting angry with yourself because you cheated? This only means one thing, we don't want people to cheat. We don't like cheating which is also one of our country's problem. So it is a need for us to change. And we better start it with ourselves. Let us be an inspiration to others, let us make them realize that we need to be a part of the solution to this country's problem. Let us not fool ourselves, let's open our eyes for life is not about being fair. It is about surpassing the unfair reality.
Another one is that we must also learn to give back, remember that it is in giving that we receive. Let us serve our country just like how it served us. It costs a million words to thank the people who build us as for what and who we are now. And truly, this nation deserves more than what we could give. Think of the Filipino people who needs our service the most instead of serving other races just for the sake of earning a lot of money outside the boundaries of this nation. Let us repay our country with good deeds, let us be part of the solution...
Life is full of complexities. We as the people of this country, is dealing with a great and poor quality of services at the sometime. Why do people are cheating their country and their own selves. Even kids do the same, in their own little ways. Have they ever thought that this maybe lead to corruption someday? how can we serve and how can we make the future better if we only think of ourselves.
People are so greed. Some students also cheat, and i admit that I've also gone through with that thing. But as i grow up, I'm learning of making my life on my own. It is normal, right? and we all know what will be the fruit of what we are doing, yet we still resume of cheating. Why don't we serve God, why don't we stop from cheating. When the fact is whatever we do, it's ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE US.
Fellas, let us create the world with no cheating. .Let's make our future better. Let's start it from ourselves. Let's live for the next generation and not for ourselves. IT'S NOT A MATTER OF REASONS, IT'S A MATTER OF CHOICES. love the world we have now.
Leadership, a word that shoulders all the virtues of life, being a leader is to serve, being a leader is to be a model, to be kind and to be an honest one in all his/her doings. The most important here is honesty. We right now are all leaders. Breaking those virtues of being a leader will leads to a great problems and crisis for our nation and even to the world, especially being dishonest.
As a student cheating is a temptation to stay off. It makes us be in a miserable place of darkness, starting from ourselves to our family, to our school, to our nation and even to the world. This problem will lead us to be down in the environment full of corruptions, crimes, and other bad cultures of mankind. Cheating will make us feel the conscience in our hearts, in cheating we are not only cheating ourselves but also our families, our teachers and mentors, our schools, our country, and the worst we are cheating the one who gave us everything.
So as a student, and a leader of my own, I am going to stay out of this epidemic cheating. Let us make our country a better one, our world a better place, and our future brighter one. I will be a part of the solutions in the problems and not a part of those who make the problems by being a good leader with Honor and Excellence, and let it be done by the help of our God and let us start to change now and start it from ourselves.
Romar B. Escudero BSME I-GG March 27, 2011 10:00am
Throughout my collegiate career, I have been blessed with the opportunity of being in the presence of exceptional and effective leaders. From these experiences, I have found that we are now facing a biggest problem in our nation and all we need is a good leader who can think and find the solution to solve this problem.
After I watch the video up there, I take a deep breath and close my eyes..and I realize that everyone of us should be a good leader . A leader that can do something to change our nation. A nation that is now suffering from a horrible hands of cheaters in this world.
Cheating in crisis times are not the solution to escape from danger and mitigate disadvantage. However, this attitude only helps to complicate the situation. The solution for a global problem will only work if all the nations take advantage on it, since the solution relies on the cooperation of all. The next step to keep the planet healthy is to learn how to play better as a team.
So as I continue my journey , I promised to myself that I’ll do my very best to be a part of the solution to save our nation from dangerous situation.
"I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything but I can do something." Prof. Monsod said.
As a student, I can do something for our country and that is being a good example to my fellow students. Because, I think that the biggest root of our country's problem was cheating which we can say that it's worst. As Prof. Monsod said that cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things. And that is what happening in some leaders of our country today.
To be a good example for others, I can promise that I'll do not cheat to be a part of country's solution to a problem. Because I know, if I cheated,someday I will not be a good leader to our country and that is worst to imagine.But through doing what is must(avoid cheating), I can influence and encourage my fellow students to do what is right which is a very helpful way in order for our country to have better leaders someday who will not be cheated nor corrupted in serving it.
Even though you're only a student, there are many little ways that you can do for your country. Ways that you can realize someday that these are very helpful and valuable for each one of us.
I can be a part of the solution and not a part of a problem in solving the nation’s crisis. Professor Monsod said in the video that every one of us is part of this nation and believe it or not each of us is a leader of this country. We are the one who control what is going to happen in our country not our president or somebody else because if all of us will cooperate to serve and will be a good man of this nation it will decrease the severity of the poverty.
“I cannot do everything but I can do something”, yeah that is absolutely true, because through the good deeds that I can do it will relief the nations disease. I can do good deeds by changing my attitude into better.
First, I will apply the Law of Discipline in everything I do like proper disposal of garbage and by following simple rules and regulations in school and in everywhere.
The next thing I can do is by studying harder. Education is important because if you are educated you can get a good job and if everyone is educated and have a good job no one will suffer from scarcity.
Last, I will avoid cheating in quizzes, examinations and in everything because small things can lead to bigger things that you cannot rid of.
The video is about the people who turned their backs in their own country. It's hard to accept but it's the truth. They just and study here and then it's over, they will go abroad. That's the fact that we must accept people nowadays forget about the country and they think about their own.
As a student I cannot promise that after I graduated I will stay here. The country is engulfed with corruption. When will it ends? Corruption is the reason why people leave, they want to have a better life, but that is the problem why do people leave after becoming educated?
I hope when the time comes, the government can make the people stay than to leave the country. Many lives needs patriotic services not just services but also economic improvement. Corruption must be thrown and trashed to be forgotten.
“To become a good leader, you must be a good follower. To become a good follower you must be a good citizen”.
A good citizen is a product of his/her own experience and that experience was came from his/her knowledge that he/she have learn in everyday life.
As for now, as a student like me that studying in a University (SLSU) the same as in UP, DLSU, ADMU and other prestigious schools here in the Philippines are always in the sight of many people in this country. The reason is they have a high expectation to us that we’re studying in a University is having a good and high quality of education that produce “Honor and Excellence” in our country. Having Honor! Producing a productive citizen and the result is Excellence- being the best and successful in our chosen field.
But how can you gain these two things? First you must have been a responsible person and as a student you must be honest like in playing games, you must be fair even you win or lose. Don’t cheat! Cheating is not allowed especially to those student that always taking an examination or quiz. Because cheating in the small things is lead to do cheating in the bi things. So, once you cheat you’ll never be a part of the solution and yet, you’ll be a part of the problem of our country.
From the people saying, “it’s better to cheat than to repeat”, I strongly disagree this and as a hardworking student it insults me. They acknowledge that it is good to cheat but we all know that cheating is bad doing. Try to imagine, if you always cheat the day will come that you haven’t gain any knowledge that you have acquired in school. So it is better to repeat than to cheat because the day will come that you have gain knowledge just not because you’ve cheat just because you’ve try your best until you succeed. That’s all.
Cheating refers to the overt or covert breaking of rules to gain advantage in a competitive situation. The rules infringed may be explicit, or they may be from an unwritten code of conduct based on morality, ethics or custom, making the identification of cheating a subjective process. Cheating in a small thing makes a big difference. Cheating may result to a big problem.
If a person learns how to cheat it can make a lot of changes. Examples can be seen in our country like what Prof. Monsod said there are a lot of our country officials came from UP, but if those persons didn’t cheat our country wouldn’t be corrupted. If those officials never cheated our country would have improve. If they became honest and never cheated our country wouldn’t be one of the most corrupt country in the world.
Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and denotes positive, virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating, or theft. Honesty is contrast with cheating. If honesty will be in each one of us we will all be a successful person. So “DON’T CHEAT AND BE HONEST IN EVERYTHING THAT WE ARE GOING TO DO”.
Success in avoiding Cheating! This video is very inspiring for a youth like me. Prof. Monsod tell us that we are leaders. Leaders that can have a big contribution to our nation. To be a part of the solution to the problems of our country, that is our greatest contribution in our society.
But how can we do that? We can be part of the solution by means of not cheating. A youth like us must be the first one to stop cheating. We can start this solution in our examinations. We must stop cheating during exam because it is a sin. If we cheat in our examination we also cheat God. If we cheat it seems like we don’t believe on our own capabilities and we are just depending our faith to the bad work of Satan. And a true fact about cheating is that CHEATERS NEVER WIN!
We can avoid cheating by means of studying during examination so that we will not depend on cheating. also all the knowledge that we gain from studying, will be our greatest armor in facing all the challenges and difficulties in life. If we can do this, I believe that we can solve the biggest problem of our country, the CORRUPTION. If this thing happen we will have a progressive and productive country
Everyone is a leader said Prof. Monsod. Leaders never cheat, because they always relay on their capabilities. Leaders are responsible and can always relay to help you on your study by that you may not cheat on your quizes and exams, because you study your lesson.
Cheating is not applicable for any action. It is a problem that can be solved by studying and always listen.If your really a college student no need to be lazy in study, because your not in highschool or elementary anymore you are know in college. So be leader who use their leadership and their passion, respect, honest, and industrious to have a great future.
Leaders and cheaters are more alike but they are different from each other by its purpose. Leader study and have respect, passion, honest, and industrious. Cheater don't study but they will try so many ways just to get or copy your answers or with kodigo.Dealing with the cheaters is simply by hide your papers that they won't see it.
So the biggest challenge is now, if the students know a days are cheating then let's just hope that in the government shouild not cheat but even in election they are cheating, they open the balot box then put many votes on them just to have power.
"CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER" so stop cheating have go with the old fashion way reading and studying and after you graduate, don't be like those who graduate and go abroad and don't help his country grow to be a beautiful and successful country.
Cheating (According to ENCARTA DICTIONARY)is to deceive, to mislead, to take advantage, to escape something, to harm and to break the rules. I agree with prof. Monsod that if you cheat on a little thing, what more on a big thing. Cheating starts with yourself, but the worst is, cheating on others, cheating on your own country and cheating the people who gave their support in you. Corruption, crime and poverty is ruining your country .Sad to say, the leaders who we trust to lift our mother country are the same people who push us to its downfall.
I’m wondering if those people can sleep well at night or their conscience is hunting them. Aren’t they thinking about their honor before excellence. Honor first before excellence. In my viewpoint, corrupt officials really are not excellent because they don’t have honor and integrity. Corruption is extremely immoral. And how can we face this huge problem that is seeking us for over a long long time? It should start with ourselves.
We are all leaders because we not only lead our own way but because we have the capabilities to have what it takes to lead. what we have to do is to break away from the chains of evilness within us. From the chain of being sluggish, from the chain of cheating, and from the chain of fear. We have to face life’s consequences. We are human beings and we are born to live and to lead. If we do the right thing altogether, we can make a solution to solve our problems, we cannot do it easily but we can do it if we open our eyes to the reality of the world.
For a very short time, Prof. Monsod had discussed to her students so much about one topic, which is cheating, but in a broader sense.
When you search the meaning of it in the internet, Cheating is defined as the breaking of rules to gain advantage in a competitive situation. And that is why I am very much to believe in what she stated, that "Cheating is very unusual in the University(University of the Philippines." But as she was stating this, I think, that she is not only referring to UP, but also in every school, university and in the very nature of one's ego.
"You do not have to cheat," she declared. I assent to this, because cheating is a violation to the accepted standards of what we call "Moral." And cheating is like stealing the knowledge of others and deceiving them by making a false impression. There's a saying that "the camera never lies," and in my own words, this means that God sees everything even the quickest glance.
Two of her statements made a contrast in me. "... cheating in the small thing is going to lead to cheating in the large thing" and "I cannot do everything, but I can do something... and with the grace of God I will do it." In our moral beings, we tend to cheat at some things whether it is more or less, still you cheated. Yes we are sinners, but this should not be the reason why we still tend to cheat. That is why we should do something and that is to not play a game not according to the rules.
Many Filipino’s betray Philippines in such a way of finding their jobs in other countries, after a long time of studying and earning knowledge in their own countries. And this is the problem that is needed to be resolve.
As a college student, I will pursue my dreams and goal in life by giving importance to my studies. And after I graduated, I will not take the risk to find a job to other countries, instead I will take the opportunity to recognize Phillipines as I look for how I can earn money. Because for me, it would be better that I will work for my country, at the same time I’m not too far from my family.
Prof. Monsod also stated that “CHEATING” is a very big problem of our country. But how can we avoid such this things, if our leaders is one of example on how to cheat? Some of our leaders today are corrupt, and that is what we called cheating. “Leadership is an action, not a position.” And so, we must be a leader in a honorable way, because of this, we can help many people.
Let us recognize our own, the solution must start from ouselves!
People cheat because they don't love the things that they do, or maybe because they're just selfish and unsatisfied for what they have now. And this is one of the biggest problem on our nation right now as what I understood on Prof. Monsod's lecture/video
Maybe lack of love to our country is one of the reason on why this "cheating" is happening on this country. Most of our countrymen wants to work abroad because maybe they want to escape the "3rd world" label. The other factor maybe is that most of the filipinos don't want to recognize the simple things that other filipinos had done to them. The other thing is that the selfishness by some of the officials is the "god mode cheat" for me on why our country is still on the "near" bottom of the ladder that trigger people to work outside of the country.
Let's jut all be friends to stop this "cheating". The solution to this problem for me is that all of us filipinos should love our country full and sincere, because you can't cheat the one you truly love, right?
Cheating is a problem that all schools face. Students however don't take this problem seriously, they disregard the fact that if they are caught they could be expelled.
As a student, we have obligations to ourselves and to our family. We have to study hard, earn high grades and graduate. Students nowadays tend to take it easy, instead of studying hard they resolve to cheating. It also happens that cheating is regarded to a level of friendship, that when somebody doesn't allow his/her friend to copy, they tend to disregard them as their friend.
In my highschool days I use the motto, "By any means necessary". I'm in college, I now see that my motto is useless, and cannot help me to be the student that i can be. As a student, we should have the confidence to study and accept failure. We should trust ourselves that we can pass, and challenge ourselves to exceed our families expectations.
Prof. Monsod said that, "I cannot do everything, but I can do something." We cannot do everything to help our country, but we can do something, that is to change ourselves. To change ourselves and be an example for others is a big start to our success and to our country. Even after we graduate, we can be an example to our society, to the people around us especially our families and friends. We cannot change the past, the mistakes of our former leaders are being payed for by those who don't know a thing about what they did. We cannot expect that today's administration can fix the country's problem in the blink of an eye, we can only hope that the solution to our problems be within today's administration's.
All of us are Leader's in our own way, we can solve the nation's problem together. Let's not be blind nor deaf to change, change won't kill us.
The video is all about the Universisity of the Philippines Diliman. And Prof. Solita Monsod is the main speaker of these video. The introduction first is to some joke to lauhing the students.
They tell about her self and the some issue about that university. they talk her experince in that university. The University of the Plippines Diliman motto is honnor the excellence. Until they graduate in that university the student they going to act with honor and integrity? Yes, everybody is proud to be part of that university.
Cheating is the big problem of the school in University of the Philippines Diliman.But lets come to think about it cheating prevails in that institution. Professor Solita Monsod has mentioned the some offcials came from that University.
But student is the main helper of these country if you help these you are cannot going to abroad just stay in your own country to be thse country poverty.
With lies you may get ahead in the world - but you can never go back.
It's true that Cheaters did not succeed.Cheating doesn't always happened in school but some happened in our daily life.Cheating is the common problem among us Filipinos. In the video we can see that Prof. Solita Monsod is discussing with the UP students about some problems of student today.Because we are now instant some students are instant weather in their life or in their study.They are studying their lesson even there would be an examination.You know why?because they want an instant answer without exerting effort.They'll just cheat to their classmate.It's unfair for the side of the student who study and review. All of us didn't know that there consequences which we may encounter when we graduated.
"Filipino Youth are the hope of the country" is the well known quote said by Dr. Jose Rizal. As of now I don't believe to that,why? because how can we be the hope of our country if we are a cheater.Think about it,if a leader whose a cheater will lead our country what will happened to our country? maybe our will not progress,corruption will be still on going. If you wouldn't like it to happen.Let start the change.The first step is in our hand STOP CHEATING!! if you really care for our country
"HONOR BEFORE EXCELLENCE" a quotation of Prof. Solita Monsoon that we should keep in to our mind and remember
“Cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things. And all these people that you have contempt for, because they are corrupt, because they are cheating, are people who may have been, in fact, part of this university…”
Prof. Winnie Monsod’s lecture might raise some eyebrows, especially from the Filipino community outside of the country. The speech wasn’t meant to be addressed to everyone. Second, it was intended to motivate these “Iskolars ng Bayan” to stay in the country and be part of the solution and not exacerbate the country’s brain drain.
Prof. Monsod stressed the importance of serving the country with “honor first before excellence.” She pointed out that one of the reasons why the country is where it is now is that people look solely at excellence, and not with honor and integrity. Furthermore, she tells her students to refrain from cheating because “cheating in the small things, leads to cheating in the large things.” She closed her speech on a comical manner, challenging her students to do things that would help the Philippines or else, face dire consequences.
Professor Monsod's lecture started with a deal by telling her students that they are future leaders. To be a good leader, one needs to have honor and excellence in doing what he or she is tasked to do. Honor and excellence that would result in one's confidence and integrity and will make us to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
Philippines needs future leaders who are not cheaters. As a student, we can achieve it not only in school but also in our homes. We should always be honest in everything we do because it gives us confidence and integrity, the qualities that will lead us to be honorable and excellent in any field of study or career we want to pursue.
In Professor Monsod's words:
"I am only one but I am one I cannot do everything but I can do something What I can do I ought to do And with the Grace of God, I will do it"
it clearly sends us a message that whatever status we have in life, one needs a strong will to be honest to be able to achieve what our country needs-LEADERS who have HONOR and EXCELLENCE in serving the country. In this way, we can solve one of the country's crisis-corruption!
It is good to know that we can build and rebuild this country with great people who are imbued with qualities that will place us to be one among tigers and developed countries of the world. I think it is not impossible if we are to ACT now...
Ben Joshua S. Lopez BA Communication 1A October 15, 2011 9:15PM
This got me thinking. Suddenly, I felt like giving up my dream of going abroad, after hearing what Winnie Monsod said. She really is right, that leaving the country is betraying it at the same time.
We should always think of how our country help and develop us. Maybe not obvious but the country really is the one who we should thank for next to God. For building the roads and other stuffs, you know, things that helps us in our daily lives. I know it's simple but come on people, in some little or not too little ways the country did a really good job taking care of us especially those who studied and still studying in state universities or in public schools.We owe our lives to our country.
But what could be the reason why others leave the country? You see people, we can now say that the country is at stake. Obviously we're losing the fight, we are at rank 56 in the poorest countries in the world. And it's because of severe corruption and CHEATING. Winnie Monsod got it right, that cheating leads to corruption and it starts on us. At school we are cheaters, even inside our own homes, same with the politicians, I am sure their one of the best cheaters in school, isn't it obvious? Look what they've done to our government. If we haven't been the lazy students we should have been one of the richest countries in the world.
One thing that Winnie Monsod wants us to carry, help the country don't CHEAT, because cheating is what makes our country what it is today.
In this video tells about the issue of University of the Philippines Diliman. We all know that the main speaker of this is Prof. Solita Monsod. She is graduated in UP diliman. The university has a motto that the “Honor and Execellence”. Honor is honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. And it is the esteem paid to worth and is associated with reverence, dignity, distinction, reputation, good name and a good sense of what is right, just, and true. The key part to honor is having respect for others and for yourself, the two must act together because with out both you have nothing. And the Excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. We all know that Cheating is start to small thing go to the big thing. In this situation it is the big problem in every Filipino. And it is doesn't always happened in school but some happened in our daily life. As far as I know cheater is not success in life and it is true. And if you want to pass do the best to pass and study hard. And if are cheat and cheat you will not to success. If you know you are success is not true because in God see you do is not good. Do not cheat, and be a good leader in our country. Not only in our country we also in our society and other way to do a good act. Let’s start to change. And the first step is to “STOP CHAETING”. And it is the first solution to everyone that should love our country. Criselle B. Rondilla BA Communication – 1B
"Whether you know it or not, or whether you realize it or not, you are leaders. I mean not just future leaders, you are leaders now." Prof. Monsod said.
Students go to school to learn something and to make their dreams come true. As students study, they are given tests to know what they've learned so far. During the examinations, most students try to cheat. But they all know that cheating is very bad. However, some students graduate because of cheating. Everybody may not know that. And as they choose their careers, follow their dreams, they can never hide to themselves that they stared from cheating. Where they are right now started from cheating. As Mrs. Monsod once said, "And cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things."
Mrs. Monsod's lecture talks about how cheating affects one's honor and excellence with integrity, especially to the students who are leaders by now. People may never know that the leaders today started from cheating before. Most of them are graduates of University of the Philippines, Diliman. But many people may not know that they cheated when they are still part of the university. They may have excellence. But how about honor? "The excellence is not the only important thing that matters." Prof. Monsod said.
As a student and as a leader, I will try my best to help the country's problem. I will not cheat so that I will not be part of the problem rather to be part of the solution. As the saying goes, "I am one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it."
"A thousand miles begins with a single step", we must be very familiar with this quotation, but remember, this works on both ways. You can take the road to success and you can also take the road to the world of regrets,it depends on the first step that you are going to make.
When we become a student her in the Philippines, our mind should already be open about the responsibilities that are put on our shoulders. We must use our knowledge for our country because we are not learned to betray our country but to help it, and in order to do this we must start with small things, Small things that we never realize is much important. As a student the first thing that we must avoid is cheating, now a days, majority of the students cheat in their small ways, no wonder, sooner or later they will cheat on greater ones, so as possible we must not cheat even in the smallest thing cause it may lead as to cheat on big things. Cheating is a bad hobby. We must not tolerate cheating cause if we do, it's like tolerating corruption. We are all aware on how people hates corruption but we, on our own way, tolerates cheating, isn't that the same? If we cheat we are already a problem for our nation and as a student that is not our nature, we must be a part of the solution. The quotation,"youth is the hope of the nation", it must be change to,"is youth really the hope of nation?", cause if so, why are we still here? suffering from corrupt peoples, peoples that ones in their life become youth, that ones become the hope of the nation, so what the problem? They are geared with knowledge and excellence but how come they betray their country? maybe the answer is already given, because they are only geared with excellence but not with honor and conscience. So as the new youth and as the new hope of this country, we must be geared with both.
For us to be able to go on the right path, we must have self control cause i count him braver who overcomes his desires that him who conquers his enemies. Remember, one of the most important, but one of the most difficult things for a powerful mind is, to be its own master.
A very meaningful, little serious discussion by Television personality and university professor, Winnie Monsod. It was an inspiring and entertaining message I have heard that not only UP Diliman Students or her class must hear but as much as possible every Filipino.
Prof. Monsod made a very good point about the said crisis. She’s trying to relay that “don’t be a part of the problem rather be part of the solution”. Which I believe every Filipino must understand and apply to their personal life. We must remember, home, school, politics, and in the government plays a key role before it gets out from a cocoon to a global stage. The main point here is about striving to reach the peak of their potential, leaving the country and going to abroad for some brighter future purposes. But try to understand this; our country desires to have future good leaders, programs and services that could help in the upbringing of the society. We Filipinos should be engage in such businesses that can surely help in the goodness of our country’s image. But what we do is we became part of the problem rather than the solution. Because we people take the advantage of appealing to dishonesty and cheating.
Yes, Cheating. The very foremost and unusual thing for students, but according to Prof. Monsod it is usual in the universities and that’s what bothers her. “We don’t have to cheat because cheating in the small things is going to cheating in the large things. Once you cheat you are no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be much part of the problem.” She quoted again. Well, as we all know and see, it is the one of the biggest problem that universities as well as our world facing in today’s society. But ironically, we still do it for our pride sake. We only think for ourselves, we never think of what may happen and this is what our country is engaging too.
“I am only one, but I’m one. I can’t do everything but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do and with the grace of God, I will do it”. We should be inspired by this kind of thoughts. We should aid our country and stay away from dishonesty because we have not only helped our country but we also have helped the world especially ourselves.
