Description is a method of paragraph development wherein you create vivid pictures or images of a story or instance through the use of words. Normally, adjectives are used in this method. In writing a descriptive paragraph, you need to make use of sensory details, i.e.—details which comes to your senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing and sight).
I believe many men, if not all, have their own standards of an ideal girl apart mostly from the most obvious one which is more of a physical judgment with women (one that has a "coke-like body," one who's mestiza, with long black shiny hair, etc, etc. etc..). Of course, I can't deny that women having such qualities are sexually appealing for all Adams and I would regard it to be even nicer and a great blessing if my "soul mate" would possess such qualities as well as a similar degree of beauty within. I don't really need an "accessory" type of a girlfriend (one who men only courts for the purpose of bragging about her appeal among his friends and peers). As all humans have their individual flaws, she should be honest to show who she is and not being pretentious about who she should be in front of my friends and family. She should, however, know how to control herself at a certain degree. She should also be knowledgeable about the proper etiquette of a woman because in the near future, she would carry my name upon marriage.
Be creative.Conjure an image of the most influential figure in your life using this method of development.
ReplyDeleteThere are billions of people all around the globe, and we only have a short time to meet some of them.
ReplyDeleteFrom these people, we can find true friends, best friends, girlfriends or even more than just a friend who'll be with us till the end.
But what's the most interesting and the climax part of encountering these "earthlings",
is when you find someone who can do changes in your life.
Who can touch the whole planet through the extraordinary things that he does.
And this kind of extraordinary man was often considered as an “icon”, “idol” and sometimes plays the role of others' "inspiration".
The most influential man for me is of course well-known or popular.
Is someone who can overview life as a gift to be treasure, and not a problem to be solved (unlike the many of us usually do).
He could be somebody who can be a stepping-stone towards heaven each day for the others and serve as a blessing to everybody.
A man standing on his words so that everybody could count on him.
A person with delighted, and a brave heart to face whatever circumstances that could come along the way.
And the most essential requirement to be an influential man, is to be somebody who possesses a burning fire inside of him, and willpower to promote love, peace and unity, and impose motivation, encouragement, and upliftment for everyone.
Then if all of these attributes dwells within you,,,
God Bless!!!
You're ONE OF A KIND!!!
Mark John Miciano
BA-Comm 1A
October 06, 2010
All of us,girls or boys are looking for the perfect mate.Even we still don`t meet them,we could already say what we want them to be.Knowing that we have different taste in life,or likes.
ReplyDeleteIf someone would ask me what is my ideal man i would say what i really looking for a man by describing.First,is the personality;i want a sweet,kind, intelligent, fun loving guy.He likes me for me and doesn't mind the other character flaws that some other guys have found off putting.
I would want him to be kind, not too quiet but not too chatty. I would want him to tell me when i made something wrong, not just agree with everything i say.Also i would want him to be supportive in my decisions, even when im wrong.
You don`t actually need to find him/her because I do believe that perfect mate will come through your way,no matter what.
There are many people who are very influential to others because of their extraordinary talents and will.For me the most influential is the one who will be an everyone's inspiration not a despiration.The one who will serves as a model to everyone.Also a kind that will lead to be a better person.A person who are willing to stay at your side and will not leave you alone in times that you need the best companionship.The one who will be the reasone of someone's happiness.
ReplyDeleteThe "most" influential person in my life?
ReplyDeleteI've been only alive in this world for bout 17 years, and counting, I can't say that my parents are the ones that influenced me a lot, or any of my relatives, i guess what I'm saying is that things influences me a lot more than living thing. But of course this is required so......
I watch a lot of anime and read a lot of manga. And one of my favorite is the Full Metal Alchemist by Hirumu Arakawa. it's a Japanese online comic, that was transposed to a anime sequel(the series were great, watch it.... oh yeah by the way the title is "Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood). I like it a lot, the story, the characters, the.... the.... everything. It greatly influenced my styles in writing a story. But that's not a person, it's a comic sequel so that doesn't add up, no the real person that i think influenced me is.....
"Roberto Ong".
Yes Bob Ong. He's books are amazing, his life, his works, his humor, just wonderful. I've read 3 of his books (ABNKKBSNPLAko?!,Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas, Kapitan Sino)(soon to be four) and it kind'a sparked my interest in writing...
So that's it. Bob Ong ladies and gentle man.
I'm Andrian V. Sogocio, B.A. Communication 1-A, and i approve this blog. (I am such a line stealer)
Teachers influence students...
ReplyDeleteAs the teachers have their interaction to their students for a definite time schedule, they made the students think for more to be more. Most of us are students and most of us have teachers who makes an impact in communication processes. Many loves truly their teacher. They admire and salute them. They give them great honor and great power to ruled under their soft hands from heaven. Some are making their teachers as idol or as a special hero. Teachers are meant to be teachers. They said that its one of those in the top of moral jobs, not just jobs but life as well. They are not just as a typical instructor like a robot or a computer, they're extraordinary people who makes a simple but terrible work and they not just to handover of giving knowledge, they also give advices specially when the times that we are down and sad. They serve as our second parents in school. They make our stay in school great and fulfilling. Thank you my dear teachers, you are my hero... :-)
For now as a teenager,the most influential figure in my life is my mother.
ReplyDeleteCause not like my father,he knows my capacity in everything that I did.He didn't make me feel that I'm pressured.Understanding is what he always do to me.
But my mother,sometimes I can feel that she expect too much from me.
And sometimes i can't meet her expectation.
Everyone had their most influential figure in their life.But ofcourse I do equally love my parents.Even if I'm too pressured.I'll just do what i can do...
Zaira T. De La Peña
BA.Comm. I-a
The famous public and political figures like the Aquinos, Barack Obama, Efren Peñaflorida, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, Sarah Geronimo, Albert Einstein etc. would be the most common answers of the people when you tell them a question about the influential figure of their lives. But when you tell me that question, my answer would not probably be the same as them, "famous people in the world". What would be just my answer would be simple, who had been always there at my side since I first cried and laughed, my Mom. Her name is Exequiela Laguador Diche, if you just wanna know. I chose her as the influential figure of my life because from the very start, since I learned how to stand, walk, move and speak until now that I'm 16, getting ready for being independent, she already influenced me a lot. Its by her different but good attitudes & behaviors, moral sharings of experiences, and efficient teachings. Even by her physical appearances: small, pretty, thin-haired, fashionable, brown-skinned, and chubby-like influenced me a lot. It also shaped my personality and made me what I am now. She's the most exceptional mom of all and she's simple, a simple mom who wants happiness and peace on her family. I'm so thankful for having her as my mom; as the influential person of my life I really and forever love.
I'm a product of your Love...
ReplyDeleteWhen I heard the word "influential person', the first thing comes to my mind is my family. I'm not saying that I have a perfect family but what I am trying to say is that there is something I need that only my family can give. There is no ideal family,but, every member can make everyone happy. There must be love between parents and children and I can feel it with them. I can feel the peace and satisfaction. The genuine love of my father and mother makes us "one". A family teaches us how to be a better individual. They want us to learn right conduct and good manners. We should learn how to respect them because there's no place like home and it is the place where we can find our family. It is a place where you can find tranquility and harmony.
Danica O. Cabalsa
BA-Communication I-A
ReplyDeleteWhat comes to my mind whenever I heard the word "Influential person"?.It is none other than my mother.She is a type of person who are happy to be with,she is a person who will be there for you whenever you have a problem.I love my mother so much because she really cares for me since when I was a baby.My mother is the most important person in my life,she is the only woman that I will love until I die.But sometimes,I cannot really express how I feel about her in just words.I know that my mother is not my whole life,but she is a really big part of it.My whole world does not only revolve around her,but she is the most influential person who inspires me.My mother is not just another woman.She is extraordinary.And I really thank God because He gave her to me.
Rolynda N.Quimora
ReplyDeleteBA Comm.I-B
In my 17 years of existence in this world I can say that my family really influenced me. I am very lucky yo have them. They serves as my best of my best friends because every time I have my problems they are also there by my side, where I can lean on. My family are also the first one to teach me. They teach to walk, to stand and to eat alone.
Now I am in my teenage years, I realized the sacrifices that they have done to me. And without me family, most especially my mother and my father, I am not here today. They are the ones who really changes my life. I love them, and I miss them so much. And I thank GOD for giving me a wonderful persons like them.
ReplyDeleteThe most influencial person in my life is my mother.She is not only my mother but also my bestfriend.The girl who teach me how to face those hardships in life,she always made me strong.The one who was trying to understand my mistakes and the only one who will sacrifice her happiness just to make me comfortable.She never hesitate to gave her helping hand to me that's why i'm trying to be good to her.I love her so much,i will never sacrificed her even in to the most expensive diamond in the world.
Shanine Ann M. Pionilla
God as the most influential figure....
ReplyDeleteAs we continue our life travel here on earth, we are subject to encounter people who will influence and will touch our lives. We will sort from them our friends, lovers and closest person that will be part of our existence. But, as I met those peoples, yes, they made me happy, but God is the greatest source of my happiness. No one can describe God as to his physical appearance. But we can describe God as to his deeds and as to his characters. Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, all-good and all-loving are the greatest descriptions of God. God has been the center of my life, for with all his words, I keep holding on and keep trusting on. Whenever I am experiencing life consequences, he is always touching my life. He keep on reminding me that he is always there for me and he will continue touching and influencing my whole life.
The most influencial figure in my life would be my inspirations. Those are my family and friends. Let's start with my family. First of all, they teach me not to give up just because I'm facing some tough challenges in life. They told me that facing some challenges in life especially when it's quite hard and tough is just normal for us to encounter. Somehow, experiences make us a strong and a better person in the future. Now, let me tell you something about my friends. They were one of a kind. They were always there for me not just in good times but also in bad times. They serve as my second family. And the best thing is, they remain true to me all the time.
ReplyDeleteRheesia Daisel M. de Leon
BA Comm I-A
"I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me..."
ReplyDelete~john 14:6~
Every people have their own personality, own characteristics and traits. Every people have journey in life, and in that journey, we can know and experience to with the people whom we didn't promise to be with. But for me, there is none other than influencial things. figures, man and etc. except God, who teached and teaches me to do what is right and avoid what is evil. He is the most influencial for me, coz without Him I am nothing,.. It is only God who give me strength and encourages me to live as human beings... He is the one who teached my family to live according to Him...
I will never be ashame of shouting the goodness of the lord..
God Is Good..