Professor Monsod urged us to place honor before excellence.
After I've watched the last class of Prof.Monsod in UP Diliman, I also asked myself, as a student how can I help to solve the problems of our country facing now. I agree with her when she said that "cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things", cheating is a sin because it's an act of stealing knowledge from your classmates and you are not also being honest with yourself. If you cheat it means you're being dependent to others knowledge. Cheating is like an epidemic destroying the integrity of schools and universities in our country.
Filipinos are working abroad because of large amount of salary, but as Prof. Monsod said, working abroad is betraying the people of the Philippines. Working in other country is not the solution to our country's problems like poverty.
Prof. Monsod also said that we are leaders. Leaders do not cheat, leaders do not betray his/her followers, leaders are discipline and responsible, he has a kind-heart and most of all he/she have faith to our God. As a college student, I want to prove that I'm a good leader and someday I will be one of the people who will help our country. As of now the only things I can do is to study hard, pursue my dreams and be a responsible student.
"We are leaders, we are leaders now because we are intellectual elite" -Prof. Solita Monsod-
This video is all about college students, especially to those who are studying in University of Philippines Diliman.
University of the Philippines Diliman is very highly university. Many dreams and wants to study there. Many of our government officials graduated there. Even I wanted to study there because I know the good quality of education in UP.
As I heard from Prof.Monsod she discussed the main problem of our country today"CHEATING".
According to google ...Cheating is when a person misleads, deceives, or acts dishonestly on purpose. For kids, cheating may happen at school, at home, or while playing a sport.
Even if you do such little things like asking to you're seatmate,what's the answer on one item it is called "CHEATING" asking to you're seatmate is prohibited while you're taking the test. It's just a small thing that leads you to large things.Prof. Monsod said "If you're going to cheat you are no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much part of the problem"
As college student, I have the responsibilty to study hard, get a high grades,graduate on time and get a good job. I always dream that someday I will get a good job that i can be proud of. But first before getting a job I should first study very well,passed the quizzes,tests and that's the hardest thing for college students. Many nowadays are so lazy to study and instead of studying "cheating" goes on.
Let's think of it all of us are intellectual in our own ways. We study because we want to learn, but how can we learn if we are depending to others.We are a teenager and Jose rizal said that we are "PAG-ASA NG BAYAN" but how can we become that if we are now cheating how can we establish our own country if we are the one's who are letting it fall.
And how can we help our country if many of us wants to work abroad. Isn't is good that we study here and the n we work here? how come that many filipinos wants to work abroad? because of the chance of being richer there than here?You study here but the other countries will be the once who will benefit it? Gosh.Someday were gonna replace the leaders now.But how can we become a better leader if we are now doing such things as "cheating" and so "SELFISH"!"WITH A GREAT POWER COMES WITH A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY" please think of that.
We hate the government because they are stealing,cheating but what do many of us do now? Is isn't it call cheating? CHEATING is another term for STEALING.They said there is always a room for a change.If not now?when?
It is not too late ! NO TO CHEATING !!!YES TO STUDYING ~!
"If you cheat? You are not a part of the solution anymore.." - Prof. Solita Monsod
In the last lecture of Prof. Solita Monsod, a professor of University of the Philippines, Diliman, she mentioned something that every students must heard and that is about cheating. Cheating refers to the breaking of rules to gain advantage in a competitive situation. She also talked about leaders and leader is the one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leaders and followers. But what if we comprises the meaning of cheating and leader, does it mean that the one who mobilizes others are the rule breakers. It’s damn to heard that but it is true, that our leaders are also the cheaters.
As I continue watching the video of Prof. Monsod last lecture, she also point out the UP’s motto, HONOR and EXCELLENCE and she emphasized, honor FIRST before excellence. How should we highlighted honor if we think first of excellence and to pursue excellence we will take advantage of our studies, we go cheating.
And as I go on watching, I conclude that Prof. Monsod just wanted to tell her students to live with honor and excellence and to pay back what they owe to the Philippines. It is a responsibilities and no matter what it takes a true patriot serves his own country.
MAWELLIN D. SALUDARES BA – Communication IB Copyright 2011
“Cheating in small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things” and “Once you cheat, you are no longer part of the solution anymore; you are going to be very much a part of the problem.” These are the two tag lines which caught my attention in Professor Monsod’s Lecture in her class. If you were able to cheat even in small things, therefore there is a great possibility that you can also cheat in big things. Haven’t you ask yourself about how faithful and loyal you are on the things you are doing in your daily lives? How are you as a daughter/son? As classmate? As sibling? As student? And as an individual? Do you live by the principle of honesty? Or you live in pretense? We always want to be the part of the solution and not the part of the problem but don’t we realize that even just by pretending that we can be a part of the solution though at the back of our minds we know that we, ourselves, are also cheaters is a big example of quackery and charlatanism?
As they say, “honesty is the best policy”. Policies are often made by the people who are in charge or in others words, they are the people we call LEADERS. And the sad part of that is there are some of them which may we also call CHEATERS. That is the big problem of our country today. Our leaders are the one who doesn’t live by the law and principles of life. They live in pretense that they can help our country to be a better nation but the truth is they only think for themselves. I always dreamt to be a politician and a lawyer since I was a child until I realized that the new meaning of today’s politics is “dirty!” I came up thinking that even as a student, I can be a part of the solution by being honest in every way. Finals is a day ahead and by being honest in all of my answers is one of the possible ways of being a solution in our problem. Another one is by living by the law and following even the simple rules in our university and wherever place I go. I cannot assure what will happen to the future so I will just focus on my studies and be honest for someday I can be a good leader and a big help to our country.
Be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem but if you know that you cannot be a part of the solution then just don’t be a part of the problem. Wisdom is a lot better than just a simple knowledge. Know the right choice and make the right decision. Keep this thought in mind, “QUITTERS never WIN but CHEATERS never SUCCEED!”
Ok I just want to say I cannot relate to what Prof. Monsod has said, she is talking to students of UP on how they should do the right thing and study hard, don't cheat and don't leave the philippines, but I'm not from UP so I can relate at only to the things she said that goes out to all the Filipinos out there. We all know studying is hard, who said it was easy? Maybe it is easy for some because they are gifted with an incredible mind, but not me. Yes I do the right thing, I study, hard to believe but I study, not as hard as everyone else but at least I study. When the lessons and test get hard I ask for "help" from my classmates and they give help willingly, I admit I cheat, I'm not proud but I am also not ashamed, too harsh? I'm just saying what I feel, what good is an essay if it is full of lies and brown-nosing? We all know cheating is bad and we should not do it, and if we don't cheat and we fail where does that take us? a jobless heap of a so called future? No. It takes a jobless heap of an HONORABLE future. Doesn't sound good but at least it's honorable, and honor will take you a long way, so what I'm trying to say is just do good in school, find help and give help, that's all there is to it, oh and I have no intentions of working abroad so I have nothing to say to that matter.
“I am only one, but I’m one. I can’t do everything but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do and with the grace of God, I will do it”.
A very inspiring and meaningful thought by Prof. Monsod. After i heard those thoughts it never leave my mind. I agree with all Prof. Monsod said, exept graduates going abroad. They can't blame us if we choose to ho abroad after graduation. As we all know there is a greater opportunity in abroad than here in the Philippines. We must grab the those opportunity if one comes. It's much Better if we graduated here we work here. But the problem is there is lesser opportunity.
Cheating is the main topic here. Cheating is not really a good habit. Why do people cheat? Even though their reason is enough to cheat it is not good to cheat. sample in quizes, we better get zero than to cheat. In politics and goverment today. Most of then cheat in order to attain their own interest,which results Philippines as a poor country.
I learned a lot in this selection. We don't really have to cheat. Because it doesn't result very well. A little cheat may lead to a large cheat. Once you cheat, sometimes you can't control it and it become a habit.
Being A leader. A good leader can manipulate his country very well. All of us can be a good leader, if we do our duty with all our heart and not by our own intention. Why do our country now is poor? It is all because of the persons who manipulates us. They used to cheat and steal in result the people in the Philippines are starving. If only those persons are not cheating, we are not here, we are in a high quality of life which each and everyone of us wished for. If only they are doing their duties, no more filipinos are working abroad just to eaned much money.
As a student, we have duties and responsibilities to do. Instead of cheating during exams and quizes we must study and listen to the lessons. There is no harm in trying to be good. Stop CHEATING and try to STUDY.
It's not to late everyone. We can still get what we want as long as our conscience is clean in doing such things. Just try not to cheat, be true and honest. Don't CHEAT. Study HARDER. Be TRUE and HONEST. Clean your CONSCIENCE and don't forget to ask help from GOD above in order to attain peaceful life!:)
Ferrer, Louise Princess Angela C. BA-COMMUNICATION IA
-how can you be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem?
CHEATING is act in a dishonest way. it is not good for the students, because students is part of schools or university and that schools made to have a purpose and that purpose is to study ! They responsibility is to study. We need to study to get a high grades, to pass not to fail, and to graduate not to cheat. Because if many students do that , it means no one can be honest.
According to Prof. Monsod the UP DILIMAN UNIVERSITY'S motto is "HONOR AND EXCELLENCE".
She said honor first before excellence. I do believe that... it is not always excellence to get honor ! but it is honor to get excellence..
I believe that motto, because for me you need to be honor.. or you need to be honor of yourself, to honor of what you is, and to honor of what you did !!! Before you get the EXCELLENCE.. The excellence get of what you did !!!
The honor and excellence. According to Prof. Monsod graduated in UP Diliman it is not all about competence... IF your good, your good! No one can barrier you.. At least you do something to be excellence, but if you fail its not their fault, its your fault because you didn't do something to pass , you didn't studying. So if you fail, the problem is YOU! Not him, her, or us.. Its you !
If your not cheat your part of the solution but if your cheat you are now part of the problem.
The college graduate go to abroad because in the Philippines no more jobs waiting, no vacant jobs for their. they go their not because they really want, but because the problem is the government... they did not making a jobs for the people in the Philippines!
You know what, why they go their? Because in the other country have many open jobs... They go their even if more sufferings they feel.
Its okay for them to sacrifice at least they have job, they have a lot money to give the necessity of their family.
I believe that we can do something... We can do it to become a solution of our country ! we can...
"Honor and excellence" are the words that was given emphasize by Prof.Solita Monsod in her last lecture. She said that the motto of UP Diliman is "honor first before excellence".As a leader you should be honorable. As an honorable leader you will be a big part of the solution and not a part of the problems of our country.
She said that the majority of the presidents of the Philippines,Chief Justices,Speakers of the House and even the Senate Presidents are from UP,but "why are we where we are now?"she ask with disappointment.It's true,why are we experiencing so many problems if they are good leaders. She said that there's a reason why we are experiencing many problems today and that reason is because of excellence. They looked at excellence and not at honor and integrity. Another is because of cheating. We should not cheat because "cheating in small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things", according to Prof. Monsod.
As a student we are established to be leaders. We are leaders now and not just future leaders. We are established to have honor and excellence and the next step to honor and excellence is to do what we have to do. To help the country and not to betray the country. Like what she said,"I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything but I can do something.What I can do,I ought to do".
‘If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it is because they take better care of it”as what a famous saying goes.Migrants must first see the change in their own homeland in order to launch their great comeback.
After watching the video ,I would not forget what Prof.Monsod told about working abroad in her last lecture.She Said"If you’re going to help this country, you’ve got to be in this country.” She even warned those who have ambitions of working abroad, especially the graduates of state universities: “They are essentially betraying the people of the Philippines who trusted them and invested their money for their education.” Who knows the future holds for us? Migration, as the door to vast opportunities, is not just a way toward financial liberty but intellectual enlightenment as well. Today’s mightiest nations are product of continuous exchange of knowledge and experience from innovative minds of people who were painfully shaped by various cultures and circumstances.The effects of migration are just too obvious to be ignored. It has done so much good for many families but has also inflicted irreparable damage to others. It’s transforming communities, in beneficial and harmful ways, too. It’s a lifesaver of the Philippine economy but it’s taking away my country’s best and brightest minds.For most Filipinos, they will gamble to leave, at whatever way or cost, as long as they see better opportunities outside. The point here goes beyond nationalism, for even the most patriotic Filipino will choose to leave given an empty stomach. In today’s globalized world, nationalism could no longer be bounded by physical borders. As long as I have not deserted my identity and have not compromised my values as a Filipino, I remain to be one – and I’m proud of it.
I may not always agree with some of her points but I always admire her sense of humor, eloquence, conviction, and nationalism.
Well definitely, it is very clear what Prof. Monsod is trying to impose and that is, in our own ways we must help our country to alleviate from poverty and the other problems it is facing. And how can we do that?
It’s already given that all of us are already leaders even though we are not enrolled in the University of the Philippines. We are leaders because we are humans, we all have the intellect and the awareness to know what is wrong and what is right. By using this intellect and awareness we can now help our country, but not everyone is doing their part and responsibility especially the leaders of our country. Actually they are the reason why are where we are now. They lead not to lead but they lead to make their selves richer and they don’t care is the rest of the Philippines is being sabotage by poverty as long as they can feed their selves and their family with food and money, that’s all that matters to them, in short they lead to give benefits to their selves. There are so many ways to help our country and I know that you are also aware of that. But of course, if we want to help our country we have to be in this country and that goes to all the OFWs working abroad and by that they are no longer part of the solution but rather part of the problem already because, by simply working abroad you are only working to help yourself and your family but not for our country and it’s the same thing most of our leaders are now doing. But at least in some way if you cannot really stop yourself from working abroad, please, just please pay back all the things the Philippines had invested on you for the Philippines needs you more than you could ever think.
I want to challenge you, challenge you to become part of the solution or even better- the solution itself. Even though we didn’t come from UP we must always keep in mind to bring Honor and Excellence to our country of course by helping it and remember, it’s always honor that comes first never excellence.
In my mind is an enchantingly rich, beautiful history of old beginnings and new challenges ushered in by the coming ages. Those were the times when loving one’s country was as effortless and human as breathing. When people would not hesitate to pick up the kris, the bolo, and the pen to fight for what they thought was just, and carves into their bosoms the hope that this forsaken patch of land could be returned once again to the rightful heirs.
As the years came, the Filipino began spreading his own dreams too thin, too far to the corners of the world. He forgot his humanity, the things that made him who he was. I’m still wondering if those things people once fought are still worth something. I am part of the society of today. I may not be perfect, or grand or anything that you might describe as ideal. But I’m still part of the society, no matter how young or even uncaring am I. I can still make a change that I want bringing the act of honor and integrity as a leader. We can all be a leader if we can hold honor and excellence without the act of cheating that brought us to poverty, unjustified crimes, savage, and relentless corruption.
Was everything that once happen just a distant, faded memory that will never be given any remembrance or importance? But, one thing I know is certain, and it’s the only thing I can clearly tell to you. Whenever you look up at our flag, the physical symbol of everything our fore fathers have been pouring their hearts on. Remember that the band of the red isn’t there to remind us that the blood has to be split is the same blood that gushes through our veins until this day. And the blue is not there for us not be steadfast of our condition, but for us to remember that up there, is that vat, cerulean sky. In the same sky that will be looking down at this nation, when the time comes when the people of this country will rise to the occasion as the rightful people of this society.
Cheating is one of the problem of our country are facing. cheating to your exam, to your girlfriend/boyfriend, to your friends and sometimes to your own country.Maybe if all the government people here is honest and don't like to cheat our country is not suffering now.
Honor first before excellence.All the Filipinos must always keep this in mind. It is very important to be honorable than being excellent. We should do all things with honor. Because honor is very important once you lose this is no simple way to give it back.Be honorable in all the things that you do.
I think Mrs. Monsod is right.We Filipino student should never leave our country after we graduated. In spite of all the great fortune awaits there serve your own country first.We all the student should take the deal Mrs. Monsod is giving us.We should be part of the solution and not the problem.Never leave your country be proud to be a part of the solution.
We finished college, after graduation we are know looking for a job.Others where luckily work in abroad while the other are choose to stay here. But almost three-fourth who stayed here are underemployment. So I can't say anything for those Filipinos, who work abroad.No one knows maybe it's the place where they can find their success in life.
I agree to Mrs. Monsod that we are the leaders.We are not in the position but we have the intellectual elite which leaders must have.To build the good leadership in the country.A good leader does not cheat, because we don't need to cheat.As a leader we are not always asked and waiting for the other answer or papers, a good leader have his own answers and paper to analyze.The leader is working for his country not on the other country.We need to help our country.As i watched the video i can say that now we are leading by cheating.That's why Mrs.Monsod said" PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT"
"The Philippines needs you more than you would ever think.If you are going to help this country, you’ve got to be in the country".It is not enough that you are increasing the number of dollars.It's about how you can help your country in your own way at the same time you are in your country.
"You are in a position to be part of the solution of this country's problem, not part of the problem." Prof. Monsod said.
Cheating is the problem that many Universities facing right now,even our own Government.And for me as a student,i'am one of the people who are responsible in this case,even i'm just a student,i can help by starting it at myself,i must not be part of those who are cheaters,i may not be included in that said problem.God is always there to us,to help us,to guide us and to give strength to us in facing all of our problems,we must trust God always and ask for his guidance.Small things may be bigger if we can't prevent it.We are very blessed to have an opportunity to go to school learned important things that we may apply when we start looking for a job,in that reason all we need to do is just study hard,so we may get a high grades,and our parents be proud of us.Cheating is not the solution in some kind of problem,it is only a choice,and for me it is not to be chosen.For all those students including me,"Let's start a new beginning".We cannot do everything,but we can do something better,and we may prove to all those people that we are the answers in that problem,let's start fixing it!. And let us be proud of our own country,by working only here,and applying all that we have learned.Going to abroad is not the only answer on our poverty that we are encountering right now,the only thing that we must do is just be diligent,well discipline,and be able to do what is right and the most important thing is let God be our way in our chosen path.God Bless us all!!!:)
Cheating is happening in every universities. Students and even the teachers and professionals are defrauder, for what? for their own sake? for them to win? Why? Because someone paid them? Give them a lot of money or to make someone proud? Imagine, if every one of us will cheat, what will happen to us? to our country? Yes! life is a game but in this case we should play fairly because this is for ourself and future of every children. Look what we are now, people are suffering, no job, no house, no education, no future! Mrs. Monsod had her last lecture in University of the Philippines in Diliman. That was short but very meaningful. I still remember a line from her lecture, "If you cheat? You are not a part of solution anymore". I think she wants to point out that we should not cheat and do what is right. Let me give you one example, We all know that politics are very dirty, politicians are cheating for them to be able to win. A lot of promises can be heard, but when they already win, is there a promise that come true? Some are, but mostly not! When they already in position, they are going to do their jobs, which is to corrupt, that's why there is no funds for every projects. Mrs. Monsod also said that majority of the presidents and senators are came from UP which is known for excellence. If they are really excellent, why we are like this? Well! we are the young generation. Why don't we try to do better and play fairly? Anyway this is for our future. We should not cheat so that we can be a part of the solution.
Admit it, students nowadays intend to go abroad after they graduated from college. Almost all of them dreamed of earning greener postures. It's a fact that none of us can deny. It is the sad and alarming reality of our time.
University of the Philippines, Diliman is indeed the home of the intellectual elites of our countries. The local government spent millions or even trillions of pesos to support them. They're the chosen ones or as we often call them, the "ISKOLAR NG BAYAN". Graduates of this prestigious university are the one who likely to be seen with a decent job. Many of them are politicians and some of them even became the president of our country. But according to SOLITA MONSOD, what are they now? Or should I put it this way,where are there after graduating from UP? I can say that it is just ironic that the graduates of University of the Philippines are not even working here in the Philippines. The country that helped them finish there studies and put them where they are now. If they're just going outside the country, then I can say that our government had made a wrong decision in supporting them. I can relate to what Mrs. Monsod is saying. Being a student of a state university myself, I know that i should pay my gratitude to this country for giving me opportunity to study. Because University of the Philippines is not that different from my own school, the Southern Luzon State University. They're both funded by our government. The only difference is that we're not addressed as the intellectual elites of our country. But that is not the point, the point is that we have the same responsibilities. We have to help our country in every possible way. Because who else will help our country rather than ourselves? Contribute first in the economic betterment of our country before we set off to other places doing so many things for their own good. And of course, love our country first before we begin to love other places.
Bear in mind that dreaming for better life is not bad. It is part of the process, part of the cycle. But it does not mean that we will forget our own country. Our country needs us more than we know. Helping our country is like helping ourselves. I know and I'm sure that someday, the Philippines and it's nation will come to it's light.
"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much a part of the problem." -Mrs. Monsod said
Poverty is one of the biggest problems that we Filipinos are experiencing right now. Why is that so? One factor is cheating or corrupting as what our government officials are doing. She also said that many government officials comes from UP and not all of them are as good as what the community expected from them. It happens because this people always look at excellence and not in honor and integrity. She said that if we cheat in little things it can lead to large things. Mrs. Monsod pointed about cheating because she don’t want that we student or we citizens of this country contribute to that problem. If we don’t cheat we can be as good as other countries.
And Mrs. Monsod also pointed out that leaving this country is not as good as what we think. We can only help this country if we are here. Even though it is not usual we must accept the facts that still the Filipino people is one reason why we can obtained the kind of education we have right now. Just an example we are now in public school , SLSU we pay less tuition fees not like what student in La Salle spends for their tuition fees. And in this way also we let our country down. The Philippines needs you more than we can ever think. No one can help us in solving our country except we the people who lives in here.
“Attitude plus ambition is equals to achievement”. Analyzing deeply, leadership must be start to our selves. Cheating is an evil act that we must to avoid. We need to develop the confidence and trust to have a successful and better future. I believed what Prof. Monsod said that we are a leaders come to think of it, prove that we belong to the model youth leaders.
Cheaters are not a good example. Our university is God loving so stop cheating. Our almighty God gave us a knowledge and wisdom to study a hard. We need perseverance to achieve our goals. Some Christian groups said that “YES TO GOD, NO TO CHEAT. Try to realize how bad we are, everytime we cheat. During examinations we observed different kinds of cheating that according to them it is useful to pass the exam. God can see us , it’s not easy to fight our conscience.
Education is a key to success. We are the solution, our beloved country needs us. As a college student , our profession is very important. If we cheat today, tomorrow is another day to review and give worth to our lessons. U.P is one of the most popular university in our country known for their motto “HONOR AND EXCELLENCE” here in SLSU we are oriented enough to avoid cheating. If the other University are developing good leaders and say no to cheaters, why don’t we?
Human beings are undeniably sinners. Sins are acted either intentionally or accidentally but one thing for sure, it is for a reason(big or simple). People act evil although they know that at the end awaits “regret”. Yes punishment is there, but honestly speaking, we often focus on our needs, likes and benefits offered by it instead of the effect as well as the consequences. One common sin that truly affects one’s life and the entire world is the so-called “cheating”.
Cheating is the major topic of the video shared by Prof.Monsod. Anybody who’s given a chance to watch and to listen this clip will end up learned and knowledgable about this simple word “cheating” buta big contributor in the increasing troubles and difficulties of our society. A newly developing kid, a simple citizen and a governing leader do cheat and create an addition to this. Even me, a freshman college student is sometimes too weak to fight against tempts, influences and selfishness. If every individual in this modern world would have this kind of lifestyle, then, we could say “there is no time for the said change and there will be no chance of a new life”. Why? Because if our leaders’ basis are money and greed, what do you think might happen?
If everybody’s deep-seated desire to have and to secure is an economic prosperity then there will be no problem, and there will be no hindrance at all. As long as there are people struggling to overcome all these, then, there will be a cry for reform and there is a light of hope for us. It may be a mountainous task for it seems immovable, still, we can reach it if we make ourselves the start. We can change this world of so many gigantic societal villains through the wisest use of our minds reflective on our right decisions and actions.
"No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself."
Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience . This guide will help you through that process.You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Because, to be truly effective at leading others, we need to be effective at ‘leading’ ourselves and if we are unable to really know ourselves, we are only being deluded into thinking that we can lead ourselves.