ReplyDeleteA box with various sizes, sounds and pictures come out with it, and different emotions can be felt when you see it. I’m just talking about a television and it came first to enter in my artistic mind about the most influential figure in my life. From the very beginning of my childhood life until now, I’m just happy watching television because it attracts me a lot. How did it influence me? It’s just everything that seeing in my eyes, and hearing by my ears are those things that I apply (sometimes, if it is good) in my everyday life. It is because I’m learning many things here from the ABC’s and 123’s when I’m in my childhood stage, from the inspirational stories when I’m in high school, and now, I’m still watching television. I like it mostly when I’m bored or alone because we are like talking with each other. This thing also helped in my speech, especially in English speaking. They might say that watching too much television is destructive. But for me it is cool to have learning from watching many things from this. This educational, inspiring, and simple box really influenced me a lot.
It would be a very typical answer, if I would say that my mom is the most influential figure in my life. But honestly, its true. Because I know that she has etched a mark of insignia in my identity and personality to be a real person. Even when I was young, I can vividly feel the tenderness of her caress when she embraces me with her two warmth arms so tight. Her appealing image of kindness and sacrifices to my welfare especially in my studies won't fade away that easily like bubbles of soap. Moreover, even when pain and hardship strike her spontaneously, she knows how to manage getting out from such. And that is the unbelievable thing about her which is only distinct to some mothers. Unlike to any other icon people would probably say, whom influenced them so much in their life - let say a celebrity, a president, a religious leader or whosoever, well that is literally true. Yet, the unfolded truth has not been showed off. It is simply like this, no one living on earth could ever meant to sacrifice ones half life just by giving birth to a child like a mother does, and ignores the possibility of death.
ReplyDeleteRichard Clado
BA Communication 1A
Ang aking Nanay ,Mama ,Ina
ReplyDelete--My Mother, Mom, Mommy
--The one who gave birth to me is my mother.
Mother is the great manipulator of a family. To she is the best teacher, artisan, director and most of all is “BEST LIVING MOTHER” AND THAT IS MY MOM. Teacher, because she is assigned to teach us lessons and she imparting some values, information, mental, spiritual and moral aspects of life. Artisans, the way he draw life of us by some tradition method in culturing our mind and ideals of racing a child. Director, behind the camera and the one who controlling our life for the best of us. Producer, the way she thinks in giving us our daily needs and supporting my education until now. She's always there for us when we need her. Maria Celeste V Salameda was his name. Inspiring my mother is the best way to tell her that she is so important to my life. She is also a very influential person that I ever met. She’s the best among the best. I know I ‘m being “EXAGE” and this is the only way that I can let her feel the love.
I love YOU” MAMA”
Vaughn Carl V. Salameda
BA-Communication 1A
Lola Yolly: A Cool Adviser
ReplyDeleteIn my seventeen years of existence, i can say that I had meet hundreds of people with unique persona from different chapters of my life. Out of those hundreds, only one outshines them all, and that is my grandmother.
Ever since I was a child, I can say that I am more of a lola's girl, rather than a mama's girl. I became attached to her because she is caring and loving. Even if i'm hard-headed girl, she's full of patience to me, and never forgets to give me advises, with regards to whatever is best for me.
She's the typical old school grandmother, who possesses rare values that you cannot find nowadays. Her skillfulness can be best seen in her hand-woven products, and sumptuous food that releives my hunger. As what other grandparents do, she's also very talkative and a storyteller.
I can't imagine life without Lola Yolly. How i wish I could spent the rest of my colorful life with the best grandmother in the world.
Lyrose Joy T. Custodio
BA Comm. 1A
Improving my self with him is a big pleasure and really change me a lot.Actually he is my idol, because he is industrious and he knew a lot of things specially in plants.Actually I don't know and I don't want to learn about drawings. When I was in elementary, he is my tutor on my assignments and if my assignments is drawing he draw it. He draw it very nice, take note he is not a painter he is just a simple farmer. I saw the beauty of drawing every time I look at his drawings. I got an interest and ask him to teach me how to draw. This old farmer taught me how to draw and sketch, besides on the sketches he taught me how to be industrious. He mold me almost perfectly, he taught me to have a fear in god. Because the comrades of my father is a religious persons.he can sing a song and I think he can survive in the forest with just a single bolo with him.The person who I referring to is my father. Actually my parents mold me but my father really do his part being a father. He is my Idol and I love being with him every time. Because he taught me how to be a tough guy and he taught me that never surrender.
ReplyDeleteGenesis C. Saliendra
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan
ReplyDeleteThe most influential figure to me is no other than my mom. For me, she is the best mother I ever had. A kind of mother that is very supportive, encouraging and loving. She is very helpful to me ever since T was young.Now, eventhough she is far from me, she can still manage to help me with my studies and my projects. I can still feel her loving hands by alway checking me if I'm still ok or if I'm having problems with my studies. She is one of the most diligent person I ever know, not only in her family but in her work too. She is the most influencial person to me beacause I want to be like her, not just like her, I want to be morethan like her.
Elouise Anne A. De Luna
Wanna know who influenced me a lot? Let me give you some ideas as you explore my paragraph. From the very first day that I saw Him, I already knew that he is the reason why the sun rises every morning and why it sets at noon, for He has the surpassing greatness. My mother always tell me that whenever I feel desolated, He is the very best that I can count on. When it comes to problem, He has always a solution and is very helpful to the needy. If there will be an award for the "most humble" it should be Him. He is down to earth and is willing to sacrifice or the sake of everyone, a man with the good heart and sacred soul. He is intelligent, thoughtful and very caring, so much that everyone loves Him. What i like most with Him is His sort of magic but tell me that he is not making magic instead I remember them coiled the term "miracle". Whether it is a magic or a miracle, a lot of people believes in Him for He is the most powerful. A friend, a brother and a father to the whole creation, Jesus Christ the savior influences me a lot.