Now a days, majority of students cheat, they think that cheating is a way of survival through hard times. They do not realizes the consequences of it, they think that it is the best way to get through to something. If we do think that cheating is a shortcut for our future life, then think again if we don't want to regret a thing. Cheating is like becoming irresponsible not only for your self but also being irresponsible citizen of this nation. They said that youth is the key of the country's future. If youth is really the key of our country then us student must take responsible for it, not in all big way but atleast in small way.We students can help our country by doing the real nature of the the student.
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for our actions.As a student we must know what is the right thing to do and what will be the best for our own selves.Doing the right thing is also being a good leader in our own way.I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating.
Take the right path that will lead you to success not in regrets.Doing the best that you can do to fulfill your dreams,do your best,prove to everyone and to your self that you deserve to be successful in every way.As a student be a leader and make the country proud.
"YOU ARE LEADERS NOW!",Prof. Monsod once told in her class in the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Well, as she told that simple yet striking phrase, she intended to plant the wonders and the challenges of HONOR AND EXCELLENCE which sooner or later will lead to COMPETENCE AND INTEGRITY.
HONOR AND EXCELLENCE. Two of the biggest words existing in this earthly world. Sounds easy, but in fact its hard. Admit it or not, students do have their wrong concepts on having good grades and passed marks on their class cards. Many of them do think that oftentimes, cheating is better than repeating. This wrong perspective is the result of the tardiness of the dominant percent of college students nowadays. They never thought that as they aim to have this so called EXCELLENCE in the wrong way, they are also stealing the privileges of having clean conscience. That they are throwing dirt on their HONOR. They think that CHEATING is the only and easiest way of having good marks on their grades and we cant blame them for that. Cheating is way more easier than studying, but i never told that not because the acts are easy it doesn't mean that it is right. God gave us these intellect to prove the worth of what we have
As a conviction to this, i am now believing that HONOR AND EXCELLENCE can be achieved by aiming, studying and doing the good and right things than thinking that they have those with the easy way. There is nothing easy in this world, and we have to exert too much efforts in reaching your goals.
Now, lets face the reality that the country is now facing. The Philippines is rich in resources yet poor in good governance. This resulted in misconception and what we have discussed earlier. I am wondering why this country remain poor despite of the beauty that it contain. Maybe we are lacking Best People that will develop the country to its fullest. And again, it is a result of low economy that they have to work overseas just to earn good money. Before looking on other concepts, why not focus on dissolving the high rate of corruption. Since it contributes a lot to the problems of the world. And after resolving this rotten problem, i think, economy will risen, poverty will be vanished, unemployment will dissolve and the country will be uplifted.
let's just be leaders. not leaders of tomorrow but leaders of today. good leaders with HONOR AND EXCELLENCE. leaders with COMPETENCE AND INTEGRITY. Leaders who aim for best of the country and for their fellow people. and to start that, lets strike harder and mold a cleaner future.
"Believe in yourself", three words that I should say about the video. Prof. Monsod tell her students that they are leaders, not just for future but now. I do believe to what Prof. Monsod has said, but how can we be a good and effective leaders? You should believe to yourself first, because how can you lead effectively if you will going to to search and find the ideas of others, if you do not know how to apply what is on your mind. It's just like cheating. Why did you cheat? Simply because you do not believe to yourself, instead of believing yourself you believe to your classmates answers during examinations. Sometimes you cheat because you did not study. But lets try to to remember that we have our responsibility as students. We have our purpose why we entered in a school or university and that is to study. We need to study because this would be our foundation for us to be able to get a good work after schooling. So do think that if you have your work after college you cannot cheat anymore.
Success is the attainment and achievement of an object. There are two ways of achieving that success, in wrong and good way. we give our best and do all we canto achieve our goals. But sometimes we made it in wrong way like during examination, we want to get a high grade but then you've got a high grade through cheating. Can you say that it is a success? Maybe it is for your grades, but people will not honor your personality. Your personality to be honored will depend to your way of living and doing. Do honor yourself and others will honor you, because that is a big part of solving the image of Filipinos in other country.
Honor and Excellence can truly lead us to a better way. Prof. Monsod was right, cheating was not the only reason for us to pass our subjects, or the key to succeed. We ourselves are the only one who’s responsible for it. If one day you fail, be proud not because you know that, that’s only what you’ve got, but because you know how to overcome it. As long as you trust yourself, you can do it without falling into temptation of CHEATING.
Anyway, being a Filipino people whose living in our very own country, we should stay and believe that were the best among the rest. Some Filipino didn’t notice the hidden beauty of our country; they looked to other country, instead. Searching more and more country to look for the job that they don’t even try to be one of the workers of their own country. And as what I heard to Prof. Monsod, this is what we so called a betrayal. What kind of Filipino are we, if were doing such things?
HONOR our country, EXCEL as we study……and continue dreaming, in order to achieve our goals, our ambitions and our desires without the use of CHEATS.
Honor and Excellence can truly lead us to a better way. Prof. Monsod was right, cheating was not the only reason for us to pass our subjects, or the key to succeed. We ourselves are the only one who’s responsible for it. If one day you fail, be proud not because you know that, that’s only what you’ve got, but because you know how to overcome it. As long as you trust yourself, you can do it without falling into temptation of CHEATING. Anyway, being a Filipino people whose living in our very own country, we should stay and believe that were the best among the rest. Some Filipino didn’t notice the hidden beauty of our country; they looked to other country, instead. Searching more and more country to look for the job that they don’t even try to be one of the workers of their own country. And as what I heard to Prof. Monsod, this is what we so called a betrayal. What kind of Filipino are we, if were doing such things?
HONOR our country, EXCEL as we study……and continue dreaming, in order to achieve our goals, our ambitions and our desires without the use of CHEATS.
Cheating is one of the major problem that different Universities here in the Philippines are now experiencing, and we have to admit that its tempting to cheat because it makes difficult things seem easy. But did we notice that if we cheat we are not a part of the solution anymore. Its true cheating is not a solution on the problems that we are experiencing nowadays. If we cheat we are just adding another problem, not just to ourselves but also to our country , and this problem can be a threat to our improvement because if we still do this habit , I am very sure that you will regret.
Us, youth we can do many things in order for us to be a good leader and not leader who is corrupt, lier, promise breaker and most specially a cheater. As what Rizal said "kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan" and as a youth of this new generation, i will make a difference to minimize cheating. Yes, a difference in mt own little way. I will avoid cheating and when others see me doing this, they will feel guilty upon their wrong deeds. I will try to convince others to avoid cheating too, instead make some group studies to those subject they find hard. If this happens, they will end in a realization that it feels good to pass an examination doing it all by your self, and yes, its true that some of our graduates are applying or using their skills in abroad, but we cannot blame them. The opportunity that awaits them there is much better rather than here in the Philippines
This lesson by Prof.Monsod brings me to the realization that we have to be the role model of everybody not only here in the Philippines but all over the world.
As what everybody said, TIME FOR A CHANGE: AKO ANG SIMULA.
Cheating is one of the major problem that different Universities here in the Philippines are now experiencing, and we have to admit that its tempting to cheat because it makes difficult things seem easy. But did we notice that if we cheat we are not a part of the solution anymore. Its true cheating is not a solution on the problems that we are experiencing nowadays. If we cheat we are just adding another problem, not just to ourselves but also to our country , and this problem can be a threat to our improvement because if we still do this habit , I am very sure that you will regret.
Us, youth we can do many things in order for us to be a good leader and not leader who is corrupt, lier, promise breaker and most specially a cheater. As what Rizal said "kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan" and as a youth of this new generation, i will make a difference to minimize cheating. Yes, a difference in mt own little way. I will avoid cheating and when others see me doing this, they will feel guilty upon their wrong deeds. I will try to convince others to avoid cheating too, instead make some group studies to those subject they find hard. If this happens, they will end in a realization that it feels good to pass an examination doing it all by your self, and yes, its true that some of our graduates are applying or using their skills in abroad, but we cannot blame them. The opportunity that awaits them there is much better rather than here in the Philippines
This lesson by Prof.Monsod brings me to the realization that we have to be the role model of everybody not only here in the Philippines but all over the world.
As what everybody said, TIME FOR A CHANGE: AKO ANG SIMULA.
Life of people is like a river continues flowing without ending. In every flow there are many problems or trial that we need to facing and searching a solution. Even if its hard but we can handle it because it is a part of our life to make us strong and firm in all things. I, you, we, how can we help to give a solution to the problem of the world! What is it problem and how we start it? do you have an idea about it.
"honor first before excellence" Said prof. Monsod. Because honor is an abstract concept entailing a perceived guality of worthines and respectability that affect both social standing and the self evaluation of an individual while excellence is not the only important thing that matters. Without this, We will not be able to solve the problem we face now.
"you are in a position to be part of the solution of this country's problem, not part of the problem." Said prof. Monsod. As a youth of this country, i have a lot of things to do to be a solution for the country's problem. As far as i concerned, Prof. Monsod of university of the phil., Diliman cited that cheating nowadays is the epedimic problem faced by the country. For this kind of problem, i start to solve it first to myself to not cheat because if you cheat, your not a part of the solution anymore.
we all know that more of our government officials are come from the elite university, The UP, diliman but do you notice that there are also cheating inside our government that show us there are no perfect in this world and always do a sin under satan. but to solve this big problem and to have a peaceful, successful and wonderful life we must do something to despite we cannot do everything. Say no to cheat! Start it to yourself as a role model to everyone and in this way we will have a good leader for the changes of our country.
“It’s better to repeat than to CHEAT,” a saying that we must follow but most of the students prefer that “It’s better to cheat than to repeat” but on my own I can utter that I will just go over again on that subject than to pass in making use of any unethical doing.
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.” - Prof. Solita Monsod
Every problem is solved not only by one but a lot of people. These problems are for all of us it is not just what others problem. Although I’m just only one, I know that I can do anything even if it is a small and simple way of mine, like in having such quizzes or examinations I would prefer to fail with honor than to win by cheating.
Being at my young age and I know that I can be a part of the solution not a part of the problem. As Prof. Solita Monsod said we are all leaders. Each and every one of us must exposed the leader in ourselves and reject it by doing wrong. Being a student we must not cheat because we will not be a part of the solution of our country’s problem but the main problem of our country. Former students have to work and priorities our country because if you work abroad you will betray and let our country from losing.
“The Philippines needs you more than you would ever think and if it is not you, who else will do it? Deal and Threat,” Like Prof. Monsod, we should be all vigilant and done something for the brighter future by being a person of honor and excellence.
Youth, by all means, is every fruit of the society and its norms, boon and bane.
Apparently, there is no measure to integral morality especially in the honesty of any student, say, put to a test. In the coverage of Professor Solita Monsod's last lecture to her class in Macroeconmics in the University of the Philippines- Diliman, a consequential example of how the claimed "pag-asa ng bayan" can help alleviate our country's stature through hindering cheating is well presented.
"Whether you know it or not or whether you realize it or not, your are leaders. I mean not just future leaders; you are leaders now," Monsod stressed.
Without the connotation of being a Batang UP, I greatly feel for what she heeds. Now that I'm in college, I'm gradually envisioning the plausible effects of what I'm doing in the university and why I'm doing those things. After this, what is there for me? And to a great extent, what is there for my country with my expected addition to effective society?
In the time being, I still am being observed not just as a student but as a future professional and I'm already a leader by letting myself be educated. Needless to say, credibility and excellence are well, of course, the primary prerequisites of success disguised in human suits, and this is what I, as all others, ought to develop. The main reason is my pursuing college and my dream profession.
But those are just easily wanted, as it is not easy to play fair in achieving them. (Although, it is noted possible.) Some of our country's political elites, as a matter of fact, had done such crime to reach where they are now—through cheating, that is.
"If they are so good, why are we where we are now? Part of the reasons is because we've always looked at excellence and not at honor and integrity."
As I see it, employing in our country isn't enough given the rating of our own leaders, but being ruled by such products of fraud doesn't make us any worse. We can change history; we can partake to the solution... NOW.
Practice is all it takes. If "cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things," so is being truthful in small dozes can lead to being an example of integrity to the nation. And I, for one, am a living proof of living out the latter.
For me, knowing what is good and what is proper is key. Having done and learnt from such fraud in the past, it is without a doubt good in engaging to cheating being a student myself. Everybody is at least condemn of this if not guilty of. It benefits crammers and those plainly not studying. But it spells no good in the long run. College best taught me that.
"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore; you are going to be very much part of the problem."
The best, concrete and experiential example I can give of how to at least help alleviate any of our country's crises is to remember righteousness above all else. Getting a diploma is already a first to a few more steps in contributing to the solution, for it'd be such a great waste to plunder the nations funds while studying when I wouldn't finish it.
I also agree with what Prof. Monsod said about "If you're going to help this country, you've got to be in the country." Employing domestically is just to reciprocate what the country had contributed to my education through it's subsidy. By the time I'm earning from my education, it is also essential to pay taxes— promptly and objectively—to continue the cycle with the next generations' education.
Until I get there, minding how I'd pass a subject is my business. And for what its worth, getting a high grade with my own efforts and knowledge is better than depending on another's... bar none.
"I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do, and with the grace of God, I will do it."
“Cheating in smaller things lead you in cheating in larger things.” – Prof. Solita Monsod, University of the Philippines – Diliman
This statement moved me in a sense that I was one of those who adds problem and who don’t give solution to our country. Honestly speaking, I am a cheater. Yes! You just have read it. It feels so sad to know, without knowing it directly, that I am already a problem in our country. It feels so disappointing that I, as a college student, become a part of the problem that our country is facing nowadays.
We are the future leaders of our country. We are the future solution on the problem of our country. We don’t have to wait for time to come that we’ll be a part of the problem of our country. I don’t want to be like those students, who will do anything ruthless just to have a diploma. I don’t want to be like those future practioneers, without enough knowledge on what career would they pursue. The next step will depend on us. We should bring honor and excellence in our country. We should be globally competitive. Don’t let ourselves be fooled by just cheating in small ways just to be succesful in our own ways.
If we really have that love for our country, then let your love for your country grow. We can contribute simple things that could bring prosperity in our country. As a student, instead of copying the answers from your seatmate or classmate, why would not burn the midnight oil? Instead of plagiarizing the works of other people, why don’t we use our own mind to create our own work? These simple things would lead us into a greater path towards success. These would bring us into a greater path towards honor and excellence.
Honor and Integrity, is what should have. If every person is going to have discipline, whether he/she is in or out of the country. Then he will have all what it takes to be a living person. Im not afraid of anyone dying in this world., what im afraid of is that many of us is not living there life at all. If every one can apply this discipline in their mind and their body., we would not have to worry about cheating,corruption and other bad things that we swear that other hath done. We would be free from anything. What I realized lately is that., we are not free. Even thou they said we are free. We are still chambered and locked in the dark abyss of never ending lies and faults. We are being imprisoned by ourselves. Failure does not mean that you are weak., it only makes you stronger as you pass it by., let the voices of the damned be heard., Let us help those who are stifled bi the wrath of the demons that made threats to our country., let us all be our selves. The never ending road with many winding turns must be renovated and turned into what he need and not what they want for us. Only you can decide on how you will live your life, for this is your own., some people say we need to strike the iron while its hot., well I say lets srike the iron to make it hot, then keep striking until we are free from all the wrath and havoc of power and greed. Let us all remember that if we are in a destination to follow., it is not the finish line that made us happy., let us always remember the journey on how we get there. Go on live your life, for you are FREE!
Professor Monsod’s speech to the UP students was inevitably true not only to them but to each and everyone, even to the students of other universities here in the country. Like what she said, we are leaders for the reason that we are intellectual elite, we are empowered by the knowledge. I can say that I am a leader in my own way, that I can merely satisfy the people around me. Being a person, we have intellect and will, intellect for doing what is right and will for doing what is good. We should use these things to be able to solve the problems of the country, though we are students. Prof. Monsod wanted us to bear in our minds that we are a part of the solution to the Philippines’ problem and so we should earn honor and integrity first before excellence. She also stated that for every cheat that we made we are being added to the said problem, not actually stating the real problems of the state but generally speaking we already knew it. According to her a small cheat can lead to a bigger cheat, we should avoid this even though we know that it is very usual. ‘ I am only one but I am one, I can’t do everything but I can do something, what I can do I ought to do and with the grace of God I will do ‘- that’s what Prof. Monsod called Mantra, that if you motivates yourself in this saying we can help our country to progress and develop. We are not just people who will live life like riding on a jeepney, not knowing where to go, just sitting by while roaming our eyes in the surrounding. We should have a goal to set, work for it, achieve it and finally we can feel that pleasure of fulfillment. We should enhance our strength and fight our weaknesses. If all of us made it we can now include our nation to the developing country. Students finishing their courses like me should not wish to work abroad to earn dollars, as Prof. Monsod said that if we plan to work in other countries we are betraying our own land. We should be satisfied of what our country can offer us. We should work for our countrymen, for the state, paying them back for educating us and showing our gratitude for molding our personhood. As she ended her speech, she had a deal and threat that constantly stucked on my mind. Her deal for us, “Be good and honorable as we can be “, and her threat, “And if you can’t I’ll follow you wherever you are.” She is a great and an inspiring speaker, I hope to meet her sooner or later. The country needs us more that we need it so for our dear land, we should be the best as we can be.
Joeren PeƱaojas BA Communication IA
ma'am i am the one who requested you if i can still submit my work.
Have you ever wondered what marks our timing? If one life can really make an impact to the world or if the choices we make matter? Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to go back. In this case, just for a few minutes.
Cheating, it's very common in our country. Whether it's the act of the students, teachers, families or leaders of the nation. People in this world are now in a state wherein they have been blinded by power, neglecting integrity.
It's ironic that we teach the youth to do good, yet we know for a fact that we are also the reason of mischief in this nation. It's a shame that after we teach them good things, they'll still end up into something unworthy. Instead of living the good side, innocent people can be influenced by the unkindness of the society. It will lead into bigger problems than what it is now.
We all know that students cheat to pass. It's a remarkable thing for them because it can easily get them to something that will satisfy them. Though it's a very desperate thing to do, they still prefer this as an easy way out to spare there time reviewing. Students call it "TEAMWORK" in class. They unite with there classmates for they mistake cheating as a good thing.
"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore; you are going to be very much part of the problem." Prof. Monsod said. I don't want or will not be part of those who exacerbate more on the country's problem. I'm going to be part of the solution. It's the choice we make that matters.
From the time being, cheating can cause us good or bad outcomes but it's never the best solution. If we are knowledgeable enough, we wouldn't have to think twice of doing what's bad.
We need to take a few minutes to commence and think. If only we could undo the wrong doings that we've done and if only we have good leaders, our world would've been a Utopia.
We should be responsible enough to know our priorities to our country. We are the members of the nation and change is within us.
Cheating is inevitable, but it shouldn't go further from what it has done.
I am a student, not just a student; I am a member of this nation. I may not make a huge change, but I could do something. I'll start by dedicating my time and effort in studying hard. I know for a fact that it will lead me into something great. It's a good start for a common purpose, Honor and Excellence.
Writers' Block: Deal and Threat Writers' Block: Deal and Threat
"We are leaders, not just future leaders but already a leader now". I do really believe in this saying of professor Monsod. Classifying a leader is not just by looking and judging his or her physical appearance, but by also knowing his or her ability. Height, age and looks are not the basis to be able to be a good leaders to everyone. She also state that excellence is not just the important thing that matters. Honors and excellence honor first before excellence. Furthermore she said that, cheating in small things is going to lead to cheating in large things. Actually nowadays, we are aware that cheating is not such an unusual thing being done by the students. We as a student should not cheat, because as a well educated persons we know that it is not morally right. "Cheating", nowadays became a great issue especially to many universities. If we aim something and willing to attain it, we should strive hard and do something to have it in a positive way. We should reach it in a way that we can contribute to the progression of our country and our society. We do not need to cheat just to attain it, all we need to do is just believe in ourselves and in our own capability. Always think that God is always there for us, he is guiding and watching us in all our doings. The future of not just ourselves but also our country is in our hands, decisions and most of all, our actions. I also agreed on what Mrs. Monsod state that ,we are one, we cannot do anything, but we can do something. Even just a simple college student, Ido believe in myself that I can do something to contribute to our progression. By simply studying hard and finishing my course in a positive manner. I just need to trust myself and believe that, the country needs me more than what I think. On the otherhand, we are aware that many Filifinos are now working abroad to help their families living here in the Philippines. They thought that if they work out of the country they will be contributing a lot to our society. But what they all believe was all wrong. In that case, they are not helping our country bit instead they are betraying it. Now as a college student that is nearly to reach my goals in life, I will never left my beloved country. I will served here as long as I can. I will never let myself add to the increasing numbers of person leaving it. If we are really willing to serve and help our country, we should stay here. If not of us, Who else will make it ?
Danica F. Manalo BA Comm-IA
by danica manalo at 6:59 pm Oct.16,2011
(note: Ma'am I am the one who talks to you last Oct.19 at the hamlet hall, asking if you were able to received my project. I try to resend it again this time. I send my project last Oct.16. I think it wasn't saved in this page, but rather on the blogs page. I am hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you so much, ma'am. )
Where do you belong to the problem or to the solution? Try to ask yourself. Let’s find out. We are the leader of our self. But if we try to cheat or done than that such a thing do you consider that as a leader? I as a student know what is happening in our country. Philippines are corrupt country. I believed that everyone in this country is trying to figure out why is this happening, but the answer is in the government. If they are really not a cheater why are they doing wrong things? As of now we us a student, try not to cheat or let me say not to cheat. Honor is first not excellent. In every problem there has a solution. We should know how to place our self. Cheat to make it more miserable or to be honest to have a real achievement.
"If you cheat? Your not a part of the solution anymore..",said Prof.Monsod of University of The Philippines,Diliman.
ReplyDeleteCheating is a big problem that universities here in our country is facing.Most of us know that we can see in the University of the Philippines all of the finest students in the country.But come to think of it,if cheating prevails in that institution,what more to the other actively performing university next to UP?
The professor have mentioned that most or our country's officials came from that elite university.Imagine what kind of politics we have and we will have if from the very start(studying in college)they're doing anomaly.
With this,we can justify the professor's allegation that we can not solve the problem if we're part of it.
We are the next leaders of this land someday.in the present tine,we're experiencing poverty as a result of our today's corrupt leaders.Are we going to continue what they're doing now?We must start the change!
I start this advocacy now as a member of ACOS-CCC in our university.It is a Christian group of college students that advocates the control of multiplying cheaters in our university.I'm glad that I'm a part of that campaign entitled
I know that my participation to that movement will contribute a lot to stop students from cheating.I believe that God was there with me and He will help mus to make a change.
A simple act will contribute a lot!So the change will start in you!If you stop cheating,you decrease the number of Satan believers as well as you made God happy as many angels are singing now above:)
Mark Joseph A. Sore
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemam can u repost da instruction about how we are going to comment on your video........
thank you very much for your kindness......
Watch the video. Take the challenge. Write an essay about how can you be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem in solving the nation's /world's crisis.
ReplyDeletegood evening ma'am
ReplyDeletethank you're ma'am for a very good instruction .
.mam,my comment is already above there:)
ReplyDelete.isnt it an essay?
“Great things come from small beginnings.” Most of us may be familiar with this line. It emphasizes that every big successes begun with a single step. But not only GREAT things come from small beginnings, AWFUL things also spring from little basics. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
ReplyDeleteUniversity of the Philippines’ mantra, Honor and Excellence, is admirable. Prof. Solita Monsod highlighted that “honor first before excellence.” Thus, she proposed a deal or a threat whether students will help find the solutions or be a problem that would burden the country. Personally, I intend to be a part of the solution. I, along with the other students, can start this by living the way of honesty, as in NO CHEATING. Then, I will use my full potential to contribute to solving the problems of the society and not adding to its burden.
“I am only one but I am one.” Prof. Monsod explained that each one of us cannot do everything, but can do something. Let us help in doing something for our country. I really hope that each scholars will unite to assist in the progress of the Philippines.
-paula alpajora
"You are in a position to be part of the solution of this country's problem, not part of the problem." Prof. Monsod said.
ReplyDeleteWhat is that problem that many Universities are facing now? Cheating, yes! Many of our Universities are having this problem right now, even our own government. Are you a part of it? If not how can you help to stop it?
I as a future leader of our country, I can help in stopping cheating in our country. Even I'm just a student, I can help by starting it at myself. I must not be a part of this problem. I must trust to God and always ask for his guidance. Just like what Prof. Monsod said, we cannot do everything, but we can do someting. So, I must not CHEAT!
-Khayvin O. Leyesa
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.”
ReplyDelete- Prof. Solita Monsod
Certain problems ought to be solved not by one or two, but a lot of people. These problems are not just what others problems, but it is for all of us. It may seem bothersome for us but we ought to help in solving these certain problems not just for our country, but also for the world. We may not know it, but inside of us there is a solution waiting to be unleashed so these problems may be solved once and for all. In the end we just didn’t help our countrymen but also all the people living in this planet.
We lived in this world for how many years now, and we are still waiting for something to happen. What that may be? Who knows? Maybe you do? But, have you asked yourself that maybe “I am that solution”? We may not know it, but others may. We can’t see that we may be that solution because we are so focused on our personal goal not knowing that we also have to think of others. So start ticking that brain of yours and think those things you need to do for the country and its people.
I know that being part of the solution of our country’s problem is not an easy job for us being at this point in time. But let’s face it, we are born here to help others and not be a burden to them. One’s life is difficult, why add more to these difficulties. By this point in time, we may not be ready to face these challenges, but many other people have to face their own battle and they won it, so why can’t you? Haven’t you realized that you are one blessed man, because you are here, studying and living the life others wanted?
Life may not be as beautiful as it should be, because many people chose to be part of the problem and not to be part of the solution itself. I just think that they are just scared to fight this battle because they think that when they made a mistake, other people might think lowly of them.
So for those people to choose to be part of the solution, one should understand them and let them solve the country’s problem in their own special way. Even if they made wrong moves, someday they will make it right and it will lead to a very acceptable outcome and make our country even better that everyone will wish to stay for good and get a job in the country. We might not do it now, but at least we are now mentally prepared of what we have to do in the near future. Others might not think we can, but we still ought to believe in ourselves that WE CAN.
-jeriza s. ragit
Honor is defined as esteem paid to worth and is associated with reverence, dignity, distinction, reputation, good name and a good sense of what is right, just, and true. The key part to honor is having respect for others and for yourself, the two must act together because with out both you have nothing. and excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It is also an aimed for standard of performance.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that anybody can be a leader, now we are already a leader as mentioned by Prof. Monsod. Cheating is not unusual she added, but that is true because we must not do cheating because cheating leads to a bigger problem. You will not be a part of the solution if you done cheating, in fact you will be a part of the problem. can’t do everything. If we are going to help the country, we must be in our own country because how can we help the country if we are not there, because if you do that “you are betraying the people of the Philippines” she said.
Therefore, we as a student must be good and as honorable as we should be. We must not to look for our own good but to help our country on its problems. more money but we must earn more credit to the people of the Philippines by helping them on the problems that the country is facing, because it is nice to help than to be helped.
Mark Joseph O. Gamitin
“When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits,
ReplyDeleteI dreamed of changing the world…
…And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realized:
If I had only changed myself first,
then by example I would have changed my family.
From their inspiration and encouragement,
I would then have been able to better my country and,
who knows, I may have even changed the world...”
An excerpt from a poem of an unknown author that made me come up with the realization that if I want a change, it must start not with other people, nor with anyone else, but rather with me. There are plenty of reasons to be cautiously optimistic about the state of the world today, and maybe even about the future.
Global issues have risen dramatically all over the world and the rate at which big problems are emerging seems to be rising through time. As part of this evolving world, some people tend to focus on problems, mostly because we are interested in finding ways to address them and thereby improve the human condition. Not just because every existing individual has a responsibility for the welfare of this place we call home, but we, ourselves can do something about it. But still, there lies the question “Are we really seeking for the solution or are we just adding to the dilemmas of this world?” Please note that I am not talking about our ability to achieve perfect solutions, only responses that are good enough to keep problems from getting worse and that can be improved over time as we acquire even more experience.
Most people have this notion of blaming the president, the senators, the congressmen and other people in the political world for what is happening in our world today. While some remain prisoners of their superstitious beliefs bounded within the natural phenomena of this world, even blaming the moon’s pull of gravity for having earthquake and other natural disasters. How funny it is to think but we’ve been one of these kinds of people at some point of our lives. But as a realization, these wrong undertakings and narrow-mindedness are one of the culprits why and how we contribute to the predicaments of today.
Let’s take a look within ourselves – our actions, words and thoughts. The poem “Start with Yourself” tells us a story of how a man dreamed of changing the world and how he failed in the end. Lying on his death bed, he carried in his mind the thoughts of what he should’ve done but he never did, realizing that the change that he wanted should start within him. Stop blaming and accusing others for what is happening around us. One way of helping this place we call home lies within our bare hands. Our little ways like respecting nature through our proper actions, talking out the things that promotes the ethical perspectives in life and being a morally upright example to other people especially the youth and the children are means of not contributing to the dilemmas of this world. Living a life guided by the light of none other than our Almighty God and praying for the welfare and goodness not just for myself but also for the people around me is my way of doing my responsibility of improving human lives as an existing individual.
Selfish thoughts in critical times are not the solution to escape from danger and mitigate disadvantages. The solution for a global problem will only work if all the nations take advantage on it, since the solution relies on the cooperation of all. The next step to keep the planet healthy is to learn how to play better as a team. But of course, it would work better if you start with yourself. It may not be as crazy or impossible as you think if God is the guiding light on it. Let us all look forward to changing our self first for us to be able to change this world for better and not for worse.
Leadership is one of the rare and precious human capitals. Without leaders to guide and shape decisions society would become stagnant. Within the arena of leadership there are good leaders, bad leaders, and effective leaders. All three coexist simultaneously in a world of followers.
ReplyDeleteA good leader is one who possesses many qualities. First and most important a good leader is just. To be just is to possess the ability to recognize what’s fair, good, and honest. A good leader always sets a good example of integrity, morals, and will lead his followers in accordance with these qualities. In addition to being just a good leader must be a strong thinker.
A strong thinker is able to think outside of the box. Thinking outside of the box means to approach decision making in an unconventional manner. One way a good leader must do
Jozef Jezdimir V. Zubieto
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.”
ReplyDelete- Prof. Solita Monsod
I can't do everything for the country but i can do something for our country. Even in simple things that would help but not fully but at least i helped and if cheating in little things would grow in cheating in bigger things maybe helping in little ways would grow too.
It has the same situation with the homily i heard before it was like this there was a little boy about 10 yrs old who recognized that there are big problem happening in our world so he said "i wanna help the world" but the world is so big for him but he never stopped. But still he reached 20 and he haven't done anything for the world so he said" the world is really big i think i should help first the country then after that i would helped the world."
He reached 30 and nothing happened again.Then when another 10yrs was added to his age he then realized that if he just started helping his province maybe he had helped the world but its too late he's old now and always tired.
see we could helped our country. but theres a process..its like growing a plant it wont grow if you will not watter it. when you have done something don't stop its better to do more then it'll grow..
‘’I am only one but I am one, I cannot do everything , but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do and with the grace of god, I will do it..’’
ReplyDelete- Prof. Solita Monsod.
- ‘’ God has put all of us to the right place where we are right now for a REASON .We are there to BLESS, to INSPIRE, and to CREATE a positive influence . We are there because HE can use us to be HIS hand, feet and mouth to carry out HIS work’’.By simply being ourself we can do something to be a part of the solution, not one of the problem.
CHEATING is one of the worst thing that we can do in our lives. These can be done by small things to the huge one, still it’s a sin that we made. When you cheat in your exams or in any other activity in a very easy way, it’s just like doing a CRIME, that at the end of the day you just cheat not only for your selves but more on your beloved country. You just made the bad image that can affect your country and also everything that surrounds you.
We can be part of the solution !, If others can do, then why should be we can’t ? Being honest to our self and to our beloved country and being one of those people whose going to dedicate there lives for our nation., it could be a big help to raise our nation in the whole world. Before we start the changes in our country, we should start it to our self , so that it’s easy to share it to others.
-‘’STOP CHEATING and be ONE of the GOOD INFLUENCE in our country’’
- SERVE and LOVE our nation; DO NOT DESTROY IT.
Cheating is one form of stealing. It is one of the biggest problem here in our society. According to Prof. Solita Munsod “Cheating in the small things is cheating in the large things. Once you cheat you are now no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much a part of the problem”.
ReplyDeleteEach every one of us is unique to each other. We are far different in everything from one another. God created us with a purpose to fulfill in our own lives. We are here not to become one of the burdens that will ruin the creations of God but to become one of the creations that will help in the progress of our dear Land. In this society we must first learn to be independent and we must learn to avoid cheating at an early age of our lives. As a student I will start to apply it by myself. By this I will not going to be one of the problem. You are only wasting your time and it ruins your self-confidence. We are here for others, especially for our country not only for ourselves. We can become the country’s aspiration in our own little ways.
So you are on a road that leads nowhere and you are cheating only yourself. Either change your ways, or rearrange your life so you end up in a situation where you don't feel that cheating is the only way you can cope. “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it”, said by Prof. Solita Munsod.
-April Jade Fresco
What can we do to help our country, the Philippines, to progress? Is cheating a part of it? Of course not. Once we cheat, we became one of the problems in our country. What we need now is a solution.
ReplyDeleteI remember our national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal while watching the video. Dr. Rizal and Mrs. Monsod have something in common. They both believe that the youth, who strive hard to study, are the hope of our country and will serve our country someday. We can use this as a starting point, two remarkable people believe that we can do something, we just have to believe in ourselves and our ability to lead. The problems that our country is facing may not be like those simple mathematical problems that we used to solve in our classes where there are formulas we can use to get the answers, but still, we can do something to help and we can do something for our future. There is nothing wrong if we try not to cheat today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow until we get used to it. We can dream of being successful to help our parents, but it is much right if we include the Philippines in our success.
I am one of the leaders in this country and I will do something to be a part of the solutions and not part of the problems that our country is facing. We don't need to be very intelligent to help our country, everyone of us can contribute something through our own little ways. We must act what we think because nothing will happen if we kept our thoughts hidden.
Michelle Mae M. Toledo
All of us want to be successful someday on our chosen field, also to help our beloved parents as a change for their sacrifices for us. We have a lot of fresh graduates here in our country. Some have their permanent job and happy on their life and some are still searching for it.
ReplyDeleteStudents now do anything to pass some particular subjects. We're studying hard, memorizing a lot of terminology, and sometimes cheating. I, in myself admit that I am cheating. But that doesn't mean I have nothing learned in this society. I know all of us felt so happy every time that our examination ends. It is because we will not be look haggard again. We also felt proud on our self , and it is better if we know that we passed it through the help of our self and God.
In conclusion, we can be successful if we have self-confidence and perseverance on any odds that come to us. Always strive hard and pray!!! :)
John Henry L. Pagcaliwangan
Dr. Jose Rizal once said: "the youth is the hope of the nation"
ReplyDeleteevery time i hear this saying from older people, questions came rushing into my mind. if the youth is the hope of the nation, how come the nation is still in its previous status and more worst? each and every one of us undergoes in the stage of being youth,our president once became youth, same as the other government leaders, our parents and the other people of their age. yet no positive changes are seen in our country.
youth is said to be the catalysts of change, this is true,only if the youth shows sympathy to our motherland. we are today's leader according to prof. Munsod. but some of us will be a much greater leader of the country, taking the seats of the previous government officials.
but we will not be able to fight the negative issues that our country is currently facing if we ourselves cannot fight the negative things we have in ourselves.
for us to be good leaders someday, lets first deal with the things that we have to change in ourselves. every big thing starts first with a little one. we have to imply fresh ideas with an idealistic point of view for a better tomorrow, be analytical and intellectual keen,to prevent us from submitting blindly to any course set before us. Every youth worth the spark has certain originality and self consciousness and would not normally toe the line or become the follower of others. we set our own course of life and follows it with all the devotion and dedication.
we are not born to live in this country to experience this negative issues, we are born here to change everything.
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.”
ReplyDelete- Prof. Solita Monsod
There are so many types of criminal act in these world. One of those act is Cheating, It’s a form of stealing someones idea or taking some advantage so someone. There are so many people who does that kind of act and being one of the several people here who watched and inspired what Prof. Solita Monsod have said.
I can’t remove us from that kind of act but I can help to lessen the immorality of Cheating by not doing it. If we cheat, We are not fooling the people around us but we fool only ourselves. God knows everything even if no one saw you. Don’t use your life just to take advantage to someone else. Help others and change yourself. =))
Now a days, our country is experiencing problems which are being worldwide crises.
ReplyDeleteBeing a student, I can be of help in being a part of the solution to the problem. I will be honest to myself and be an example to others by studying hard so that when examination comes I can pass and get good grades by my own and never by cheating. A simple way of cheating may lead to bigger and more serious way which may lead to corruption someday.
I will try my best to spend wisely every peso given by my parents supporting my studies. I will not spend for unnecessary things wherein I will never crave for vanity someday.
Simplicity in everyday activities is a must so that I can save for my future needs. As the saying goes, buy only the necessary things important in your daily activities.
Every year in college, I will try my best to spend wisely in every undertaking be it in school or at home.
At the end, if ever I become a professional, I will try to help first my countrymen in serving them first ,so that our own country will be enjoying a comfortable and healthful way of living particularly in the community and the nation as well.
Clarizza Jane E. Severa
I’m only sixteen years old and I know in myself that I can be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteSince childhood, most parents always tell their children that they should try their best to finish their studies in order to have a good future. I really believe that. I’m sure all of us have dreams in life. My dream is to become a registered nurse someday. I’m sure, once you heard a person saying that she or he wants to become a nurse, the first thing that would come in your mind is that this person will work abroad. To tell you the truth, I’m not one of them. Definitely, I will be committed to serve my country. That is why I’m trying my best to do all what I can do to finish my studies. Because I still have my dream that once I became a registered nurse, I will serve as an inspiration to the student nurses during those times. I want to become an example and I want to mold their mind while they are still students that it is not appropriate to work abroad and leave your country after you became somebody. Because working abroad is the same as betraying your own country. I’m gonna show them that helping their countrymen is the most fulfilling thing that they can achieve. I will help them realize that being a nurse who serve their country is a wonderful thing to do than working abroad to earn a hundred and thousand dollars.
So as long as we have the ability to serve our country, don’t waste time and grab the opportunity.
If not NOW, WHEN?
ReplyDeleteCheating, as we all notice nowadays, have been part of the daily lives of the students specially in high school and college. It is the activity that invaded the minds of the youth that made them to be lazy. They do not study their lessons and just copy their classmate’s answers instead. In that case, it is very unfair to those students who put their effort and time reviewing their subjects then they will just have the same grade without giving any of their effort.
As far as Prof. Solita Monsod has said we are all leaders. All we need is to let that leader be out of ourselves and not to be poisoned b y doing wrong things. We are all born to lead and solve the country’s problem and not to be a part of this problem.
As for students like us, we can help the country by merely stop cheating and learn and do things independently. We should not always relies on the answers of our classmate. Don’t let laziness destruct your future. We can do something for our country. Let start now, as in now because if not now, when?
Micha Bhel A. Atienza
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.”
ReplyDelete- Prof. Solita Monsod
In order to rises our economy we need to set a good example to the people.Leader for example we need to choose a great leader.There are three main things that make a good leader. The first is that a leader must practice what he preaches. The second is that he has to look after and protect those around him. The third is that he must be able to develop other good leaders. I will go into more detail about how to implement all three of these characteristics, so that you too can become a good leader.
A good leader is excellent at practicing what he preaches. I love the quote that states, "Your actions speak so loud that I can't hear what you are saying." The greatest leader of all time was Jesus Christ and he was the best at practicing what he preached. This goes back to the old proverb that says, "Live by the sword, die by the sword." This is the same with leadership and how much a leader abides by what he says. As a good leader, how can you expect people do what you say, when you don't even do what you say?
A good leader looks after those he wants to lead. He does this by always doing what he can to protect them from harm, criticism, or blame from other people. People want security, that's why they buy SUVs, put money in their 401k, and stay at the same dead end job for years. It's integrated into our nervous system that we want to feel secure. When you have a team of people that you are leading, it can be very powerful when they know that you are on their side, and that you will do whatever you can to make sure that you protect them from harm of other outside forces. A big part of being a good leader is knowing how to take the blame when things go wrong, and how to give away credit when things go well. A good leader knows that when things go bad or wrong, it's his responsibility to take the blame, even if it was not his fault. And when things go well, a good leader knows that it's his responsibility to make sure that he gives the credit to the deserving person who did the great work. Hence, making that person look very good.
A good leader develops other good leaders. This can only be attained once a person has first become a good leader. How can you expect to develop other good leaders, if you are not one first? Most of this just boils down to taking the time to spend time with the leaders that you want to develop and cultivate. By being a good mentor, you can teach and coach them through their trials and tribulations as a young and developing leader. Sometimes just being there to help them get back up after they have fallen is all you have to do. One of the best ways that you can invest time, is by investing it in the relationships of others around you.
The making of a good leader is extremely broad, so I hope that I've narrowed it down into three simple strategies for you. If you practice what you preach, look after the others around you, and invest time to develop other good leaders, I believe that you will be well on your way to making yourself a good leader.
A great leader is someone who can inspire you to be a truly good person. In a good sense most of us depend the responsibilities on them, but try to evaluate, are they in the right place? To govern is just like to learned, the skills and knowledge processed that can be influenced attributes or traits, such as beliefs, values, ethics, and character.
The qualities that constitute leadership seem to be linked with a person's own sense of self worth. For example, a leader is willing to assess a situation and trust in their own ability to act. While the decision may lead to positive results or not, the leader is willing to take a chance because of his or her own confidence in their judgment.
Additionally, the leader develops trust in other people, and they trust him/her in return. A good leader knows how to recognize innate ability in the people around them. Further they encourage and nourish those abilities in others by allowing those under their authority to take on tasks that require them to exercise those gifts. The leader then demonstrates confidence that the subordinate will succeed in the tasks at hand and express satisfaction when they receive accolades for their accomplishments.
"To lead, one must follow."
kristine m. suaverdez
ReplyDeletebsn 1a
~ I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating
by sophocles.
I know cheating is not a good way to pass the exam or to win something.we can say cheating is lying,if we do cheating, its just like we make fool of ourselves. as a student and as we face the near future. its better for us to practice not to cheat,because if we used to practice cheating ,we can bring this until we got a job and until we got use to it.
Me personally i know cheating is one of the cause why our country is still one of the poor country. so it is better to start not to cheat.lets just be true to our selves that whatever the fruit of our sacrifice its god's will.
Watching prof. monsod last lecture makes me realize those things.she yought not only to her student but to us one thing it is to be true to our self and be a role model to the next generation.
Honor First before Excellence
ReplyDeleteCheating is a kind of activity that is usual for almost of the students here in the Philippines not only in UP. The students cheat to get good grades and to pass their subjects without thinking that they may loss their honor as a person when they cheat. Prof. Solita Monsod is bothered by this issue of cheating among the students because she knew that a simple cheating can lead to a something worse than what we expect.
As a student, the lecture “DEAL AND THREAT” helps me to realized that all of the students must study hard instead of cheating during exams because if you can cheat when you were still a student, you can do things worse than cheating like being corrupt in your work for the future.
Dr.Jose Rizal said that “youth is the hope of the nation” but how can you be a hope for own country if you are corrupt? If you Are cheating?. We should now start to change our lives into righteous way by simply abstaining with that cheating activity. Always think that you can get excellence even without cheating.
Prof. Solita Monsod said in her lecture that we are all leaders; we are the leaders of ourselves. Just be responsible enough in your life, lead yourself and always do the best that you can do, no wonder that sooner or later success will chase you.
Cynde Morien G. Rufo
Cheating is the main reason why our country, the Philippines, is facing poverty. This is because most of our leaders are really big cheaters. They are corrupt. They get money which not belongs to them. That's why Philippines is being eaten by poverty.
ReplyDeleteIf this thing will not stop, what will happen next? Are you going to wait superheroes to come and save the country? This is a real world not fantasy. Wake up! You must be a part of the solution.
While we are students we must not cheat because we will not be the solution to the country's problem but the main problem of the country. Graduates must serve the country, do not prioritize working abroad because this is a betrayal to the country and to the Filipino people. Honor must comes first before excellence. It is because excellent leaders without honor and integrity become corrupt and problems of the country. We must start to be good leaders while we are students so that when we are there, we will be good leaders of our country because our generation lies in our hands.
:) :) :) :) :)
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ReplyDeleteWe all know that our country, Philippines, is experiencing and having a big big problem. Until now, that problem has not yet solved. Because, we, the solution is not taking our part on that problem.
ReplyDeleteI know that a 17-year-old student like me could not, let's say can solve the problem, but will be a part of the solution. Since I am still a student, I can be a part of the solution in my own little way. To be a part of the solution, I should follow the rules and regulations here in our country. I should be a role model to my co-citizens. I should also respect others as they respect me. And most of all, I will pray to our Almighty God to guide and protect us from the people who are destroying and not taking part for the solution of the problems in this country.
We cannot do anything, but we can do something. What are we waiting for? Let's do that something! =)
Erika Mae R. Ronabio
"I am one but I am one.I cannot do everything, but i can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it."
ReplyDeleteOf all the relevant things that Prof. Winnie Monsod was trying to point out in her last lecture at the University of the Philippines-Diliman, these lines awakened the sleeping nationalism in my heart and mind. It is really true that if only all the people in our country will ascribe to this what Prof. Monsod calls mantra, then our country would be soon on its way to progress.But it seems that it is impossible for us to achieve this progress especially during these days when selfishness is the only thing which rules our own selves. We are educated in our country, planted with lots of knowledge that we surely can use in the future but why is it that we are not letting our country reap what it sows in us?
Being a part of the solution instead of the problem in our society is a very easy thing to do if and only if we're really willing to be a good citizen. As an ordinary person, I will first and foremost remove the word SELFISHNESS in my vocabulary. I will do my best to serve the country in the very best way that I can. I will let the country reap what it has planted on me.I will also not work abroad in the future so that all the things that I've learned will be used only in our country. I will also avoid cheating in small things because I know that doing this as a habit will turn this into cheating in big things. Even though that we're still students we can do small things that will make us part of the solution of our country's problem,we should stop cheating and stop being selfish.
Great things and big change comes in small things. All the small things that we have done and we are doing contributes a lot in our society so we must now stand up and do our part. Even though we're just one person, we can do great things which can help a lot in our country. We are all made unique and special in our own way so let's use this to be a part of our country's solution!!!
Charlene L. Padua
"Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned."—Harold Geneen
ReplyDeleteBeing a leader is a great responsibilities that we need to handle. No one is born to be a leader unless we started to went in school to learn new knowledge that we need to know in order for us to be molded enough to be a great leader someday. Leardership is cannot be measured by how many millions do we have to be a leader. All we need to do is to study harder for our future.
We can considered ourselves to be a good leader even though we are just studying. A great leader must have good characteristics. They must value and gave importance to our nation and our people. They must be loyal in their responsibilities and duties.Altruism is one of the characteristics that they need to posses.
As of now our duties and responsibilities is to study hard to let our parents be proud of us. Studying is one of our top priorities now. I hope someday from the knowledge that we get from studying in school it can lead us to be a good leader someday. As for now, study first and reach our goals in life.
So I believe that,every foundation of the society started and began on school. Meaning to say that the problems can also be found and be the source of the cheating problem. With regards to the graft and corruption in our country which can be seen throughout the example of a simple student who cheat. A leader once became a student in school, they experienced to chat, A simple experienced that could produce a big step for the further cheating throughout their life.
ReplyDeleteFor I believe that one must have a self discipline to control themselves from cheating because " before you burn you must stop the fire. And I as a student,and a citizen of this country as well I want to be part of the solution regarding in this difficulties.So, I can help by simply implementing to my classmates this:"say NO to cheat". With that I'm going to be a role model to my constituents, I'm not going to cheat nor do some bad-tricks in examination.I rather choose to get a low grades than to attain a higher grades by just depending my answer with my seatmates. Because cheating may lead to a irresolution crisis that could possibly affects our life. And we all know that God is looking unto us, He will not be happy if seen that His child is preferring to cheat rather than to strive hard to make-up on the exam. I praise and love God,so starting from now on I will study hard to be able for me to get high grades without the help of my classmates.