"A cake will never be as what it is without the necessary ingredients needed to mold its wholeness.The fact that "no one in this world is independent enough to to live the way she wanted" often blew up my mind whenever my mother elaborates her never-ending remainders of I must handle such whirlwind situation in life.I cant compare her to anything in this world.From the way how she looks,up to the beauty that she posses from within.Definitely,she is such an exceptional one.Exceptional in the way she is not up to the material thing of life.Simplicity is the best hint that will portray of how she looks like.The gorgeous side of her is the one which surely be found from within.I am aware that someday probably,I will be having my own children whom I will take care of.And that will be my turn to share the most significant thing that my mother had contributed to me as her daughter,friend,and as a person.
ReplyDeleteNestly Anne P. Abadier
BA Communication-IA
Everyone has their own taste when it comes to their types. Me, I just want a guy who have......
ReplyDeleteMy mom knows him so much, My friends also, of course my brother and even all the teenagers and young at heart in the whole world knows him.
He is just like the man of my dreams. My light and shinning armor.My..........
I like a guy who has a messy long hair. A guy who is pale. Has a red eyes and red eye liner. A guy who is cold as ice. A guy who's strength is much than superman.A guy who's weakness is loosing his love one. and A guy who never gets old. I'm sure you know now who's I'm talking about.
Maria Bernadette P. Laguador
How can we forget our family that have a very big part in our life. In terms of the word "INFLUENCE" many names comes on my mind in different aspects but for me the person that really influence and left a great mark on my life was my family especially my mother.She was my friend, sister, inspiration and the most person I admired. Since birth my family including my mother are those persons who take care and give their full love to me. I'm so thankful that she is my mother and I'm belong in a happy and complete family. I'm not a perfect daughter so I'm so blessed because my parents always teach me and correct me from my mistakes. Sometimes I get mad on them because they always compare me with my older brother. But now I learned that all of that is just for my own sake. I remember the letter from my mother which she gave to me when I was 4th Year high school.It's only the first line of the letter that I'm reading but a tears suddenly fall from my eyes. I don't know why, but all I know is that I'm very happy. I also remember the movie entitled "ANAK" starring Claudine Barreto and Vilma Santos.That movie really gives me a lot of lessons in life, and it really inspire me. That is about a daughter and mother relationship which shows that a mother can changed her daughter or anyone from her children. And for me we try to change, because we love our mother as well as our family. And that is the power of our mother that the other person can't do.Those factors are the evidence that our mother or a family can really influence us. Because we give importance to them.In summary of my story I just want to tell to the readers that our family is the most influential figure in our life. Their teachings, guidance and love which is the most important. It's not about the person who have powers, those who are famous or even a leader of our country. But it is our family( our mother)who really knows us since the day we born.
"An influential person is not all about POWER AND WEALTH, it is all about how many HEARTS he has touched". He never talked to me personally but his works are mysterious, he has helped me and most of all influenced me a lot. Christ is the name. THE WAY,THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.
ReplyDeletesarah jane homonlay
ba comm.1A
Our school is our second home. It is one of the foundation of our being,it can unleashed the best of us. School is where are talents are developed, This is are knowledge is being added.Here we can learn different techniques in equation.It is influentially, not just because in that field but also in socialization,here we can find our friends, our enemy,or our lovers. This institute sometimes lead us to a new world, so you would have new views in life.As we met our new friends , and we have fun with them, you can actually feel, that you want to be with them all the time. It is the feeling of belongingness to the group,cause they accept you as what you are, and knows you better. This is why schools are influential, as it offers choice that you can choose, it either to be a good student or be an easy go lucky one. In the end you will be the one who will value everything that happen to you as you realize your dreams with the influential things who pushed you to achieve it all.
ReplyDeleteKristal M.Pacalda
BA Comm.1A
Millions and billions of people have their own influential figures in life. This oceans of people takes a part of being influential to others either good or bad. Most of the time they always answer that typical question by also a typical answer. But one thing always comes from my mind who is my most influential person in my life and all the peeps out there have the same answer. It is our MOTHER. Yes our mother who is always there and try all her best just to get the needs of her every child. This things I realize the most. I realize that whatever all of her hardships for us, is for our own good and I know that she always there for me.One time in your life you will realize this also, i think it's because I'm getting in the maturity stage. And if you have sentiments, just go to your mother and say "mom, I need your lovingly help", and voila instant solution.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you should always remember the one thing that you can give to your IDOL in LIFE, is telling her that you love her so much and thanking her for all the wonderful things she have taught you and give you. Appreciation is the most wonderful gift that you can give. VALUE your mom and also your family, because God give us almost 70 or 80 years to live in this world. Being close to them is such a good thing that you can offer. and maybe if you die (i'm not wishing it) you'd be happy going up(heaven) because it's worth it having your family with no regrets.
James Russel Rondilla
of BA-Communication 1A
iTay OniE...The MAN of my LIFE...
ReplyDeleteWho ever forget the man of our life, the reason why we are here in this world.. Our Father....
Billions of father can never replace my FATHER..
he is the reason why I am here in this world, he's the one who I idolized most.Everyone knows the sacrifice and hardship of being a FATHER, like my "itay", he is the best for me and he is the only one i could ever wish to have. He taught me how to become a better person, and to not give up, despite of all the challenges that life has to offer.