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating”. I don't to be one of the known cheaters,the politicians they are the people who promotes graft and corruption and they the major problem of this society. Instead of showing us the moral value,look what they are teaching us. Is that a leader that we are hoping that will help us in the progression of this country? What an awful truth? I will not be like them, I will show to other the right thing to do. I will be the part of the solution and not the problem.
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ReplyDeleteJohn Warren t. Tabi
ReplyDeleteBSN 1A
Winning and Cheating
Winning by Cheating?.Can we call it winning if we cheated?.I thought it's not. I should say winning by cheating is losing.Why?Because in order to win we cheated, but unknowingly you loose. It is why our country doesn't improve and develop because our leaders who must be the role models show bad things.We all know that most of our leaders today were intelligent and were good enough to rule over this country.But what are they doing? They must be the one who must resolve occurring problems but it happened that they were the problem and not the solution. So, as a student what can we do to our future to avoid such problem of the society?
Since our problem today were CHEATERS, as a student, the very simple thing to resolve this is to have "discipline" and be "responsible" on ourselves. We all know that cheating is bad, so why are we going to do such thing. Discipline must exist. Just like on every exams, its our responsibility to review, so review! Review, in order to avoid cheating.Just a simple thing but can be a big thing in the future.Every small thing today can be a great thing tomorrow...
So let us live now in a world of honesty where CHEATING has no place.Let us be "CHEATERS BUSTERS". Do all good things in order to resolve the problem in our society. And let us be the GOOD LEADERS IN THE FUTURE!
As an ordinary student we can help our country in a way that can affect our country. We can Like in is school by just simply don’t cheat during exam you can help as a student. We are in school to study to learn new things, to improve our knowledge and to be more independent. As the old saying, “ Kabataan ang pag-aasa ng bayan “ . But how is that? If some of the students today are not serious about their studies. They don’t study they just depend on others.
ReplyDeleteCheating is one of the big problems in our school. How can we help if in school we do things like that? Many students now days don’t have care even if they cheat, they were happy if they passed even if they cheated. They are happy for passing in a particular test but are we sure that they answer it alone and they don’t cheat. They don’t reviewfor the test and they don’t even listen to their teacher during the lecture but how come they passed and got a high score.
I can say that I will do things that are good for our country; I will not do things like cheating. I will be a good student as possible and I will study harder as much as I can.
Barrameda, Anna Krizza E.
Cheating is very popular in every students in all universities. We have many reasons why the students are cheating, and that reasons are, to pass the quizzes and to have a high grades in every subjects, but this video tells us that being a good student in every universities should be a good model and should not make cheat.
ReplyDeleteAs a college student, we should make a solution to lessen the crisis of the Phillipines. We should be a good model and stop cheating, We should study hard to have a good grades in our subjects and to pursue our dreams with our all effory in studying. And support the campaigne which entitled " SAY NO TO CHEAT,SAY YES TO GOD ".
The aim of most people is to have excellence in everything. Most of us have it now. Did they do with honor to achieve that excellence?
ReplyDeleteCheating is the biggest problem that most of the schools encountered. And now it becomes a part of our daily lives. Some of the students do it in their examinations just to passed. Maybe those students says that it is just a small and a usual thing to do, but they did not realize that if they are so often do cheating even in small things, they may get usual to it and it can leads them to cheat in big things that they will do. Like the leaders of this country, some of them are very qualified to have that position and some are not. But why those who are not qualified gets the position, did they cheat to be the leaders of this country? And now it is the problem of our country. Our leaders don't use they power in cheating people just to achieve what they want.
We can be a solution to this problem by just stopping your own self to cheat even in small things and in all things that we will do. It is our choice if we are going to be part of the solution or be part of the problem. We should do things in God's way to achieve honor and excellence.
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ReplyDelete“Honor and excellence. Honor first before excellence. It’s not excellence and honor, it ‘ s honor and excellence.”
ReplyDelete-Prof. Solita Monsod
In this destructive world we live in, many have lost their wealth, lives, and even their morality. Only a few have maintained the moral ethics, honor, and integrity of their selves and those persons are said to be the leaders of the society.
Many have endured and persevered in order to succeed and to grab the excellence what he/she had dreamt of. Though many have succeeded, some have not and some only succeeded because of ways despicable on others words. Cheating is what makes a person lose his honor and integrity. Those persons who cheat in order to succeed are persons who many think of as immoral, incompetent and unworthy.
Honor first before excellence. It is what a person need in order for him to become excellent. Even in critical times we must think of our honor first because it is the element that will make us succeed. We may succeed without honor and integrity, but will it make us a true person? Of course not, excellence without integrity is meaningless. Without honor and integrity life would be meaningless.
We may be different in the way we act, speak, think and move, but we should all be united to the path which will lead us to success accompanied with honor and excellence. Honor and integrity is neither a gift nor an inheritance, it is the fruit of morality and our unending respect to ourselves.
Shem Israel A. Zoleta
"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much a part of the problem." -Prof. Monsod
ReplyDeleteCheating is the worst thing that students practice nowadays. Not just students but even an ordinary people do that, commonly in the higher positions specially in the government. When we cheat, we are just exacerbating the problem rather than helping in the solution (like professor said). So as an educated person, we should stop cheating or any other ways that can give us bad reputation or stuff. If we do that, we are not helping our country. We are just making it worst.
When I was a kid, I am so excited to reach my dreams. I was raised with my parents always teaching me good things. None of those lessons was cheating. I got my eyes open to do things on my own. With my own effort to study and perseverance to finish what I've started.
I'm a student and all I can do for now to help my country is to do good things, extend my helping hands and not to cheat.
Clare Gabatin
BSN - 1C
If ever you are being transacted to the things you are used to, are you gonna deal with it ? or you'll just blow it up without thinking of the moral aspect on you t6hat will be lost ? plus the rote quailing every time you can't resist it ?
ReplyDeleteHaving prudence, cheating is somewhat a problem as well as a syndrome of most of the people today. it should not be imposed as a goodwill but rather a precocious problem ever since. Cursing people who do this kind of activity will not only alleviate our predicaments but also, just somehow, add up in our perseverance on craving up for a change. In despite of our impotent situation, we still aim for a better position esp. those who are stuck up in life's downstate level.
Honor and Excellence -- as being stated, only implies the need to seek first the honor just before excellence. in such manner, we could attain the uprightness in everything and hence gain the superior quality that each and everyone of us desires. In order to lead an entire empire state, one must be suitable and have enough knowledge. At this very point, people I'm talking about over-used their so-called knowledge. As a result?, egoism is kept and their concerns are set aside. They usually maintain their title but in the eyes of many people, they are just like plastics that will be degraded as soon as their time has come.
As one of the future leaders of this country, and as an intellectual elite of my very own self :p , I'll stick with this principle. Never let myself down and never take for granted those who are in need and in hope that their life will be much better than it is. CHANGE is the only permanent thing in the world so why bother to ignore it if it is always there. This only speaks one sure thing -- I'll take the chance to improve everything in accordance with WHAT I CAN DO. Just as what has been quoted ... " I am only one, but I am one, ... , what i can do, I ought to do, and by the grace of God I will do it ".. so I'll stand for it and will always remember that great things come from our very own selves and with the help of the Almighty, I will be able to do it.
“Don’t dare to cheat”, a very popular phrase that I used to hear whenever there are exams or even quizzes.
ReplyDeleteBig things were absolutely came from small things, which may also means that if we start doing something evil it will possibly turn into a vice. In relation to this thing I remember a story that was shared by a priest during his sermon to a mass when I was in high school. He said, there was a boy who was caught by his mother while getting money from her wallet without even telling his mother. This boy used to get money from his mother’s pouch, at first he just get few coins but as time goes by this mannerism of him turned into a habit. When he became a politician he was accused and proven guilty in corruption case. See here, there are lots of instances that small things can really developed into big things.
Yes, I’m proud to be a pure blooded Filipino but then I felt ouch when it comes to the type of government we have. I don’t know why but it just happened that most of our government officials were greedy and tightwad who were all thinking for the sake of themselves which is a huge factor why our country didn’t reach its progress.
Patriotism must run into our blood. It’s true that you can earn greener pasture from the country of whites but you must think first about the sake of your country where you were born and where your own beautiful culture lives in.
As for me, I’m hundred percent agree with Prof. Monsod that we can do something for our country. We can begin it right now by serving as a great model to others. Don’t let evil things ruin our lives, be one of the parts of the solution to save our country, to uplift our sinking economic status from the quicksand of poverty. Don’t dare to cheat and have conscience for other generation who will continue the legacy of our race in the near future.
“Since you are the next leaders, don’t cheat.”, said Prof. Monsod.
ReplyDeleteYes, I admit that somehow I am a cheater and I am aware that indeed it is a violation. Prof. Monsod was right when she said that if you are going to cheat, you are no longer a part of the solution. For that reason, it made me realized that I am now a part of the problem but I believe that there is always a room for changes.
“To be a part of the solution, first, we should have discipline. We should be responsible for every action that we will do and we should be courageous enough to face the consequences.”, added Prof. Monsod. Second, being aware and being involved in our nation’s crisis is a must. We, especially scholars of the government must do something to alleviate the problem of our country. Third, follow on what President John F. Kennedy said, “Don’t think of what your country can do for you, think of what you can do to your country.” It’s very important to have selfless concern to others. If I will be given a chance to work abroad, I will refuse instead I will give my knowledge and skills to serve my own country because they really need my service the most. Similarly, I can’t stand seeing my fellow Filipinos suffering from poverty while I am earning a lot of money and comfortably living in abroad. And I was threatened by Prof. Monsod when she said that she will be hunting me on the special day of my life if I failed to serve the country. Lastly, owe a depth of gratitude to your country.
I, as an individual, I will change for the better before I let others be change.
Imagine yourself earning a lot of money and you’re making a lot of strangers happy. Then after that, try imagining yourself earning ¼ of the public teacher’s salary but you’re making your family happy. Between these two, which would you choose to be the goal that you certainly won’t regret after reaching it?
ReplyDelete“I am only one but I am one.”, this line by Professor Monsod suits every Filipino’s eagerness to be a fruitful and faithful part of this country’s triumphant peak. It’s true that a country’s solidarity won’t be complete if a single person denies from being a part of it. Thus, if you want to have a progressive country, you should undoubtedly be a part of it. You should be a part of the country’s solution to problems not part of the problem.
“If you work abroad, you betray your country.” added Professor Monsod. This line might make you say a bunch of disagreements but it’s true. Though we consider that Filipino Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) as hope of the country, I could say that it’s much more genuine if we consider them as betrayers of the country. It doesn’t sound good, isn’t it? It’s not just because they’re not working in their own country land but it’s also because almost all of them don’t really care about their country. They just care about their own families.
This truth made me realize what a country needs. Our country needs our presence, patriotism, service and love. Therefore, as a student who wants to be a nurse, I’d rather earn pesos than dollars. I might not be as rich as Oprah but I’ll be as happy as a hungry little child receives a piece of bread. Working here in our homeland doesn’t just give the whole country financial aids but it also gives the Philippines a trademark of having faithful and proud citizens. So as a single Filipino citizen, you could give a big help to the whole country. Your great belief and perseverance for this country’s success could influence other Filipinos. Remember that every “million” comes from a single “one”. Thus, I could proudly say that I’d rather earn little as long as I’m happy and as long as I’m making others as happy as me.
Cheating used to be considered an unmentionable sin. However as time passed by cheating becomes common. Many people view cheating as mere occurrence and something that can often skip over. The reason why cheating become extensive is because many students suffer from parental pressure, the aim to be the best, to be at the top, results to dishonest behavior.
ReplyDeleteSince cheating is the main problem. We must not be the same people that cheat our society. We can notice that all people who ruled our country are intelligent and excellent but if they were so good, why are we are now? It is the reason that they have always looked at excellence, and not the honor and integrity. It should be honor first before excellence like motto of UP. But most people are always mistaken and make excellence always comes first and because of having their good brains they cheat and corrupt our country and results to problems.
Student like us can do a lot. We must not train ourselves to cheat in small things like in exam, test, project, and money. Forget parental pressure and go on with the flow of life. If we are not that good at least we’re honest and not be the best because of dishonesty/cheating. Cheating to small things may lead to cheat on big things in the future. So be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Mike Steven J. Caseres
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ReplyDeleteExistence of problems in our lives is really unavoidable. Problems serve as trials in our lives to make us stronger. There are problems in which people themselves are those who create them. This type of problem should be avoided so that improvement would be possible to come sooner and sooner. Sometimes, difficult problems occur but it doesn’t necessarily imply that they are unsolvable. Every problem has its own solution. Like in Mathematics, there are different approaches in solving them.
ReplyDeleteIn the Philippines, many problems are at an alarming rate especially those which are about government. Officials are supposed to be the ones who must do their best steps to bring our country in the list of the most successful countries in the world but they are doing the opposite way. I, as a student, must do my part. I am also an official right now in a way that I don’t realize so it is implied that I am also supposed to help the Philippines to be progressive. I must not cheat not only during the times of examinations because if I do so, I am just proving that I will corrupt tomorrow or the day after. Many students like me cheat because they aspire for excellence. But what is excellence if you are not honored? Do you think God will appreciate what you’ve done? What I should put in my desires is not only excellence but more importantly, honor. I will always bear in mind that God is more interested in our obedience than in our success. I will study my lessons and perform honestly so when the time comes that I will be the one to serve a big mass of people in the Philippines, honor will be implemented and success will easily follow. I will apply all the things that I learned in my education as a contribution to Philippines’ improvement.
Every drop counts. That’s why I am determined that these simple acts of a student like me will contribute as a solution to our country’s problems. Every little thing becomes gigantic when joined. I really hope that everyone has his God-given talents that he will use to be a part of the solution.
Adanilo G. Pasno
Prof. Winnie Monsod’s lecture in the University of the Philippines has emphasized the university’s motto, honor and excellence. She referred the word leaders to her students and they have to stand for it. But, looking at their situation where cheating is very usual to the students bothers her a lot. She said that cheating in small thing can lead to cheating in large thing. That is why she is challenging them to live with honor and excellence and so to help the country. Be the solution instead of being the problem.
ReplyDeleteLook at our government officials. If you will ask a person to describe them, most people will answer that they are corrupt. I’m not saying all of them are corrupt but almost all of them do. It brings crisis to the country and to every Filipino. What will this country be in the future if today its system is already a failure?
Like Prof. Monsod, we should be all cautious of this fact. Students like me must bear in mind what solution can I give to this nation instead of giving more problems. Every one of us is capable to do anything as a help. Maybe we know it but we never tried. Today, we can, so that in the future we know that we had done something for the better by being a person of honor and excellence from the very start.
Anielou L. Zarsaga
"Cheaters Never Win, Oh wait they do……
ReplyDeletethey’re Cheaters"
Students can acquire superior grades by cheating. But is it worth it? Teens nowadays are choosing the easy way out by cheating, disregarding the negative effect of it. Cheating occurs everyday, in every school. Cheating occurs even in the nicest schools, including private schools. This usually occurs when someone does not study for a test or just does not feel like thinking. Also, one might do it because he knows he can get away with it. There is a wide range of cheating that can go on in schools. It can be a simple as copying one word, to copying the whole test. Cheating, We've all done it at least once in our lives, in all types of situations. Its human nature to want to win, and some of us will go against the rules to do so. It can be harmless, but in many cases it is annoying, or even hurtful.
We have faced the problem of cheating. We know it is there. But now the question is: What shall we do about it? That is hard because there are so many dishonest people who do not care in this world. For now, all we can do is to tighten down on cheaters. And just don't let them cheat. If everyone would guard themselves against cheaters, they might give up. Of course that means we can't cheat off of others. We need to build back up our trust of people, because without trust our world will crumble.
"Life can be difficult. People are always looking for an influence, someone to look up to. You can set the example. You can help change the world by changing yourself. Change must come from within, so become an example."
A leader who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
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"True Leadership must be the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment of the leaders"
I'm a student who is willing to be a leader someday. A leader who is not numb enough of the voices of my country. A leader who is not perfect but trying to be the one. The one who will never ever attempt to cheat,even a single centavo. Like what Prof. Monsod said "Cheating in small things is cheating in large things".
Some of us is aware that our beloved country is suffering in greed surroundings of some leaders. As they control the power that they obtained from us, the people of the Philippines, they are abusing their positions for the sake of their own enrichments.
Don't be an innocent one, clear your eyes from the deceiving light of the greedy leaders. open your mind and be aware what's going on.
Do your part to be a solution and not to be the another problem of our country.
Changes will start within me, you and all of us.
One of the infamous unresolved problems of the world is cheating.No wonder why it is present in almost all industries,institutions, government, and at of our great concern,in universities. Universities where the future leaders of the world were skillfully developed.That fact sure is very alarming.Despite of millions or billions of faculties(world wide) efforts against it ,cheating manage to come up with various defense mechanisms to overcome all obstacles in sight.
ReplyDeleteAs a student,I fully comprehend why cheating still roams around and sometimes even reigns at the wall of classrooms,like an air borne disease out break ."it's better to cheat than to repeat" ,is a thought of which is a common excuse of students .We cheat as a result of our irresponsible characteristic that we posses.Carelessness of studying our lessons before hand tends us to use a very reliable handy seat mate.Now, why do a certain person would let others to copy his/her answer? Well,for me it's because of thinking that no one would help him whenever he/she in desperate need of an answer if he/she keep his/her answer to his/her self alone.It's more explicitly defined by this line:"give for you receive".Also, he/she may conclude that it's okay,since most of the people around do it.Yet according to what I've learned in our subject logic (humo3),even if one thing is believed or done by the majority it doesn't always mean that it's correct.
For whatever the cause don't despair, because there is still a hope of changing the world crisis.No matter how many times you've committed cheating in the past, it'snot enough reason to think that you can't be a pat of the ones that can make solutions for it.Remember,nothing in this world this constant except change.
To be a part of the solution ,or join the ones who worsen, were two options of which we can freely choose from.In my case I choose to be a part of the solution.Its much better to get rid of the unwanted weeds around your plant if you pull the weeds along with it's roots. the roots of cheating is not the complicatedness of the given task but the carelessness to do things we ought to.Thus, it starts to one's self.
With in me I've grown a large concern to cooperate in aiding the world's criss.I can help by means of starting to do simple things that maybe not much but would surely helps.It is by means of start building up confidence that I can be independent with m answers.Taking off the fear of failing.Keeping in mind that experience is what man calls to his mistakes;and experience is the greatest teacher any human being could have.Focusing on studies.Thinking that I am very blessed to have the opportunity o study unlike others.Stop wasting time on unworthy things.And of most importantly asking guidance from above. Praying for the success of my aim for a better world.
It's a fact that the world this at great crisis due to the different problems it holds upon it's hands.Superheros arejust fruits of the creative imagination of the mind.No oe had enough powers to savethe world with just one instant click.Yet,if we worked together we can make a diffrence.
It is definitely true that we are all leaders. It is up to us how we will be a leader. It is up to us how we will be a good citizen of our country and lead each and every single one of us to success. It is the choice and difference we can make in his country. We can all be a good leader and not be a disgust in this country.
ReplyDeleteBeing a good leader is just not leading. We in ourselves have to be a good, honest, loyal, and brave citizen of this country. Just like what Mrs. Monsod said, creating little mistakes just like cheating can lead us to creating bigger mistakes in the future. Being comfortable in cheating can and will lead us to bigger cheatings in this country, to our fellow Filipinos and to ourselves.
It doesn’t mean that we have to be a politician or work for the government to be a good leader. We just have to be in the point that we can tell ourselves, “I’m a good person and a good citizen of this country.” Staying in our country counts. Having fear and faith in God is the real thing.
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ReplyDelete“It’s better to fail with honor than to win by cheating”
ReplyDeleteAcademic cheating is a major problem on all levels and has negative results on everyone involved. The person cheating is learning nothing by taking the easy way out and the people being cheated off of from are being cheated themselves. Although academic cheating is a problem that reaches almost all schools in the nation and most classrooms, there are solutions that may be used that are reasonably effective.
There are several contributory causes of academic cheating. Lack of respect for oneself could lead to cheating. One contributory cause is laziness. A lazy student would rather cheat off of their neighbor than do the work themselves and study. Usually procrastination is involved in this situation. The students put off studying until it is too late.
You can help change the world by changing yourself. You can set the example. When you become a leader, you take on a great responsibility. You promise to change the world for the better. But before you become a leader, you must be honest and never lie.
“The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one's self. All sin is easy after that.”
ReplyDelete-Pearl Bailey
CHEATING! Many people know how to cheat most especially for students like me. It is the biggest rival of all the school and university here in the country. It is like a virus the slowly thinning out and penetrating the mind and conscience of a person. Come to think of these, if all the leading school and university here in the Philippines do cheating, what more about to other school and university?
Some of our politician here in our country accomplished their tertiary education in those leading school and university. Do you think some of those politicians don’t cheat in their position? For me, they cheat in their position because some of them used the money of the citizen of the Philippines and some are doing some anomaly or having a control in election. I believe that great big things start from small things so, since the day the person learn how to talk and to write is also the day they learn to CHEAT until they grow up and made their career on the flow.
Dr. Jose Rizal once said, “kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan.” These only mean that we as a youth of this country play an important role in doing right for our country. We are the treasure and hope of our beloved land. Maybe some of us youth dream to become a politician someday but what if they CHEAT in their life? We need to have a hard work in our study.
Don’t let the spirit of CHEATING control you. You have your own decision. Let you do the responsibility in your life and study. Just stay honest on what you are doing because honesty is still the best policy. Cheating is like lying so if you lie it like you fooling yourself but not just yourself, you also fool your family, friends and God. Stop cheating there will be no big award in cheating. It only means if you cheat you don’t trust yourself.
March 26,2011
“CHEATING” one of the most famous word when it comes to schools, governments and even in the relationship of human kind. This kind of activity, for us students is only a little thing to do but we never realize what will come back to us after we made or make this kind of activity. It’s a small thing but in time and time that passed this word what we call cheating is being huge in some other ways. In some instances this thing can give us a beautiful life in a short period of time, but what is the feedback of our mighty GOD to us or what we call the karma, maybe this will be triple on what we do.
ReplyDeleteSo be wise in doing such crazy things. We students can be the solution of or country in different ways, we can start on being honest and not making silly things and specially not doing “cheating” in every ways we do. Its like when we cheat we also cheat in ourselves not only to ourselves but also in our country , simple as that. In doing this we must start first to ourselves and no one else.
This comment my be like or dislike by other people but its my own opinion in interpreting the post video. I hope I can be part of making our country a better place to live someday.
“Don’t CHEAT if you CHEAT you will go to HELL” and “Don’t look at your classmates paper its all wrong”
(Ma’am Manzanilla) hahahahaha.. ^^
Dominique V. Intal
"Do not ask what your country can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your country."
ReplyDelete-John F. Kennedy
As of now, we are expecting something from our leaders. We want QUALITY SERVICE, HONESTY, TRANSPARENCY, EQUAL JUDGEMENT, FAIRNESS AMONG INDIVIDUALS, and most of all we want TO RISE FROM WHERE WE ARE NOW.
Honestly speaking, it is very normal for students to cheat. Some enjoy doing it, and some do it just to survive. Yet why do we get angry when the people governing this country cheats? Have you tried getting angry with yourself because you cheated? This only means one thing, we don't want people to cheat. We don't like cheating which is also one of our country's problem. So it is a need for us to change. And we better start it with ourselves. Let us be an inspiration to others, let us make them realize that we need to be a part of the solution to this country's problem. Let us not fool ourselves, let's open our eyes for life is not about being fair. It is about surpassing the unfair reality.
Another one is that we must also learn to give back, remember that it is in giving that we receive. Let us serve our country just like how it served us. It costs a million words to thank the people who build us as for what and who we are now. And truly, this nation deserves more than what we could give. Think of the Filipino people who needs our service the most instead of serving other races just for the sake of earning a lot of money outside the boundaries of this nation. Let us repay our country with good deeds, let us be part of the solution...