He's like my "Knight in Shining Armor- Tall, Dark and Handsome....
..That's my Father..My one and only FATHER....
Coleen Bernadeth E.Mayor
BA Comm. I-A
Teacher is the most influential figure in our life. Without teachers,how can be an educated? They give sacrifice just to teach us. Instead of having time with their family they, wasting time for others .I am so proud of the teachers who share their life for others. Teachers help our community to raise from poverty.
ReplyDeleteOnce you enter a class room, you'll see the teachers with scary face that you think she can eat you but after that you'll see their smiles that can bright up our day . Even though their our not our true family, they treat us like that. Dont blame them if you failed because its our own fault. We can't blame them because they do what is right and they are the best among the rest
Just like a sun it can give as light, but we blame when its too hot that can hurt our soft skin. And Its our fault why does it happen.
There's always one person or thing that influence us. It maybe physically, emotionally and mentally. And sometimes it can came to a point that in everything we do we always remember that person. For me, one of the most influential person in my life is Stephenie Meyer. She is the author of the famous novels such as Twilight Saga, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and many others. She has a creative mind and has a uniqueness way of writing her novels. What I like about her is that she can create beauty out of something ordinary. Maybe others may don't like her because for them there is no such things as "vampires"and "wolves" but for me its not like that. In fact, she can impress me or even make me cry just by reading every line in her book. Even the way she describe every characters in the novel. She really influence me in a way that when I'm reading it as if the characters are alive. In that sense, she is the reason why I believe that writers really do exist, and I'm proud to be a writer.
ReplyDeleteKassandra Cay E. Toque
All of us meet or know a person who influenced our life.For me the most influential person who influenced me a lot was all the personalities I idolized,because of them .. their attitude,physical appearance,their style,the way they communicate to many people and etc..And because of those ability,they inspired me.Some of them change my style of fashions,attitude and the way i speak.Before frankly,I am a shy person but now I feel that I've changed a lot.Because of my idol's I learn how to make my self more presentable in front of the others and also because of them I realized that if I know that I have a talent,I must show it to other people.They also inspired me when they are saying something that makes me think that they are right and maybe I should try it for the goo that's why I am like this now.
Some says that i should be matured enough due to my age, how come i will be matured if the things that i enjoy are the some of the things that makes my life quite complete.I adore the filmmakers of Animes. They have big ideas and their imaginations are way too far from reality. They are matured physically but a little immature mentally. Behind all the struggles and some problems that we are encountering they make this such Animes to comfort us that everything will turn out right just keep on holding on to that faith and have a trust that everything will end. it may not define what episode but it surely will.
ReplyDeleteAnimes want us to believe that life is like a pile of episodes that has a happy ending.
Maridole S. Ayala
BS-HRM IIIC/ BA Comm 1A 10:30-12:00 TTh
Who would you think the most influential figure for your development? Since I was just a kid, my parents are the one who supports and understand me. They are the most influential figure for me. The day that I was born was the start of knowing them as my parents. They have raised me with all their love and support. My parents have given me the right discipline that I need. They gave extra effort for me to go to school and study. My parents are the reason why I am here. Without them, maybe my life wouldn't be this good. I will always be proud of them because they are the secret behind what I am now.
ReplyDeleteDyanlee A. Laspiñas
As a teenager,the most influential persons in my life is my parents.For me, they are the best parent that I have. They are my friends, inspiration and the most persons I admired.They give their full love to us. Their are always there for me no matter what happen,even i did wrong things for them.They can all do things to get the needs of their child. They always told us,all their hardship is for our own good.I'm not a perfect daughter for them but still I'm so blessed because god's gave me a responsible parents.For me, they are the best among the rest.My parents is my life.
ReplyDeleteCaselyn C. Redimano
BA-Communication 1A
I love my mom,how about you??..My mom always believe in me that someday I will be a successful person.She inspires me everyday.I study hard,because I promise to my mom and to my self that I will be rich.I will buy houses,cars and have a lot of money.My friends tell me that i am so stupid,they said that don't dream too much,but my mom always tell me that there's no sin in making dream,because if you really want to succeed,just dream and dream all over again,and sooner or later,that dream will come....
ReplyDeleteJohn Derrick A. Gaila
BA-Comm. 1-A
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ReplyDeletepencil is my childhood friend. :)
ReplyDeleteThe most influential figure in my life is a pencil. Since I started studying, pencil is always on my bag. Pencil is the first thing I used to write my name. It is not an ordinary school supplies that can be seen in our pencil case, it teaches me lessons in life. One of those are I can always correct the mistake that we did and start all over again. We are going to experience so much pain in life. We will experience hurtful sharpening for us to be stronger than before. The one thing I can never forget about the pencil is that we should allow ourselves to be guided by someone and that someone is none other than Him. Pencil influences me a lot, as it teaches me to write legibly and properly, to write paragraphs with a title “myself” or “ang aking sarili”, to write poems for me to express what I feel, to draw different kinds of animal in my drawing book and to answer my test paper during examinations. So now i can say that pencil is such an influential figure in my life that can be found on my bag.