I would like to share one of COAM's motto:
(While we live, WE SERVE!)
Vernadette A. Mancenido
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ReplyDeleteLife is full of complexities. We as the people of this country, is dealing with a great and poor quality of services at the sometime. Why do people are cheating their country and their own selves. Even kids do the same, in their own little ways. Have they ever thought that this maybe lead to corruption someday? how can we serve and how can we make the future better if we only think of ourselves.
People are so greed. Some students also cheat, and i admit that I've also gone through with that thing. But as i grow up, I'm learning of making my life on my own. It is normal, right? and we all know what will be the fruit of what we are doing, yet we still resume of cheating. Why don't we serve God, why don't we stop from cheating. When the fact is whatever we do, it's ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE US.
Fellas, let us create the world with no cheating. .Let's make our future better. Let's start it from ourselves. Let's live for the next generation and not for ourselves. IT'S NOT A MATTER OF REASONS, IT'S A MATTER OF CHOICES. love the world we have now.
“Be a leader, Yes to God, No to Cheating!”
ReplyDeleteLeadership, a word that shoulders all the virtues of life, being a leader is to serve, being a leader is to be a model, to be kind and to be an honest one in all his/her doings. The most important here is honesty. We right now are all leaders. Breaking those virtues of being a leader will leads to a great problems and crisis for our nation and even to the world, especially being dishonest.
As a student cheating is a temptation to stay off. It makes us be in a miserable place of darkness, starting from ourselves to our family, to our school, to our nation and even to the world. This problem will lead us to be down in the environment full of corruptions, crimes, and other bad cultures of mankind. Cheating will make us feel the conscience in our hearts, in cheating we are not only cheating ourselves but also our families, our teachers and mentors, our schools, our country, and the worst we are cheating the one who gave us everything.
So as a student, and a leader of my own, I am going to stay out of this epidemic cheating. Let us make our country a better one, our world a better place, and our future brighter one. I will be a part of the solutions in the problems and not a part of those who make the problems by being a good leader with Honor and Excellence, and let it be done by the help of our God and let us start to change now and start it from ourselves.
Romar B. Escudero
March 27, 2011 10:00am
Throughout my collegiate career, I have been blessed with the opportunity of being in the presence of exceptional and effective leaders. From these experiences, I have found that we are now facing a biggest problem in our nation and all we need is a good leader who can think and find the solution to solve this problem.
ReplyDeleteAfter I watch the video up there, I take a deep breath and close my eyes..and I realize that everyone of us should be a good leader . A leader that can do something to change our nation. A nation that is now suffering from a horrible hands of cheaters in this world.
Cheating in crisis times are not the solution to escape from danger and mitigate disadvantage. However, this attitude only helps to complicate the situation. The solution for a global problem will only work if all the nations take advantage on it, since the solution relies on the cooperation of all. The next step to keep the planet healthy is to learn how to play better as a team.
So as I continue my journey , I promised to myself that I’ll do my very best to be a part of the solution to save our nation from dangerous situation.
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ReplyDelete"I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything but I can do something." Prof. Monsod said.
ReplyDeleteAs a student, I can do something for our country and that is being a good example to my fellow students. Because, I think that the biggest root of our country's problem was cheating which we can say that it's worst. As Prof. Monsod said that cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things. And that is what happening in some leaders of our country today.
To be a good example for others, I can promise that I'll do not cheat to be a part of country's solution to a problem. Because I know, if I cheated,someday I will not be a good leader to our country and that is worst to imagine.But through doing what is must(avoid cheating), I can influence and encourage my fellow students to do what is right which is a very helpful way in order for our country to have better leaders someday who will not be cheated nor corrupted in serving it.
Even though you're only a student, there are many little ways that you can do for your country. Ways that you can realize someday that these are very helpful and valuable for each one of us.
Gelyn Portia M. Bilog
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ReplyDeleteI can be a part of the solution and not a part of a problem in solving the nation’s crisis. Professor Monsod said in the video that every one of us is part of this nation and believe it or not each of us is a leader of this country. We are the one who control what is going to happen in our country not our president or somebody else because if all of us will cooperate to serve and will be a good man of this nation it will decrease the severity of the poverty.
ReplyDelete“I cannot do everything but I can do something”, yeah that is absolutely true, because through the good deeds that I can do it will relief the nations disease. I can do good deeds by changing my attitude into better.
First, I will apply the Law of Discipline in everything I do like proper disposal of garbage and by following simple rules and regulations in school and in everywhere.
The next thing I can do is by studying harder. Education is important because if you are educated you can get a good job and if everyone is educated and have a good job no one will suffer from scarcity.
Last, I will avoid cheating in quizzes, examinations and in everything because small things can lead to bigger things that you cannot rid of.
Marquise Louise Ann C. Estrellado
The video is about the people who turned their backs in their own country. It's hard to accept but it's the truth. They just and study here and then it's over, they will go abroad. That's the fact that we must accept people nowadays forget about the country and they think about their own.
ReplyDeleteAs a student I cannot promise that after I graduated I will stay here. The country is engulfed with corruption. When will it ends? Corruption is the reason why people leave, they want to have a better life, but that is the problem why do people leave after becoming educated?
I hope when the time comes, the government can make the people stay than to leave the country. Many lives needs patriotic services not just services but also economic improvement. Corruption must be thrown and trashed to be forgotten.
Jimmar C. Valenzuela
“To become a good leader, you must be a good follower. To become a good follower you must be a good citizen”.
ReplyDeleteA good citizen is a product of his/her own experience and that experience was came from his/her knowledge that he/she have learn in everyday life.
As for now, as a student like me that studying in a University (SLSU) the same as in UP, DLSU, ADMU and other prestigious schools here in the Philippines are always in the sight of many people in this country. The reason is they have a high expectation to us that we’re studying in a University is having a good and high quality of education that produce “Honor and Excellence” in our country. Having Honor! Producing a productive citizen and the result is Excellence- being the best and successful in our chosen field.
But how can you gain these two things? First you must have been a responsible person and as a student you must be honest like in playing games, you must be fair even you win or lose. Don’t cheat! Cheating is not allowed especially to those student that always taking an examination or quiz. Because cheating in the small things is lead to do cheating in the bi things. So, once you cheat you’ll never be a part of the solution and yet, you’ll be a part of the problem of our country.
From the people saying, “it’s better to cheat than to repeat”, I strongly disagree this and as a hardworking student it insults me. They acknowledge that it is good to cheat but we all know that cheating is bad doing. Try to imagine, if you always cheat the day will come that you haven’t gain any knowledge that you have acquired in school. So it is better to repeat than to cheat because the day will come that you have gain knowledge just not because you’ve cheat just because you’ve try your best until you succeed. That’s all.
Kevin Roy V. Lorena
Cheating refers to the overt or covert breaking of rules to gain advantage in a competitive situation. The rules infringed may be explicit, or they may be from an unwritten code of conduct based on morality, ethics or custom, making the identification of cheating a subjective process. Cheating in a small thing makes a big difference. Cheating may result to a big problem.
ReplyDeleteIf a person learns how to cheat it can make a lot of changes. Examples can be seen in our country like what Prof. Monsod said there are a lot of our country officials came from UP, but if those persons didn’t cheat our country wouldn’t be corrupted. If those officials never cheated our country would have improve. If they became honest and never cheated our country wouldn’t be one of the most corrupt country in the world.
Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and denotes positive, virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating, or theft. Honesty is contrast with cheating. If honesty will be in each one of us we will all be a successful person. So “DON’T CHEAT AND BE HONEST IN EVERYTHING THAT WE ARE GOING TO DO”.
:) :) :) :) :)
Success in avoiding Cheating!
ReplyDeleteThis video is very inspiring for a youth like me. Prof. Monsod tell us that we are leaders. Leaders that can have a big contribution to our nation. To be a part of the solution to the problems of our country, that is our greatest contribution in our society.
But how can we do that? We can be part of the solution by means of not cheating. A youth like us must be the first one to stop cheating. We can start this solution in our examinations. We must stop cheating during exam because it is a sin. If we cheat in our examination we also cheat God. If we cheat it seems like we don’t believe on our own capabilities and we are just depending our faith to the bad work of Satan. And a true fact about cheating is that CHEATERS NEVER WIN!
We can avoid cheating by means of studying during examination so that we will not depend on cheating. also all the knowledge that we gain from studying, will be our greatest armor in facing all the challenges and difficulties in life. If we can do this, I believe that we can solve the biggest problem of our country, the CORRUPTION. If this thing happen we will have a progressive and productive country
John Joseph G. Aquivido
Leaders Don't Cheat
ReplyDeleteEveryone is a leader said Prof. Monsod. Leaders never cheat, because they always relay on their capabilities. Leaders are responsible and can always relay to help you on your study by that you may not cheat on your quizes and exams, because you study your lesson.
Cheating is not applicable for any action. It is a problem that can be solved by studying and always listen.If your really a college student no need to be lazy in study, because your not in highschool or elementary anymore you are know in college. So be leader who use their leadership and their passion, respect, honest, and industrious to have a great future.
Leaders and cheaters are more alike but they are different from each other by its purpose. Leader study and have respect, passion, honest, and industrious. Cheater don't study but they will try so many ways just to get or copy your answers or with kodigo.Dealing with the cheaters is simply by hide your papers that they won't see it.
So the biggest challenge is now, if the students know a days are cheating then let's just hope that in the government shouild not cheat but even in election they are cheating, they open the balot box then put many votes on them just to have power.
"CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER" so stop cheating have go with the old fashion way reading and studying and after you graduate, don't be like those who graduate and go abroad and don't help his country grow to be a beautiful and successful country.
Robert Claude Basas
BA Communication 1-A
Cheating (According to ENCARTA DICTIONARY)is to deceive, to mislead, to take advantage, to escape something, to harm and to break the rules. I agree with prof. Monsod that if you cheat on a little thing, what more on a big thing. Cheating starts with yourself, but the worst is, cheating on others, cheating on your own country and cheating the people who gave their support in you. Corruption, crime and poverty is ruining your country .Sad to say, the leaders who we trust to lift our mother country are the same people who push us to its downfall.
ReplyDeleteI’m wondering if those people can sleep well at night or their conscience is hunting them. Aren’t they thinking about their honor before excellence. Honor first before excellence. In my viewpoint, corrupt officials really are not excellent because they don’t have honor and integrity. Corruption is extremely immoral. And how can we face this huge problem that is seeking us for over a long long time? It should start with ourselves.
We are all leaders because we not only lead our own way but because we have the capabilities to have what it takes to lead. what we have to do is to break away from the chains of evilness within us. From the chain of being sluggish, from the chain of cheating, and from the chain of fear. We have to face life’s consequences. We are human beings and we are born to live and to lead. If we do the right thing altogether, we can make a solution to solve our problems, we cannot do it easily but we can do it if we open our eyes to the reality of the world.
Dyanara S. Corachea
For a very short time, Prof. Monsod had discussed to her students so much about one topic, which is cheating, but in a broader sense.
ReplyDeleteWhen you search the meaning of it in the internet, Cheating is defined as the breaking of rules to gain advantage in a competitive situation. And that is why I am very much to believe in what she stated, that "Cheating is very unusual in the University(University of the Philippines." But as she was stating this, I think, that she is not only referring to UP, but also in every school, university and in the very nature of one's ego.
"You do not have to cheat," she declared. I assent to this, because cheating is a violation to the accepted standards of what we call "Moral." And cheating is like stealing the knowledge of others and deceiving them by making a false impression. There's a saying that "the camera never lies," and in my own words, this means that God sees everything even the quickest glance.
Two of her statements made a contrast in me. "... cheating in the small thing is going to lead to cheating in the large thing" and "I cannot do everything, but I can do something... and with the grace of God I will do it." In our moral beings, we tend to cheat at some things whether it is more or less, still you cheated. Yes we are sinners, but this should not be the reason why we still tend to cheat. That is why we should do something and that is to not play a game not according to the rules.
Kimberly R. Idea
BA Communication/IA
Many Filipino’s betray Philippines in such a way of finding their jobs in other countries, after a long time of studying and earning knowledge in their own countries. And this is the problem that is needed to be resolve.
ReplyDeleteAs a college student, I will pursue my dreams and goal in life by giving importance to my studies. And after I graduated, I will not take the risk to find a job to other countries, instead I will take the opportunity to recognize Phillipines as I look for how I can earn money. Because for me, it would be better that I will work for my country, at the same time I’m not too far from my family.
Prof. Monsod also stated that “CHEATING” is a very big problem of our country. But how can we avoid such this things, if our leaders is one of example on how to cheat? Some of our leaders today are corrupt, and that is what we called cheating. “Leadership is an action, not a position.” And so, we must be a leader in a honorable way, because of this, we can help many people.
Let us recognize our own, the solution must start from ouselves!
Pamela Arieta
BA Comm IA
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ReplyDeletePeople cheat because they don't love the things that they do, or maybe because they're just selfish and unsatisfied for what they have now. And this is one of the biggest problem on our nation right now as what I understood on Prof. Monsod's lecture/video
ReplyDeleteMaybe lack of love to our country is one of the reason on why this "cheating" is happening on this country. Most of our countrymen wants to work abroad because maybe they want to escape the "3rd world" label. The other factor maybe is that most of the filipinos don't want to recognize the simple things that other filipinos had done to them. The other thing is that the selfishness by some of the officials is the "god mode cheat" for me on why our country is still on the "near" bottom of the ladder that trigger people to work outside of the country.
Let's jut all be friends to stop this "cheating". The solution to this problem for me is that all of us filipinos should love our country full and sincere, because you can't cheat the one you truly love, right?
Luigi Oblena
BA Comm 1-A
Cheating is a problem that all schools face. Students however don't take this problem seriously, they disregard the fact that if they are caught they could be expelled.
ReplyDeleteAs a student, we have obligations to ourselves and to our family. We have to study hard, earn high grades and graduate. Students nowadays tend to take it easy, instead of studying hard they resolve to cheating. It also happens that cheating is regarded to a level of friendship, that when somebody doesn't allow his/her friend to copy, they tend to disregard them as their friend.
In my highschool days I use the motto, "By any means necessary". I'm in college, I now see that my motto is useless, and cannot help me to be the student that i can be. As a student, we should have the confidence to study and accept failure. We should trust ourselves that we can pass, and challenge ourselves to exceed our families expectations.
Prof. Monsod said that, "I cannot do everything, but I can do something." We cannot do everything to help our country, but we can do something, that is to change ourselves. To change ourselves and be an example for others is a big start to our success and to our country. Even after we graduate, we can be an example to our society, to the people around us especially our families and friends. We cannot change the past, the mistakes of our former leaders are being payed for by those who don't know a thing about what they did. We cannot expect that today's administration can fix the country's problem in the blink of an eye, we can only hope that the solution to our problems be within today's administration's.
All of us are Leader's in our own way, we can solve the nation's problem together. Let's not be blind nor deaf to change, change won't kill us.
Edezon MontaƱano
The video is all about the Universisity of the Philippines Diliman. And Prof. Solita Monsod is the main speaker of these video. The introduction first is to some joke to lauhing the students.
ReplyDeleteThey tell about her self and the some issue about that university. they talk her experince in that university. The University of the Plippines Diliman motto is honnor the excellence. Until they graduate in that university the student they going to act with honor and integrity? Yes, everybody is proud to be part of that university.
Cheating is the big problem of the school in University of the Philippines Diliman.But lets come to think about it cheating prevails in that institution. Professor Solita Monsod has mentioned the some offcials came from that University.
But student is the main helper of these country if you help these you are cannot going to abroad just stay in your own country to be thse country poverty.
Educating in Philippines cannot pay anymore.
Jake Paulo D. Saludes
BA-Communicaton IB
With lies you may get ahead in the world - but you can never go back.
ReplyDeleteIt's true that Cheaters did not succeed.Cheating doesn't always happened in school but some happened in our daily life.Cheating is the common problem among us Filipinos.
In the video we can see that Prof. Solita Monsod is discussing with the UP students about some problems of student today.Because we are now instant some students are instant weather in their life or in their study.They are studying their lesson even there would be an examination.You know why?because they want an instant answer without exerting effort.They'll just cheat to their classmate.It's unfair for the side of the student who study and review. All of us didn't know that there consequences which we may encounter when we graduated.
"Filipino Youth are the hope of the country" is the well known quote said by Dr. Jose Rizal. As of now I don't believe to that,why? because how can we be the hope of our country if we are a cheater.Think about it,if a leader whose a cheater will lead our country what will happened to our country? maybe our will not progress,corruption will be still on going.
If you wouldn't like it to happen.Let start the change.The first step is in our hand STOP CHEATING!! if you really care for our country
"HONOR BEFORE EXCELLENCE" a quotation of Prof. Solita Monsoon that we should keep in to our mind and remember
Joko E. Veluz
BA Comm-1B
“Cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things. And all these people that you have contempt for, because they are corrupt, because they are cheating, are people who may have been, in fact, part of this university…”
ReplyDeleteProf. Winnie Monsod’s lecture might raise some eyebrows, especially from the Filipino community outside of the country. The speech wasn’t meant to be addressed to everyone. Second, it was intended to motivate these “Iskolars ng Bayan” to stay in the country and be part of the solution and not exacerbate the country’s brain drain.
Prof. Monsod stressed the importance of serving the country with “honor first before excellence.” She pointed out that one of the reasons why the country is where it is now is that people look solely at excellence, and not with honor and integrity. Furthermore, she tells her students to refrain from cheating because “cheating in the small things, leads to cheating in the large things.” She closed her speech on a comical manner, challenging her students to do things that would help the Philippines or else, face dire consequences.
Professor Monsod's lecture started with a deal by telling her students that they are future leaders. To be a good leader, one needs to have honor and excellence in doing what he or she is tasked to do. Honor and excellence that would result in one's confidence and integrity and will make us to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
ReplyDeletePhilippines needs future leaders who are not cheaters. As a student, we can achieve it not only in school but also in our homes. We should always be honest in everything we do because it gives us confidence and integrity, the qualities that will lead us to be honorable and excellent in any field of study or career we want to pursue.
In Professor Monsod's words:
"I am only one but I am one
I cannot do everything but I can do
What I can do I ought to do
And with the Grace of God, I will do it"
it clearly sends us a message that whatever status we have in life, one needs a strong will to be honest to be able to achieve what our country needs-LEADERS who have HONOR and EXCELLENCE in serving the country. In this way, we can solve one of the country's crisis-corruption!
It is good to know that we can build and rebuild this country with great people who are imbued with qualities that will place us to be one among tigers and developed countries of the world. I think it is not impossible if we are to ACT now...
Ben Joshua S. Lopez
BA Communication 1A
October 15, 2011 9:15PM
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ReplyDeleteThis got me thinking. Suddenly, I felt like giving up my dream of going abroad, after hearing what Winnie Monsod said. She really is right, that leaving the country is betraying it at the same time.
ReplyDeleteWe should always think of how our country help and develop us. Maybe not obvious but the country really is the one who we should thank for next to God. For building the roads and other stuffs, you know, things that helps us in our daily lives. I know it's simple but come on people, in some little or not too little ways the country did a really good job taking care of us especially those who studied and still studying in state universities or in public schools.We owe our lives to our country.
But what could be the reason why others leave the country? You see people, we can now say that the country is at stake. Obviously we're losing the fight, we are at rank 56 in the poorest countries in the world. And it's because of severe corruption and CHEATING. Winnie Monsod got it right, that cheating leads to corruption and it starts on us. At school we are cheaters, even inside our own homes, same with the politicians, I am sure their one of the best cheaters in school, isn't it obvious? Look what they've done to our government. If we haven't been the lazy students we should have been one of the richest countries in the world.
One thing that Winnie Monsod wants us to carry,
help the country don't CHEAT, because cheating is what makes our country what it is today.
BA Communication 1A
In this video tells about the issue of University of the Philippines Diliman. We all know that the main speaker of this is Prof. Solita Monsod. She is graduated in UP diliman. The university has a motto that the “Honor and Execellence”.
ReplyDeleteHonor is honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. And it is the esteem paid to worth and is associated with reverence, dignity, distinction, reputation, good name and a good sense of what is right, just, and true. The key part to honor is having respect for others and for yourself, the two must act together because with out both you have nothing. And the Excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards.
We all know that Cheating is start to small thing go to the big thing. In this situation it is the big problem in every Filipino. And it is doesn't always happened in school but some happened in our daily life. As far as I know cheater is not success in life and it is true. And if you want to pass do the best to pass and study hard. And if are cheat and cheat you will not to success. If you know you are success is not true because in God see you do is not good.
Do not cheat, and be a good leader in our country. Not only in our country we also in our society and other way to do a good act. Let’s start to change. And the first step is to “STOP CHAETING”. And it is the first solution to everyone that should love our country.
Criselle B. Rondilla
BA Communication – 1B
"Whether you know it or not, or whether you realize it or not, you are leaders. I mean not just future leaders, you are leaders now." Prof. Monsod said.
ReplyDeleteStudents go to school to learn something and to make their dreams come true. As students study, they are given tests to know what they've learned so far. During the examinations, most students try to cheat. But they all know that cheating is very bad. However, some students graduate because of cheating. Everybody may not know that. And as they choose their careers, follow their dreams, they can never hide to themselves that they stared from cheating. Where they are right now started from cheating. As Mrs. Monsod once said, "And cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things."
Mrs. Monsod's lecture talks about how cheating affects one's honor and excellence with integrity, especially to the students who are leaders by now. People may never know that the leaders today started from cheating before. Most of them are graduates of University of the Philippines, Diliman. But many people may not know that they cheated when they are still part of the university. They may have excellence. But how about honor? "The excellence is not the only important thing that matters." Prof. Monsod said.
As a student and as a leader, I will try my best to help the country's problem. I will not cheat so that I will not be part of the problem rather to be part of the solution. As the saying goes, "I am one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it."
Puma, Erika Marie C.
BA Comm - IA
"A thousand miles begins with a single step", we must be very familiar with this quotation, but remember, this works on both ways. You can take the road to success and you can also take the road to the world of regrets,it depends on the first step that you are going to make.
ReplyDeleteWhen we become a student her in the Philippines, our mind should already be open about the responsibilities that are put on our shoulders. We must use our knowledge for our country because we are not learned to betray our country but to help it, and in order to do this we must start with small things, Small things that we never realize is much important. As a student the first thing that we must avoid is cheating, now a days, majority of the students cheat in their small ways, no wonder, sooner or later they will cheat on greater ones, so as possible we must not cheat even in the smallest thing cause it may lead as to cheat on big things. Cheating is a bad hobby. We must not tolerate cheating cause if we do, it's like tolerating corruption. We are all aware on how people hates corruption but we, on our own way, tolerates cheating, isn't that the same? If we cheat we are already a problem for our nation and as a student that is not our nature, we must be a part of the solution. The quotation,"youth is the hope of the nation", it must be change to,"is youth really the hope of nation?", cause if so, why are we still here? suffering from corrupt peoples, peoples that ones in their life become youth, that ones become the hope of the nation, so what the problem? They are geared with knowledge and excellence but how come they betray their country? maybe the answer is already given, because they are only geared with excellence but not with honor and conscience. So as the new youth and as the new hope of this country, we must be geared with both.
For us to be able to go on the right path, we must have self control cause i count him braver who overcomes his desires that him who conquers his enemies. Remember, one of the most important, but one of the most difficult things for a powerful mind is, to be its own master.
Ma. Cresille Pedrigal
A very meaningful, little serious discussion by Television personality and university professor, Winnie Monsod. It was an inspiring and entertaining message I have heard that not only UP Diliman Students or her class must hear but as much as possible every Filipino.
ReplyDeleteProf. Monsod made a very good point about the said crisis. She’s trying to relay that “don’t be a part of the problem rather be part of the solution”. Which I believe every Filipino must understand and apply to their personal life. We must remember, home, school, politics, and in the government plays a key role before it gets out from a cocoon to a global stage. The main point here is about striving to reach the peak of their potential, leaving the country and going to abroad for some brighter future purposes. But try to understand this; our country desires to have future good leaders, programs and services that could help in the upbringing of the society. We Filipinos should be engage in such businesses that can surely help in the goodness of our country’s image. But what we do is we became part of the problem rather than the solution. Because we people take the advantage of appealing to dishonesty and cheating.