Alyssa Mae O. Baldovino
As a teenager, we can be influenced through good or bad ways. But for me, its the same whether its good or bad because its my own choice. As for now, i have my PEER GROUP ( barkada) and i can proudly say that they are not a bad influence to me. They sre the one who know's me better, know's what i think and know's what i'm gonna do. Sometimes when we are all together we treasure every moment because for us it is really important. Though sometimes my parents got mad on me because of my peer group, for me its ok because i'm happy when i'm with them and its my choice. Other say that peer group is a bad influence because they can do anything but for me they are not its up to you if you want do bad things. As a student everytime that i need someone to lean on, i just text them and they urgently come. I must say yhat having them is really an important matter. They are also the one who influence me in good ways and open my eyes to see what the world means.
ReplyDeleteIn life you will meet people that will serve as your inspiration. They are those people that will inspire you to continue your life. As a teenager the most influencial persons in my life are my family and friend. They are always be my number one fan. My friend so as my family has a speacial space in my heart. They, who are always there to support me an willing to fight even when millions are against me. They are my treasure because whenever I`m with them I always feel that im the richest woman in the world. They always ready to catch everytime I fall. They always teach me the right things to do. And above all one thing that I do love them is that they all LOVE me..
ReplyDeleteThere are so many children like spaghetti, they have their own choice to eat spaghetti. Some children like more cheese on the top of spaghetti, less meat and hot dog but more on ketchup. other children choose to have more meat and hot dog and less cheese on the spaghetti. Just like my ideal my ideal spaghetti that has many ingredients, already cooked pasta then has hot dogs around the pasta with many meat in the layer of pasta, have more ham in the pasta. and also put a sauce around them, a cheese on the top. i think of a perfect spaghetti, delicious smell and its look like a delicious food.So children always favorite to eat spaghetti, most special in the parties or any celebration.
Alexander D. Maribbay Jr.
BA Communication IA
It was tiny but it meant a lot. Tiny as half of a size of an infant's shoebox. Hard and blue with its coded lock. It meant everything for grandma, and nothing for her sons. Every woman would want it. Even merely to hold it or make their BFF's drool with insecurity. It was the most priceless diamond ring ever on earth, and it was possessed by grandma.
In every walks of life, whenever, wherever, however. We can and we will meet hundreds of people with different characteristics and attitude. They can be our friends till the end of the day, or friends forever. And behalf of all that. One of them will stand out.
ReplyDeleteThis is how my story goes: When I was on high school I met so many guys tried to get me and be their girl. I was on my 4th year when I met my ex-boyfriend. I would describe him as my 'hero", my "idol". He is the one who hold me, hold my heart seriously. By him, I learned to be mature not to be immature. I learned to love and beloved. I learned to be brave and to pass all obstacles. For me, he is a good leader as he said always, "to be a good leader, you must be a good follower". He taught me to take out my pride and let it pass away. I tried to do how many times all his lessons. I tried to change myself just for him. I tried to imitate him in many ways. For me, he is a good teacher too. As he took my hands, I feel that he’s always leading me in a right path. I also love the way he loves me. He’s so caring and protective to me. I learned to say sorry about the things that I’ve done wrong. He’s not tolerated me in my mistakes. In terms of talent, he is good in cooking. He taught me how to cook “chicken curry”. I was idolized him as he plays his guitar in a soft manner with a very touching voice. He always serenades me at my phone. I am not like this before we met. Now I know that I’ve changed a lot. My bad attitude, my tantrum when crying, my shouting voice, my player mind, my immature self. All of these are all enough and done. Because of him, I could say to myself that I am really a 17 years old girl with a mature growing mind. Just want to say thank to him and I missed it all. That is my Jay. My brother, my father, my soldier, my teacher.
The influential things in my life?,I think they are my parents,friends and relatives.I get my looks,personalities,good attitude almost everything that influence my life is my parents.They tought me many good things almost everthing,they thought me a lot of things my good manners,what should I do when I encounter this things,like who should my friends are.My friends they thought me a lot of things to if not for them I am not who I am right now they like my imperfections and like me for who I am,their trying to correct my wrong doings without hurting my feelings,and they also thought me some bad things that I've done in my life.My relatives not a big part but also a part of my life they thought me a little of my attitude,like what shuold I act in front of my parents like that thing.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing that came to my mind when I read the "most influential figure in my life" is God. Because we are nothing compared to him but we are also what we are now because of him. God gave me strength in all the trials that I am facing. God gave me guidance to make the right decisions. And my family is the second most influential figure in my life especially my parents, they always guide me in the right directions and never let me down. They're always here for me and support me whatever my decisions are. They never expected too much from me because they believe I put my hundred percent effort to everything I do. And lastly, my friends who thought me how to socialize with other people. They brought out the best and worst of me, and they never left me whenever I need them. So for me, God, my family, and my friends are the most influential figure for me because they made me whatever I am now.
ReplyDeletefor me, my family is the most influential figure in my life.they're the ones who helped me to get this family generously provides the warmth of their love,courage to strengthen my inmost emotions,care that pushes me to pursue my goals and knowledge about different environments.
ReplyDeletethey serves as my strength and also my weakness
my family is always willing to give their support to whatever im facing extreme obstacles
in life and im very thankful that they're always at my side.thats why my family was the most powerful and influential figure in my existence.
aneid nixon avelllana
BA Comm I tth (10:30-12:30)
As a 17year old ,the most influential figure in my life is my parents. They are the reason why I'm here,in this beautiful world. They provide our needs and wants in life. Though sometimes we used to have a little arguments. They are very loving and caring to all of us and super supportive in whatever competitions or organizations I joined since when I was in High School. I'm very lucky that I have parents like them.I thank God that He gave me a best Parents in the whole world. They are also my inspirations in life, in pursuing my dreams and goals in life. I Love my Family .
ReplyDeleteThe most influential figure in my life? Actually, it's not figure, it's figures. The most influential figures in my life is my family, of course. I will not be what I am now if I don't have them in my life. They raised me and all my siblings in a way that they are giving all that they can give although we are not rich financially. They are influential in a way that the person I am going to wait, not to find, is like my father. Yes, my father because unlike any fathers, he is really kind. he provided our daily needs and he do not let us feel that sometimes he is very tired. Now, that they are giving us the opportunity to study, they are my inspiration and I am going to pursue all my dreams for them.
ReplyDeleteThe most influential figure in my life is my family. I am very sure for this because they've done all the good things in my life and they teach me how to be a good person and how to value things. They give me what I want and what I need and they are always beside me. They support me when I am joining any contest or pageants. They teach me how to be strong so even if I have a problem I can face it all but still they never leave me because they are always giving me an advice. I am very lucky because I have them that's why I am very thankful to god.
ReplyDeleteCharlene L. Franza
BA Comm 1-B
The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear about the most influential figure in my life is “Jesus”. Yes, it’s him! Our God, Father, and our Creator. When it becomes to the influential things, I can say that he is the one who never leave you when you are down, the one who can help you with your problems, the one who can be like your friend because whenever you call him, he’ll always be by your side and can answer your questions, the one who can give you a strength, hope, peace and especially “love”. He is the creator of all, he is perfect. Yes, not all of us have a good fate, but all of us are just challenging by God, when there are lots of dilemma in your life, don’t give up! It’s just defiance that God measures your faith into him. So whenever you are in trouble or difficulties, just call him, pray, and he will guide you on the brighter side of path that you will take.
ReplyDelete“Sometimes, being different isn’t so bad. I actually love getting attention. I always want to stand out from the crowd. That’s just the way I want to be, coz simply, being extravagant and unique is the best way of showing the world it’s me.”
ReplyDeleteHearing this line from my auntie Alice made me stop to think for awhile. She’s really exceptional. She’s never afraid to take a risk and try something new. She’s a fashionista and she’s now a resident in Sydney Australia. Besides being fashionable, she also has a big heart. She has a husband in Australia, but God haven’t blessed them with an angel. But regarding that, God has given her so much more. She works so hard abroad to support almost all of us, her relatives, financially. We call her as our fairy godmother, for she never fails to help us with our needs. She never asks for something in return. Seeing us happy and successful was the best joy in the world there is for her. I admire her with all do respect, coz without her, life wouldn’t be this good. In my every success, there she was, not just to support me financially, but she was always there to lift my spirit up. She has great faith in me, more than my parents has. She knows that I can go far, and I’ll hold on to her words and make sure it happens.
Marvin A. Tagudin
ReplyDeleteBA Communication 1A
The most influential person in my whole life is not as beautiful as
Angelina Jolie, not intelligent as Marie Curie and definitely not as
young and famous as Charice. She is not a perfect woman that
everyone wanted to be............
She is just simply HER.
She is a very simple woman, a typical filipina with brown skin
complexion. Her eyes are small, rounded and black. Her lips is just
typical size of filipina, colored reddish pink. She has a short wavy
black hair with a few strands of grey which appeared over the past few
years. Her beauty was been faded by the lines on her face symbolizing
her rich experience and age. She is not that tall but not that small
too. Her palm are thick and hard that show her hardships in life. She
always wear a blouse sewed by her. Her blouse is not that expensive
and extravagant, a simple one. I know, you don't know the woman that I
am pertaining of, but I know her more than anyone else.... She is a
hardworking and sacrificing woman. And she is no other than....
my beloved
The most influential person in my life.
ReplyDeleteThere were many important persons in our life, the family, friends, boyfriend and others, but can you ask yourselves if who influence you the most? For me the most influential person in my life is my family, because they are the one who cares and love me since I was born. But as I grow older I’ve notice that my friends becomes the most influential to me, because they are the one who always with me every time I attending the school. They are always with me when I have problems, and I feel so special to them. As the time passes by my beliefs change. I realize that I can live without them but of course I can’t live also without my family, so now I’m still in a confusing stage. Sometimes its take time for me to think what happened if one of them lost. I’m willing to sacrifice for both of them. Because of them I become strong in facing my problems because they are always at my side. Meaning, until now I do not know the person that influence me the most.
Vanessa S. Galeon
BA Comm 1B
The most influential is the one who will be an everyone's inspiration not desperation. For me, the most influential in my life is my father. He is really great for he is a single parent. Since my father and my mother got separated he is the one who raised us. He is the one who gives us support. Thou there are times that I get mad at him it can’t take a very long time because he doesn’t want us to be angry so he do things that makes us laugh. I am proud of my father and I love him so much. He knows what is good for us that‘s why he do everything just to make sure we can study in a good school. He is very caring, funny, and just like friends to everybody. For me he is the greatest father in the whole wild world!
ReplyDeleteRedgyn Saliendra
“The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. “
ReplyDelete~Erma Bombeck
The most influential figure in my life would be my family. Because as I grew up they were the one who’s guiding me. My Family influenced lot the way I act and talk. They were the one who molded my personality during my childhood years. My Family become my friend, my protector, my shoulder to cry on. They were everything that makes me breathing and living my life. When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.