Yes, Cheating. The very foremost and unusual thing for students, but according to Prof. Monsod it is usual in the universities and that’s what bothers her. “We don’t have to cheat because cheating in the small things is going to cheating in the large things. Once you cheat you are no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be much part of the problem.” She quoted again. Well, as we all know and see, it is the one of the biggest problem that universities as well as our world facing in today’s society. But ironically, we still do it for our pride sake. We only think for ourselves, we never think of what may happen and this is what our country is engaging too.
“I am only one, but I’m one. I can’t do everything but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do and with the grace of God, I will do it”. We should be inspired by this kind of thoughts. We should aid our country and stay away from dishonesty because we have not only helped our country but we also have helped the world especially ourselves.
Professor Monsod urged us to place honor before excellence.
Alilio, Maria Andrea C.
After I've watched the last class of Prof.Monsod in UP Diliman, I also asked myself, as a student how can I help to solve the problems of our country facing now. I agree with her when she said that "cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things", cheating is a sin because it's an act of stealing knowledge from your classmates and you are not also being honest with yourself. If you cheat it means you're being dependent to others knowledge. Cheating is like an epidemic destroying the integrity of schools and universities in our country.
ReplyDeleteFilipinos are working abroad because of large amount of salary, but as Prof. Monsod said, working abroad is betraying the people of the Philippines. Working in other country is not the solution to our country's problems like poverty.
Prof. Monsod also said that we are leaders. Leaders do not cheat, leaders do not betray his/her followers, leaders are discipline and responsible, he has a kind-heart and most of all he/she have faith to our God. As a college student, I want to prove that I'm a good leader and someday I will be one of the people who will help our country. As of now the only things I can do is to study hard, pursue my dreams and be a responsible student.
Charlene Driodoco
BA Comm 1A
"We are leaders, we are leaders now because we are intellectual elite" -Prof. Solita Monsod-
ReplyDeleteThis video is all about college students, especially to those who are studying in University of Philippines Diliman.
University of the Philippines Diliman is very highly university. Many dreams and wants to study there. Many of our government officials graduated there. Even I wanted to study there because I know the good quality of education in UP.
As I heard from Prof.Monsod she discussed the main problem of our country today"CHEATING".
According to google ...Cheating is when a person misleads, deceives, or acts dishonestly on purpose. For kids, cheating may happen at school, at home, or while playing a sport.
Even if you do such little things like asking to you're seatmate,what's the answer on one item it is called "CHEATING" asking to you're seatmate is prohibited while you're taking the test. It's just a small thing that leads you to large things.Prof. Monsod said "If you're going to cheat you are no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much part of the problem"
As college student, I have the responsibilty to study hard, get a high grades,graduate on time and get a good job. I always dream that someday I will get a good job that i can be proud of. But first before getting a job I should first study very well,passed the quizzes,tests and that's the hardest thing for college students. Many nowadays are so lazy to study and instead of studying "cheating" goes on.
Let's think of it all of us are intellectual in our own ways. We study because we want to learn, but how can we learn if we are depending to others.We are a teenager and Jose rizal said that we are "PAG-ASA NG BAYAN" but how can we become that if we are now cheating how can we establish our own country if we are the one's who are letting it fall.
And how can we help our country if many of us wants to work abroad. Isn't is good that we study here and the n we work here? how come that many filipinos wants to work abroad? because of the chance of being richer there than here?You study here but the other countries will be the once who will benefit it? Gosh.Someday were gonna replace the leaders now.But how can we become a better leader if we are now doing such things as "cheating" and so "SELFISH"!"WITH A GREAT POWER COMES WITH A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY" please think of that.
We hate the government because they are stealing,cheating but what do many of us do now? Is isn't it call cheating? CHEATING is another term for STEALING.They said there is always a room for a change.If not now?when?
It is not too late !
Sherry Rose De Villa
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ReplyDelete"If you cheat? You are not a part of the solution anymore.."
ReplyDelete- Prof. Solita Monsod
In the last lecture of Prof. Solita Monsod, a professor of University of the Philippines, Diliman, she mentioned something that every students must heard and that is about cheating. Cheating refers to the breaking of rules to gain advantage in a competitive situation. She also talked about leaders and leader is the one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leaders and followers. But what if we comprises the meaning of cheating and leader, does it mean that the one who mobilizes others are the rule breakers. It’s damn to heard that but it is true, that our leaders are also the cheaters.
As I continue watching the video of Prof. Monsod last lecture, she also point out the UP’s motto, HONOR and EXCELLENCE and she emphasized, honor FIRST before excellence. How should we highlighted honor if we think first of excellence and to pursue excellence we will take advantage of our studies, we go cheating.
And as I go on watching, I conclude that Prof. Monsod just wanted to tell her students to live with honor and excellence and to pay back what they owe to the Philippines. It is a responsibilities and no matter what it takes a true patriot serves his own country.
BA – Communication IB
Copyright 2011
“Cheating in small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things” and “Once you cheat, you are no longer part of the solution anymore; you are going to be very much a part of the problem.” These are the two tag lines which caught my attention in Professor Monsod’s Lecture in her class. If you were able to cheat even in small things, therefore there is a great possibility that you can also cheat in big things. Haven’t you ask yourself about how faithful and loyal you are on the things you are doing in your daily lives? How are you as a daughter/son? As classmate? As sibling? As student? And as an individual? Do you live by the principle of honesty? Or you live in pretense? We always want to be the part of the solution and not the part of the problem but don’t we realize that even just by pretending that we can be a part of the solution though at the back of our minds we know that we, ourselves, are also cheaters is a big example of quackery and charlatanism?
ReplyDeleteAs they say, “honesty is the best policy”. Policies are often made by the people who are in charge or in others words, they are the people we call LEADERS. And the sad part of that is there are some of them which may we also call CHEATERS. That is the big problem of our country today. Our leaders are the one who doesn’t live by the law and principles of life. They live in pretense that they can help our country to be a better nation but the truth is they only think for themselves. I always dreamt to be a politician and a lawyer since I was a child until I realized that the new meaning of today’s politics is “dirty!” I came up thinking that even as a student, I can be a part of the solution by being honest in every way. Finals is a day ahead and by being honest in all of my answers is one of the possible ways of being a solution in our problem. Another one is by living by the law and following even the simple rules in our university and wherever place I go. I cannot assure what will happen to the future so I will just focus on my studies and be honest for someday I can be a good leader and a big help to our country.
Be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem but if you know that you cannot be a part of the solution then just don’t be a part of the problem. Wisdom is a lot better than just a simple knowledge. Know the right choice and make the right decision. Keep this thought in mind, “QUITTERS never WIN but CHEATERS never SUCCEED!”
ROSEL, Robe Roxanne L.
BA Communication IA
Ok I just want to say I cannot relate to what Prof. Monsod has said, she is talking to students of UP on how they should do the right thing and study hard, don't cheat and don't leave the philippines, but I'm not from UP so I can relate at only to the things she said that goes out to all the Filipinos out there. We all know studying is hard, who said it was easy? Maybe it is easy for some because they are gifted with an incredible mind, but not me. Yes I do the right thing, I study, hard to believe but I study, not as hard as everyone else but at least I study. When the lessons and test get hard I ask for "help" from my classmates and they give help willingly, I admit I cheat, I'm not proud but I am also not ashamed, too harsh? I'm just saying what I feel, what good is an essay if it is full of lies and brown-nosing? We all know cheating is bad and we should not do it, and if we don't cheat and we fail where does that take us? a jobless heap of a so called future? No. It takes a jobless heap of an HONORABLE future. Doesn't sound good but at least it's honorable, and honor will take you a long way, so what I'm trying to say is just do good in school, find help and give help, that's all there is to it, oh and I have no intentions of working abroad so I have nothing to say to that matter.
ReplyDeleteSymoun Dred NaƱez Durias
BA-Comm 1B
“I am only one, but I’m one. I can’t do everything but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do and with the grace of God, I will do it”.
ReplyDeleteA very inspiring and meaningful thought by Prof. Monsod. After i heard those thoughts it never leave my mind. I agree with all Prof. Monsod said, exept graduates going abroad. They can't blame us if we choose to ho abroad after graduation. As we all know there is a greater opportunity in abroad than here in the Philippines. We must grab the those opportunity if one comes. It's much Better if we graduated here we work here. But the problem is there is lesser opportunity.
Cheating is the main topic here. Cheating is not really a good habit. Why do people cheat? Even though their reason is enough to cheat it is not good to cheat. sample in quizes, we better get zero than to cheat. In politics and goverment today. Most of then cheat in order to attain their own interest,which results Philippines as a poor country.
I learned a lot in this selection. We don't really have to cheat. Because it doesn't result very well. A little cheat may lead to a large cheat. Once you cheat, sometimes you can't control it and it become a habit.
Being A leader. A good leader can manipulate his country very well. All of us can be a good leader, if we do our duty with all our heart and not by our own intention. Why do our country now is poor? It is all because of the persons who manipulates us. They used to cheat and steal in result the people in the Philippines are starving. If only those persons are not cheating, we are not here, we are in a high quality of life which each and everyone of us wished for. If only they are doing their duties, no more filipinos are working abroad just to eaned much money.
As a student, we have duties and responsibilities to do. Instead of cheating during exams and quizes we must study and listen to the lessons. There is no harm in trying to be good. Stop CHEATING and try to STUDY.
It's not to late everyone. We can still get what we want as long as our conscience is clean in doing such things. Just try not to cheat, be true and honest. Don't CHEAT. Study HARDER. Be TRUE and HONEST. Clean your CONSCIENCE and don't forget to ask help from GOD above in order to attain peaceful life!:)
Ferrer, Louise Princess Angela C.
-how can you be a part of the solution and
ReplyDeletenot a part of the problem?
CHEATING is act in a dishonest way. it is
not good for the students, because students
is part of schools or university and that
schools made to have a purpose and that
purpose is to study ! They responsibility is
to study. We need to study to get a high
grades, to pass not to fail, and to graduate
not to cheat. Because if many students do
that , it means no one can be honest.
According to Prof. Monsod the UP DILIMAN
She said honor first before excellence. I
do believe that...
it is not always excellence to get honor !
but it is honor to get excellence..
I believe that motto, because for me you
need to be honor.. or you need to be honor of
yourself, to honor of what you is, and to
honor of what you did !!!
Before you get the EXCELLENCE..
The excellence get of what you did !!!
The honor and excellence. According to Prof.
Monsod graduated in UP Diliman it is not all
about competence... IF your good, your good!
No one can barrier you.. At least you do
something to be excellence, but if you fail
its not their fault, its your fault because
you didn't do something to pass , you didn't
studying. So if you fail, the problem is YOU!
Not him, her, or us.. Its you !
If your not cheat your part of the solution
but if your cheat you are now part of the
The college graduate go to abroad because in
the Philippines no more jobs waiting, no
vacant jobs for their. they go their not
because they really want, but because the
problem is the government... they did not
making a jobs for the people in the
You know what, why they go their? Because in
the other country have many open jobs...
They go their even if more sufferings they
Its okay for them to sacrifice at least they
have job, they have a lot money to give the
necessity of their family.
I believe that we can do something...
We can do it to become a solution of our
country ! we can...
sabi nga !!!
"Honor and excellence" are the words that was given emphasize by Prof.Solita Monsod in her last lecture. She said that the motto of UP Diliman is "honor first before excellence".As a leader you should be honorable. As an honorable leader you will be a big part of the solution and not a part of the problems of our country.
ReplyDeleteShe said that the majority of the presidents of the Philippines,Chief Justices,Speakers of the House and even the Senate Presidents are from UP,but "why are we where we are now?"she ask with disappointment.It's true,why are we experiencing so many problems if they are good leaders. She said that there's a reason why we are experiencing many problems today and that reason is because of excellence. They looked at excellence and not at honor and integrity. Another is because of cheating. We should not cheat because "cheating in small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things", according to Prof. Monsod.
As a student we are established to be leaders. We are leaders now and not just future leaders. We are established to have honor and excellence and the next step to honor and excellence is to do what we have to do. To help the country and not to betray the country. Like what she said,"I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything but I can do something.What I can do,I ought to do".
Magnaye,Ann Catherine B.
BA Communication IA
October 16,2011 4:58pm
‘If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it is because they take better care of it”as what a famous saying goes.Migrants must first see the change in their own homeland in order to launch their great comeback.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching the video ,I would not forget what Prof.Monsod told about working abroad in her last lecture.She Said"If you’re going to help this country, you’ve got to be in this country.” She even warned those who have ambitions of working abroad, especially the graduates of state universities: “They are essentially betraying the people of the Philippines who trusted them and invested their money for their education.” Who knows the future holds for us? Migration, as the door to vast opportunities, is not just a way toward financial liberty but intellectual enlightenment as well. Today’s mightiest nations are product of continuous exchange of knowledge and experience from innovative minds of people who were painfully shaped by various cultures and circumstances.The effects of migration are just too obvious to be ignored. It has done so much good for many families but has also inflicted irreparable damage to others. It’s transforming communities, in beneficial and harmful ways, too. It’s a lifesaver of the Philippine economy but it’s taking away my country’s best and brightest minds.For most Filipinos, they will gamble to leave, at whatever way or cost, as long as they see better opportunities outside. The point here goes beyond nationalism, for even the most patriotic Filipino will choose to leave given an empty stomach. In today’s globalized world, nationalism could no longer be bounded by physical borders. As long as I have not deserted my identity and have not compromised my values as a Filipino, I remain to be one – and I’m proud of it.
I may not always agree with some of her points but I always admire her sense of humor, eloquence, conviction, and nationalism.
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ReplyDeleteWell definitely, it is very clear what Prof. Monsod is trying to impose and that is, in our own ways we must help our country to alleviate from poverty and the other problems it is facing. And how can we do that?
ReplyDeleteIt’s already given that all of us are already leaders even though we are not enrolled in the University of the Philippines. We are leaders because we are humans, we all have the intellect and the awareness to know what is wrong and what is right. By using this intellect and awareness we can now help our country, but not everyone is doing their part and responsibility especially the leaders of our country. Actually they are the reason why are where we are now. They lead not to lead but they lead to make their selves richer and they don’t care is the rest of the Philippines is being sabotage by poverty as long as they can feed their selves and their family with food and money, that’s all that matters to them, in short they lead to give benefits to their selves. There are so many ways to help our country and I know that you are also aware of that. But of course, if we want to help our country we have to be in this country and that goes to all the OFWs working abroad and by that they are no longer part of the solution but rather part of the problem already because, by simply working abroad you are only working to help yourself and your family but not for our country and it’s the same thing most of our leaders are now doing. But at least in some way if you cannot really stop yourself from working abroad, please, just please pay back all the things the Philippines had invested on you for the Philippines needs you more than you could ever think.
I want to challenge you, challenge you to become part of the solution or even better- the solution itself. Even though we didn’t come from UP we must always keep in mind to bring Honor and Excellence to our country of course by helping it and remember, it’s always honor that comes first never excellence.
In my mind is an enchantingly rich, beautiful history of old beginnings and new challenges ushered in by the coming ages. Those were the times when loving one’s country was as effortless and human as breathing. When people would not hesitate to pick up the kris, the bolo, and the pen to fight for what they thought was just, and carves into their bosoms the hope that this forsaken patch of land could be returned once again to the rightful heirs.
ReplyDeleteAs the years came, the Filipino began spreading his own dreams too thin, too far to the corners of the world. He forgot his humanity, the things that made him who he was. I’m still wondering if those things people once fought are still worth something. I am part of the society of today. I may not be perfect, or grand or anything that you might describe as ideal. But I’m still part of the society, no matter how young or even uncaring am I. I can still make a change that I want bringing the act of honor and integrity as a leader. We can all be a leader if we can hold honor and excellence without the act of cheating that brought us to poverty, unjustified crimes, savage, and relentless corruption.
Was everything that once happen just a distant, faded memory that will never be given any remembrance or importance? But, one thing I know is certain, and it’s the only thing I can clearly tell to you. Whenever you look up at our flag, the physical symbol of everything our fore fathers have been pouring their hearts on. Remember that the band of the red isn’t there to remind us that the blood has to be split is the same blood that gushes through our veins until this day. And the blue is not there for us not be steadfast of our condition, but for us to remember that up there, is that vat, cerulean sky. In the same sky that will be looking down at this nation, when the time comes when the people of this country will rise to the occasion as the rightful people of this society.
Jessica B. Llagas
BA Communication IA
Cheating is one of the problem of our country are facing. cheating to your exam, to your girlfriend/boyfriend, to your friends and sometimes to your own country.Maybe if all the government people here is honest and don't like to cheat our country is not suffering now.
ReplyDeleteHonor first before excellence.All the Filipinos must always keep this in mind. It is very important to be honorable than being excellent. We should do all things with honor. Because honor is very important once you lose this is no simple way to give it back.Be honorable in all the things that you do.
I think Mrs. Monsod is right.We Filipino student should never leave our country after we graduated. In spite of all the great fortune awaits there serve your own country first.We all the student should take the deal Mrs. Monsod is giving us.We should be part of the solution and not the problem.Never leave your country be proud to be a part of the solution.
Jeanne Pauline Q. PeƱaloza
BA-Communication IA
We finished college, after graduation we are know looking for a job.Others where luckily work in abroad while the other are choose to stay here. But almost three-fourth who stayed here are underemployment. So I can't say anything for those Filipinos, who work abroad.No one knows maybe it's the place where they can find their success in life.
ReplyDeleteI agree to Mrs. Monsod that we are the leaders.We are not in the position but we have the intellectual elite which leaders must have.To build the good leadership in the country.A good leader does not cheat, because we don't need to cheat.As a leader we are not always asked and waiting for the other answer or papers, a good leader have his own answers and paper to analyze.The leader is working for his country not on the other country.We need to help our country.As i watched the video i can say that now we are leading by cheating.That's why Mrs.Monsod said" PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT"
"The Philippines needs you more than you would ever think.If you are going to help this country, you’ve got to be in the country".It is not enough that you are increasing the number of dollars.It's about how you can help your country in your own way at the same time you are in your country.
Maria Morena P. Arcega
BA Communication IA
"You are in a position to be part of the solution of this country's problem, not part of the problem." Prof. Monsod said.
ReplyDeleteCheating is the problem that many Universities facing right now,even our own Government.And for me as a student,i'am one of the people who are responsible in this case,even i'm just a student,i can help by starting it at myself,i must not be part of those who are cheaters,i may not be included in that said problem.God is always there to us,to help us,to guide us and to give strength to us in facing all of our problems,we must trust God always and ask for his guidance.Small things may be bigger if we can't prevent it.We are very blessed to have an opportunity to go to school learned important things that we may apply when we start looking for a job,in that reason all we need to do is just study hard,so we may get a high grades,and our parents be proud of us.Cheating is not the solution in some kind of problem,it is only a choice,and for me it is not to be chosen.For all those students including me,"Let's start a new beginning".We cannot do everything,but we can do something better,and we may prove to all those people that we are the answers in that problem,let's start fixing it!.
And let us be proud of our own country,by working only here,and applying all that we have learned.Going to abroad is not the only answer on our poverty that we are encountering right now,the only thing that we must do is just be diligent,well discipline,and be able to do what is right and the most important thing is let God be our way in our chosen path.God Bless us all!!!:)
Martinez Ederlyn P.
BA Communication 1-B
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ReplyDeleteCheating is happening in every universities. Students and even the teachers and professionals are defrauder, for what? for their own sake? for them to win? Why? Because someone paid them? Give them a lot of money or to make someone proud? Imagine, if every one of us will cheat, what will happen to us? to our country? Yes! life is a game but in this case we should play fairly because this is for ourself and future of every children. Look what we are now, people are suffering, no job, no house, no education, no future!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Monsod had her last lecture in University of the Philippines in Diliman. That was short but very meaningful. I still remember a line from her lecture, "If you cheat? You are not a part of solution anymore". I think she wants to point out that we should not cheat and do what is right. Let me give you one example, We all know that politics are very dirty, politicians are cheating for them to be able to win. A lot of promises can be heard, but when they already win, is there a promise that come true? Some are, but mostly not! When they already in position, they are going to do their jobs, which is to corrupt, that's why there is no funds for every projects. Mrs. Monsod also said that majority of the presidents and senators are came from UP which is known for excellence. If they are really excellent, why we are like this?
Well! we are the young generation. Why don't we try to do better and play fairly? Anyway this is for our future. We should not cheat so that we can be a part of the solution.
Marie Joy Ros
Ba Communication IB
Admit it, students nowadays intend to go abroad after they graduated from college. Almost all of them dreamed of earning greener postures. It's a fact that none of us can deny. It is the sad and alarming reality of our time.
ReplyDeleteUniversity of the Philippines, Diliman is indeed the home of the intellectual elites of our countries. The local government spent millions or even trillions of pesos to support them. They're the chosen ones or as we often call them, the "ISKOLAR NG BAYAN". Graduates of this prestigious university are the one who likely to be seen with a decent job. Many of them are politicians and some of them even became the president of our country. But according to SOLITA MONSOD, what are they now? Or should I put it this way,where are there after graduating from UP? I can say that it is just ironic that the graduates of University of the Philippines are not even working here in the Philippines. The country that helped them finish there studies and put them where they are now. If they're just going outside the country, then I can say that our government had made a wrong decision in supporting them. I can relate to what Mrs. Monsod is saying. Being a student of a state university myself, I know that i should pay my gratitude to this country for giving me opportunity to study. Because University of the Philippines is not that different from my own school, the Southern Luzon State University. They're both funded by our government. The only difference is that we're not addressed as the intellectual elites of our country. But that is not the point, the point is that we have the same responsibilities. We have to help our country in every possible way. Because who else will help our country rather than ourselves? Contribute first in the economic betterment of our country before we set off to other places doing so many things for their own good. And of course, love our country first before we begin to love other places.
Bear in mind that dreaming for better life is not bad. It is part of the process, part of the cycle. But it does not mean that we will forget our own country. Our country needs us more than we know. Helping our country is like helping ourselves. I know and I'm sure that someday, the Philippines and it's nation will come to it's light.
AMORADO,Jose Amado
BA communication IA
ReplyDelete"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore, you are going to be very much a part of the problem."
ReplyDelete-Mrs. Monsod said
Poverty is one of the biggest problems that we Filipinos are experiencing right now. Why is that so? One factor is cheating or corrupting as what our government officials are doing. She also said that many government officials comes from UP and not all of them are as good as what the community expected from them. It happens because this people always look at excellence and not in honor and integrity. She said that if we cheat in little things it can lead to large things. Mrs. Monsod pointed about cheating because she don’t want that we student or we citizens of this country contribute to that problem. If we don’t cheat we can be as good as other countries.
And Mrs. Monsod also pointed out that leaving this country is not as good as what we think. We can only help this country if we are here. Even though it is not usual we must accept the facts that still the Filipino people is one reason why we can obtained the kind of education we have right now. Just an example we are now in public school , SLSU we pay less tuition fees not like what student in La Salle spends for their tuition fees. And in this way also we let our country down.
The Philippines needs you more than we can ever think. No one can help us in solving our country except we the people who lives in here.
“Attitude plus ambition is equals to achievement”. Analyzing deeply, leadership must be start to our selves. Cheating is an evil act that we must to avoid. We need to develop the confidence and trust to have a successful and better future. I believed what Prof. Monsod said that we are a leaders come to think of it, prove that we belong to the model youth leaders.
ReplyDeleteCheaters are not a good example. Our university is God loving so stop cheating. Our almighty God gave us a knowledge and wisdom to study a hard. We need perseverance to achieve our goals. Some Christian groups said that “YES TO GOD, NO TO CHEAT. Try to realize how bad we are, everytime we cheat. During examinations we observed different kinds of cheating that according to them it is useful to pass the exam. God can see us , it’s not easy to fight our conscience.
Education is a key to success. We are the solution, our beloved country needs us. As a college student , our profession is very important. If we cheat today, tomorrow is another day to review and give worth to our lessons. U.P is one of the most popular university in our country known for their motto “HONOR AND EXCELLENCE” here in SLSU we are oriented enough to avoid cheating. If the other University are developing good leaders and say no to cheaters, why don’t we?
Charlene Fulgueras
Human beings are undeniably sinners. Sins are acted either intentionally or accidentally but one thing for sure, it is for a reason(big or simple). People act evil although they know that at the end awaits “regret”. Yes punishment is there, but honestly speaking, we often focus on our needs, likes and benefits offered by it instead of the effect as well as the consequences. One common sin that truly affects one’s life and the entire world is the so-called “cheating”.
ReplyDeleteCheating is the major topic of the video shared by Prof.Monsod. Anybody who’s given a chance to watch and to listen this clip will end up learned and knowledgable about this simple word “cheating” buta big contributor in the increasing troubles and difficulties of our society. A newly developing kid, a simple citizen and a governing leader do cheat and create an addition to this. Even me, a freshman college student is sometimes too weak to fight against tempts, influences and selfishness. If every individual in this modern world would have this kind of lifestyle, then, we could say “there is no time for the said change and there will be no chance of a new life”. Why? Because if our leaders’ basis are money and greed, what do you think might happen?
If everybody’s deep-seated desire to have and to secure is an economic prosperity then there will be no problem, and there will be no hindrance at all. As long as there are people struggling to overcome all these, then, there will be a cry for reform and there is a light of hope for us. It may be a mountainous task for it seems immovable, still, we can reach it if we make ourselves the start. We can change this world of so many gigantic societal villains through the wisest use of our minds reflective on our right decisions and actions.
Marquez, Rechele Keith A.
"No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself."
ReplyDeleteGood leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience . This guide will help you through that process.You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Because, to be truly effective at leading others, we need to be effective at ‘leading’ ourselves and if we are unable to really know ourselves, we are only being deluded into thinking that we can lead ourselves.
Now a days, majority of students cheat, they think that cheating is a way of survival through hard times. They do not realizes the consequences of it, they think that it is the best way to get through to something. If we do think that cheating is a shortcut for our future life, then think again if we don't want to regret a thing. Cheating is like becoming irresponsible not only for your self but also being irresponsible citizen of this nation. They said that youth is the key of the country's future. If youth is really the key of our country then us student must take responsible for it, not in all big way but atleast in small way.We students can help our country by doing the real nature of the the student.
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for our actions.As a student we must know what is the right thing to do and what will be the best for our own selves.Doing the right thing is also being a good leader in our own way.I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating.
Take the right path that will lead you to success not in regrets.Doing the best that you can do to fulfill your dreams,do your best,prove to everyone and to your self that you deserve to be successful in every way.As a student be a leader and make the country proud.
Nestle Sicio
BA Comm 1-B
"YOU ARE LEADERS NOW!",Prof. Monsod once told in her class in the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Well, as she told that simple yet striking phrase, she intended to plant the wonders and the challenges of HONOR AND EXCELLENCE which sooner or later will lead to COMPETENCE AND INTEGRITY.
ReplyDeleteHONOR AND EXCELLENCE. Two of the biggest words existing in this earthly world. Sounds easy, but in fact its hard. Admit it or not, students do have their wrong concepts on having good grades and passed marks on their class cards. Many of them do think that oftentimes, cheating is better than repeating. This wrong perspective is the result of the tardiness of the dominant percent of college students nowadays. They never thought that as they aim to have this so called EXCELLENCE in the wrong way, they are also stealing the privileges of having clean conscience. That they are throwing dirt on their HONOR. They think that CHEATING is the only and easiest way of having good marks on their grades and we cant blame them for that. Cheating is way more easier than studying, but i never told that not because the acts are easy it doesn't mean that it is right. God gave us these intellect to prove the worth of what we have
As a conviction to this, i am now believing that HONOR AND EXCELLENCE can be achieved by aiming, studying and doing the good and right things than thinking that they have those with the easy way. There is nothing easy in this world, and we have to exert too much efforts in reaching your goals.
Now, lets face the reality that the country is now facing. The Philippines is rich in resources yet poor in good governance. This resulted in misconception and what we have discussed earlier. I am wondering why this country remain poor despite of the beauty that it contain. Maybe we are lacking Best People that will develop the country to its fullest. And again, it is a result of low economy that they have to work overseas just to earn good money. Before looking on other concepts, why not focus on dissolving the high rate of corruption. Since it contributes a lot to the problems of the world. And after resolving this rotten problem, i think, economy will risen, poverty will be vanished, unemployment will dissolve and the country will be uplifted.
let's just be leaders. not leaders of tomorrow but leaders of today. good leaders with HONOR AND EXCELLENCE. leaders with COMPETENCE AND INTEGRITY. Leaders who aim for best of the country and for their fellow people. and to start that, lets strike harder and mold a cleaner future.
BA Communication 1B
"Believe in yourself", three words that I should say about the video. Prof. Monsod tell her students that they are leaders, not just for future but now. I do believe to what Prof. Monsod has said, but how can we be a good and effective leaders? You should believe to yourself first, because how can you lead effectively if you will going to to search and find the ideas of others, if you do not know how to apply what is on your mind. It's just like cheating. Why did you cheat? Simply because you do not believe to yourself, instead of believing yourself you believe to your classmates answers during examinations. Sometimes you cheat because you did not study. But lets try to to remember that we have our responsibility as students. We have our purpose why we entered in a school or university and that is to study. We need to study because this would be our foundation for us to be able to get a good work after schooling. So do think that if you have your work after college you cannot cheat anymore.
ReplyDeleteSuccess is the attainment and achievement of an object. There are two ways of achieving that success, in wrong and good way. we give our best and do all we canto achieve our goals. But sometimes we made it in wrong way like during examination, we want to get a high grade but then you've got a high grade through cheating. Can you say that it is a success? Maybe it is for your grades, but people will not honor your personality. Your personality to be honored will depend to your way of living and doing. Do honor yourself and others will honor you, because that is a big part of solving the image of Filipinos in other country.
Honor and Excellence can truly lead us to a better way. Prof. Monsod was right, cheating was not the only reason for us to pass our subjects, or the key to succeed. We ourselves are the only one who’s responsible for it. If one day you fail, be proud not because you know that, that’s only what you’ve got, but because you know how to overcome it. As long as you trust yourself, you can do it without falling into temptation of CHEATING.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, being a Filipino people whose living in our very own country, we should stay and believe that were the best among the rest. Some Filipino didn’t notice the hidden beauty of our country; they looked to other country, instead. Searching more and more country to look for the job that they don’t even try to be one of the workers of their own country. And as what I heard to Prof. Monsod, this is what we so called a betrayal. What kind of Filipino are we, if were doing such things?
HONOR our country, EXCEL as we study……and continue dreaming, in order to achieve our goals, our ambitions and our desires without the use of CHEATS.
Quinto, Tiffanie R.
Honor and Excellence can truly lead us to a better way. Prof. Monsod was right, cheating was not the only reason for us to pass our subjects, or the key to succeed. We ourselves are the only one who’s responsible for it. If one day you fail, be proud not because you know that, that’s only what you’ve got, but because you know how to overcome it. As long as you trust yourself, you can do it without falling into temptation of CHEATING.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, being a Filipino people whose living in our very own country, we should stay and believe that were the best among the rest. Some Filipino didn’t notice the hidden beauty of our country; they looked to other country, instead. Searching more and more country to look for the job that they don’t even try to be one of the workers of their own country. And as what I heard to Prof. Monsod, this is what we so called a betrayal. What kind of Filipino are we, if were doing such things?
HONOR our country, EXCEL as we study……and continue dreaming, in order to achieve our goals, our ambitions and our desires without the use of CHEATS.
Quinto, Tiffanie R.
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ReplyDeleteCheating is one of the major problem that different Universities here in the Philippines are now experiencing, and we have to admit that its tempting to cheat because it makes difficult things seem easy. But did we notice that if we cheat we are not a part of the solution anymore. Its true cheating is not a solution on the problems that we are experiencing nowadays. If we cheat we are just adding another problem, not just to ourselves but also to our country , and this problem can be a threat to our improvement because if we still do this habit , I am very sure that you will regret.
ReplyDeleteUs, youth we can do many things in order for us to be a good leader and not leader who is corrupt, lier, promise breaker and most specially a cheater. As what Rizal said "kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan" and as a youth of this new generation, i will make a difference to minimize cheating. Yes, a difference in mt own little way. I will avoid cheating and when others see me doing this, they will feel guilty upon their wrong deeds. I will try to convince others to avoid cheating too, instead make some group studies to those subject they find hard. If this happens, they will end in a realization that it feels good to pass an examination doing it all by your self, and yes, its true that some of our graduates are applying or using their skills in abroad, but we cannot blame them. The opportunity that awaits them there is much better rather than here in the Philippines
This lesson by Prof.Monsod brings me to the realization that we have to be the role model of everybody not only here in the Philippines but all over the world.
As what everybody said,
Zandrix E. Consul
Cheating is one of the major problem that different Universities here in the Philippines are now experiencing, and we have to admit that its tempting to cheat because it makes difficult things seem easy. But did we notice that if we cheat we are not a part of the solution anymore. Its true cheating is not a solution on the problems that we are experiencing nowadays. If we cheat we are just adding another problem, not just to ourselves but also to our country , and this problem can be a threat to our improvement because if we still do this habit , I am very sure that you will regret.
ReplyDeleteUs, youth we can do many things in order for us to be a good leader and not leader who is corrupt, lier, promise breaker and most specially a cheater. As what Rizal said "kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan" and as a youth of this new generation, i will make a difference to minimize cheating. Yes, a difference in mt own little way. I will avoid cheating and when others see me doing this, they will feel guilty upon their wrong deeds. I will try to convince others to avoid cheating too, instead make some group studies to those subject they find hard. If this happens, they will end in a realization that it feels good to pass an examination doing it all by your self, and yes, its true that some of our graduates are applying or using their skills in abroad, but we cannot blame them. The opportunity that awaits them there is much better rather than here in the Philippines
This lesson by Prof.Monsod brings me to the realization that we have to be the role model of everybody not only here in the Philippines but all over the world.
As what everybody said,
Zandrix E. Consul
Life of people is like a river continues flowing without ending. In every flow there are many problems or trial that we need to facing and searching a solution. Even if its hard but we can handle it because it is a part of our life to make us strong and firm in all things. I, you, we, how can we help to give a solution to the problem of the world! What is it problem and how we start it? do you have an idea about it.
ReplyDelete"honor first before excellence" Said prof. Monsod. Because honor is an abstract concept entailing a perceived guality of worthines and respectability that affect both social standing and the self evaluation of an individual while excellence is not the only important thing that matters. Without this, We will not be able to solve the problem we face now.
"you are in a position to be part of the solution of this country's problem, not part of the problem." Said prof. Monsod. As a youth of this country, i have a lot of things to do to be a solution for the country's problem. As far as i concerned, Prof. Monsod of university of the phil., Diliman cited that cheating nowadays is the epedimic problem faced by the country. For this kind of problem, i start to solve it first to myself to not cheat because if you cheat, your not a part of the solution anymore.
we all know that more of our government officials are come from the elite university, The UP, diliman but do you notice that there are also cheating inside our government that show us there are no perfect in this world and always do a sin under satan. but to solve this big problem and to have a peaceful, successful and wonderful life we must do something to despite we cannot do everything. Say no to cheat! Start it to yourself as a role model to everyone and in this way we will have a good leader for the changes of our country.
Bonife Supremo
Coa-Bat IV
“It’s better to repeat than to CHEAT,” a saying that we must follow but most of the students prefer that “It’s better to cheat than to repeat” but on my own I can utter that I will just go over again on that subject than to pass in making use of any unethical doing.
ReplyDelete“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And with the grace of God, I will do it.”
- Prof. Solita Monsod
Every problem is solved not only by one but a lot of people. These problems are for all of us it is not just what others problem. Although I’m just only one, I know that I can do anything even if it is a small and simple way of mine, like in having such quizzes or examinations I would prefer to fail with honor than to win by cheating.
Being at my young age and I know that I can be a part of the solution not a part of the problem. As Prof. Solita Monsod said we are all leaders. Each and every one of us must exposed the leader in ourselves and reject it by doing wrong. Being a student we must not cheat because we will not be a part of the solution of our country’s problem but the main problem of our country. Former students have to work and priorities our country because if you work abroad you will betray and let our country from losing.
“The Philippines needs you more than you would ever think and if it is not you, who else will do it? Deal and Threat,” Like Prof. Monsod, we should be all vigilant and done something for the brighter future by being a person of honor and excellence.
BA - Communication
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ReplyDeleteYouth, by all means, is every fruit of the society and its norms, boon and bane.
ReplyDeleteApparently, there is no measure to integral morality especially in the honesty of any student, say, put to a test. In the coverage of Professor Solita Monsod's last lecture to her class in Macroeconmics in the University of the Philippines- Diliman, a consequential example of how the claimed "pag-asa ng bayan" can help alleviate our country's stature through hindering cheating is well presented.
"Whether you know it or not or whether you realize it or not, your are leaders. I mean not just future leaders; you are leaders now," Monsod stressed.
Without the connotation of being a Batang UP, I greatly feel for what she heeds. Now that I'm in college, I'm gradually envisioning the plausible effects of what I'm doing in the university and why I'm doing those things. After this, what is there for me? And to a great extent, what is there for my country with my expected addition to effective society?
In the time being, I still am being observed not just as a student but as a future professional and I'm already a leader by letting myself be educated. Needless to say, credibility and excellence are well, of course, the primary prerequisites of success disguised in human suits, and this is what I, as all others, ought to develop. The main reason is my pursuing college and my dream profession.
But those are just easily wanted, as it is not easy to play fair in achieving them. (Although, it is noted possible.) Some of our country's political elites, as a matter of fact, had done such crime to reach where they are now—through cheating, that is.
"If they are so good, why are we where we are now? Part of the reasons is because we've always looked at excellence and not at honor and integrity."
As I see it, employing in our country isn't enough given the rating of our own leaders, but being ruled by such products of fraud doesn't make us any worse. We can change history; we can partake to the solution... NOW.
Practice is all it takes. If "cheating in the small things is going to lead to cheating in the large things," so is being truthful in small dozes can lead to being an example of integrity to the nation. And I, for one, am a living proof of living out the latter.
For me, knowing what is good and what is proper is key. Having done and learnt from such fraud in the past, it is without a doubt good in engaging to cheating being a student myself. Everybody is at least condemn of this if not guilty of. It benefits crammers and those plainly not studying. But it spells no good in the long run. College best taught me that.
"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore; you are going to be very much part of the problem."
The best, concrete and experiential example I can give of how to at least help alleviate any of our country's crises is to remember righteousness above all else. Getting a diploma is already a first to a few more steps in contributing to the solution, for it'd be such a great waste to plunder the nations funds while studying when I wouldn't finish it.
I also agree with what Prof. Monsod said about "If you're going to help this country, you've got to be in the country." Employing domestically is just to reciprocate what the country had contributed to my education through it's subsidy. By the time I'm earning from my education, it is also essential to pay taxes— promptly and objectively—to continue the cycle with the next generations' education.
Until I get there, minding how I'd pass a subject is my business. And for what its worth, getting a high grade with my own efforts and knowledge is better than depending on another's... bar none.
"I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do, and with the grace of God, I will do it."
Wea Lyka G. Pabularcon
BA Comm. I-B
“Cheating in smaller things lead you in cheating in larger things.”
ReplyDelete– Prof. Solita Monsod, University of the Philippines – Diliman
This statement moved me in a sense that I was one of those who adds problem and who don’t give solution to our country. Honestly speaking, I am a cheater. Yes! You just have read it. It feels so sad to know, without knowing it directly, that I am already a problem in our country. It feels so disappointing that I, as a college student, become a part of the problem that our country is facing nowadays.
We are the future leaders of our country. We are the future solution on the problem of our country. We don’t have to wait for time to come that we’ll be a part of the problem of our country. I don’t want to be like those students, who will do anything ruthless just to have a diploma. I don’t want to be like those future practioneers, without enough knowledge on what career would they pursue. The next step will depend on us. We should bring honor and excellence in our country. We should be globally competitive. Don’t let ourselves be fooled by just cheating in small ways just to be succesful in our own ways.
If we really have that love for our country, then let your love for your country grow. We can contribute simple things that could bring prosperity in our country. As a student, instead of copying the answers from your seatmate or classmate, why would not burn the midnight oil? Instead of plagiarizing the works of other people, why don’t we use our own mind to create our own work? These simple things would lead us into a greater path towards success. These would bring us into a greater path towards honor and excellence.
Now I know. I won’t cheat. I won’t.
HAY, Cedrix S.
BA Comm. IA
Honor and Integrity, is what should have. If every person is going to have discipline, whether he/she is in or out of the country. Then he will have all what it takes to be a living person. Im not afraid of anyone dying in this world., what im afraid of is that many of us is not living there life at all. If every one can apply this discipline in their mind and their body., we would not have to worry about cheating,corruption and other bad things that we swear that other hath done. We would be free from anything. What I realized lately is that., we are not free. Even thou they said we are free. We are still chambered and locked in the dark abyss of never ending lies and faults. We are being imprisoned by ourselves. Failure does not mean that you are weak., it only makes you stronger as you pass it by., let the voices of the damned be heard., Let us help those who are stifled bi the wrath of the demons that made threats to our country., let us all be our selves. The never ending road with many winding turns must be renovated and turned into what he need and not what they want for us. Only you can decide on how you will live your life, for this is your own., some people say we need to strike the iron while its hot., well I say lets srike the iron to make it hot, then keep striking until we are free from all the wrath and havoc of power and greed. Let us all remember that if we are in a destination to follow., it is not the finish line that made us happy., let us always remember the journey on how we get there. Go on live your life, for you are FREE!
Professor Monsod’s speech to the UP students was inevitably true not only to them but to each and everyone, even to the students of other universities here in the country. Like what she said, we are leaders for the reason that we are intellectual elite, we are empowered by the knowledge. I can say that I am a leader in my own way, that I can merely satisfy the people around me.
ReplyDeleteBeing a person, we have intellect and will, intellect for doing what is right and will for doing what is good. We should use these things to be able to solve the problems of the country, though we are students. Prof. Monsod wanted us to bear in our minds that we are a part of the solution to the Philippines’ problem and so we should earn honor and integrity first before excellence. She also stated that for every cheat that we made we are being added to the said problem, not actually stating the real problems of the state but generally speaking we already knew it. According to her a small cheat can lead to a bigger cheat, we should avoid this even though we know that it is very usual. ‘ I am only one but I am one, I can’t do everything but I can do something, what I can do I ought to do and with the grace of God I will do ‘- that’s what Prof. Monsod called Mantra, that if you motivates yourself in this saying we can help our country to progress and develop. We are not just people who will live life like riding on a jeepney, not knowing where to go, just sitting by while roaming our eyes in the surrounding. We should have a goal to set, work for it, achieve it and finally we can feel that pleasure of fulfillment. We should enhance our strength and fight our weaknesses. If all of us made it we can now include our nation to the developing country. Students finishing their courses like me should not wish to work abroad to earn dollars, as Prof. Monsod said that if we plan to work in other countries we are betraying our own land. We should be satisfied of what our country can offer us. We should work for our countrymen, for the state, paying them back for educating us and showing our gratitude for molding our personhood.
As she ended her speech, she had a deal and threat that constantly stucked on my mind. Her deal for us, “Be good and honorable as we can be “, and her threat, “And if you can’t I’ll follow you wherever you are.” She is a great and an inspiring speaker, I hope to meet her sooner or later. The country needs us more that we need it so for our dear land, we should be the best as we can be.
Joeren PeƱaojas
BA Communication IA
ma'am i am the one who requested you if i can still submit my work.
Have you ever wondered what marks our timing? If one life can really make an impact to the world or if the choices we make matter? Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to go back. In this case, just for a few minutes.
ReplyDeleteCheating, it's very common in our country. Whether it's the act of the students, teachers, families or leaders of the nation. People in this world are now in a state wherein they have been blinded by power, neglecting integrity.
It's ironic that we teach the youth to do good, yet we know for a fact that we are also the reason of mischief in this nation. It's a shame that after we teach them good things, they'll still end up into something unworthy. Instead of living the good side, innocent people can be influenced by the unkindness of the society. It will lead into bigger problems than what it is now.
We all know that students cheat to pass. It's a remarkable thing for them because it can easily get them to something that will satisfy them. Though it's a very desperate thing to do, they still prefer this as an easy way out to spare there time reviewing. Students call it "TEAMWORK" in class. They unite with there classmates for they mistake cheating as a good thing.
"Once you cheat, you are now no longer part of the solution anymore; you are going to be very much part of the problem." Prof. Monsod said. I don't want or will not be part of those who exacerbate more on the country's problem. I'm going to be part of the solution. It's the choice we make that matters.
From the time being, cheating can cause us good or bad outcomes but it's never the best solution. If we are knowledgeable enough, we wouldn't have to think twice of doing what's bad.
We need to take a few minutes to commence and think. If only we could undo the wrong doings that we've done and if only we have good leaders, our world would've been a Utopia.
We should be responsible enough to know our priorities to our country. We are the members of the nation and change is within us.
Cheating is inevitable, but it shouldn't go further from what it has done.
I am a student, not just a student; I am a member of this nation. I may not make a huge change, but I could do something. I'll start by dedicating my time and effort in studying hard. I know for a fact that it will lead me into something great. It's a good start for a common purpose, Honor and Excellence.
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ReplyDeleteWriters' Block: Deal and Threat
ReplyDeleteWriters' Block: Deal and Threat
"We are leaders, not just future leaders but already a leader now". I do really believe in this saying of professor Monsod. Classifying a leader is not just by looking and judging his or her physical appearance, but by also knowing his or her ability. Height, age and looks are not the basis to be able to be a good leaders to everyone. She also state that excellence is not just the important thing that matters. Honors and excellence honor first before excellence. Furthermore she said that, cheating in small things is going to lead to cheating in large things. Actually nowadays, we are aware that cheating is not such an unusual thing being done by the students. We as a student should not cheat, because as a well educated persons we know that it is not morally right.
"Cheating", nowadays became a great issue especially to many universities. If we aim something and willing to attain it, we should strive hard and do something to have it in a positive way. We should reach it in a way that we can contribute to the progression of our country and our society. We do not need to cheat just to attain it, all we need to do is just believe in ourselves and in our own capability. Always think that God is always there for us, he is guiding and watching us in all our doings. The future of not just ourselves but also our country is in our hands, decisions and most of all, our actions. I also agreed on what Mrs. Monsod state that ,we are one, we cannot do anything, but we can do something. Even just a simple college student, Ido believe in myself that I can do something to contribute to our progression. By simply studying hard and finishing my course in a positive manner. I just need to trust myself and believe that, the country needs me more than what I think.
On the otherhand, we are aware that many Filifinos are now working abroad to help their families living here in the Philippines. They thought that if they work out of the country they will be contributing a lot to our society. But what they all believe was all wrong. In that case, they are not helping our country bit instead they are betraying it. Now as a college student that is nearly to reach my goals in life, I will never left my beloved country. I will served here as long as I can. I will never let myself add to the increasing numbers of person leaving it. If we are really willing to serve and help our country, we should stay here. If not of us, Who else will make it ?
Danica F. Manalo
BA Comm-IA
by danica manalo at 6:59 pm Oct.16,2011
(note: Ma'am I am the one who talks to you last Oct.19 at the hamlet hall, asking if you were able to received my project. I try to resend it again this time. I send my project last Oct.16. I think it wasn't saved in this page, but rather on the blogs page. I am hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you so much, ma'am. )
Where do you belong to the problem or to the solution? Try to ask yourself. Let’s find out.
ReplyDeleteWe are the leader of our self. But if we try to cheat or done than that such a thing do you consider that as a leader? I as a student know what is happening in our country. Philippines are corrupt country. I believed that everyone in this country is trying to figure out why is this happening, but the answer is in the government. If they are really not a cheater why are they doing wrong things? As of now we us a student, try not to cheat or let me say not to cheat. Honor is first not excellent.
In every problem there has a solution. We should know how to place our self. Cheat to make it more miserable or to be honest to have a real achievement.
anne laurice v. cabriga
beed i-b