Jenny N. Valle
ReplyDeleteB.A. Comm. 1B
All of us have influential figures in our lives. And I will give you some. First of course is god. God should be the most influential figure in everybody's life. Because he's the number one reason why we're leaving on this earth., for us to serve him. Second is my family. Because next to god, they are the one who are helping and guiding me in continuing my life. And they are serving as my inspiration. Third is my friends. Because next to my family, they are the one who accept me at my worst.
I have always been a mother’s girl. I look up to her for always. She seems to know everything, when to do these, how to do that and immensely greatly different stuff. When am with my mom, I feel so secure she has this sense of comfort in her. She is a decent, intelligent woman you’ll always want to talk. She keeps secret you’ll know you can always trust. You will absolutely want to stay with her. Know why? Because she made the best cookies and cake you will always crave for. And because she has this unique love that you will never get from anybody but her, for all of that.
ReplyDeleteSomeday I know I want to be like her.
If you hate those candid’s who outspokenly says that that the best woman or some kind’a parents ever lived on earth was their mom or dad,mama or papa,nanay or tatay or both.Maybe you will totally get mad at me after reading this.I have read every comments and the contents are the same.We all totally felt the same way for our parents.
ReplyDeleteI am luckily born with my mama and tatay.I’ve been with them for sixteen years and I am soaring now their bigger dreams for me in the near future.I am totally lucky!,and happy at the same time.For those years of living at the same roof,I’ve been very influenced by their kind thoughts.I learned to think twice bigger than my age,act responsibly and respond to the call of duties.They thought me how to dream and how to achieve it.And the very best thing I am influenced of is their punishments,it thought me how to admit every mistakes i’ve done.
Krizza F.Mercado
BA-Comm 1B
All of us are influenced by the things and people we encounter each day. Some of these will give us inspiration or disgrace. But the most Influential figure for me was my mother; she became an inspiration of mine since I knew everything that I have to value the things around us. She was the one who influence me the most, because she was the one who teach and guide me for everything that I will do. She taught me to trust and obey God. She made me realize that if I fail, I have to learn a lesson from my mistakes. She wants me to be a good person to everyone, and she is one of the people who made me realize the value of life, that God has given to us. Her reaction influenced me a lot in every situation, on how to handle the problem we encountered each day. She taught me that God allows difficulty in our life not to harm us but to strengthen us and all things are possible to him.
Life is full of inspiration. We continue believing and living in the world simply because we inspired and influenced.
ReplyDeleteHow can I live without the institution who shaped me a lot, the institution who gave me breath and the institution who provide unconditional love. "FAMILY", yes, my family influenced me a lot. They raised me well with love, care and faith in God. I am lucky because I have a complete family unlike the others. We live in this world joined hands and facing the trials all together. I've been with them for 17 years but still theres nothing change. Their love, their care and how they raised me is still there, nothing change but improve. I am proud to say that I have a one of a kind institution, "MY FAMILY"...
Jazzper B. Pacheco
There will always be a person who will make you so fulfilled- the one who will make you be so thankful. Sometimes the only thing that matters for a student like me are material things- expensive properties, new bags, shoes and dresses which are in. We sometimes forget about a thing that matters the most-our supportive parents. Some may think of it as a funny thing, they may think of it as something so emotional but it's the truth. I really didn't know why in spite that my loving and caring mother scolds me, threat me like a kid, and not give all the things I wanted, I still love her very much. She's the one making me happy and sad at the same time. This is because every time I see her worried with our financial status, I, too gets worried. The great thing is that she still manages to provide us with a good education even though she's a single parent. The admirable woman who had sown a seed let me feel so proud. Ocean of tears will fall from my eyes if she will be taken out of my life because she's my life. No words can define how much she had made my life this good. She's so powerful- no problem will not be solved with her. I thank God for giving me an incomparable mother who's always there for me.
ReplyDeleteReign Joy E. Sindac
BA Comm I-B
They serve as my nurse when I am sick, my teacher whenever I need some helps with my lessons and a body guard who’s always there to protect me. Who are they? Well they are my loving parents.
ReplyDelete“You are so lucky”, these are the words that I usually heard from my parents. When I was still a child I’m always thinking why they keep on saying that we are lucky, but then we don’t have a lot of money, a big house or even a car. But now, I realize that having them as my parents is really a big blessing from God. For me they were the greatest parents in the whole wide world. They are sweet, loving and understanding. They’re always there for us when, especially when something went wrong. They’re also the most hardworking and responsible person that I’ve ever known. They never show us that they’re getting tired. They will do everything just to show how much they love us. That is why I salute my mom and dad! :D
Regine B. Macawili
ReplyDeleteBA Comm 1B
October 9, 2010
Everyone of us are searching for this person who has a perfect personality but open for any improvement. A person whom we can share our problems, understanding and lovable. The one who can value friendship, life and memories. Anything in this world can change immediately but the memories can't be gone because it will store forever in our hearts and mind. Even in times of sorrows he will be there at our side to guide us. In my life i can say that i already found it. With no doubt it is probably my parents. I am not gonna be shy to say this because its true, they are the only person who are always at my side to guide me help me neither. That's why i am not looking for it anymore cause i am very lucky that at my birth there they are at my side. I am very happy and proud that i am their child because they've done everything for us.
ReplyDeleteIn my life my mom is the one who was influenced me so much. Why? Because whenever she speaks I always believe that she is right and she knows it. Many have said that I am like my mother the way I act the way I speak... of course she's my mom that's why I am like her. She's the hero of my life, my big sister, my number one fan and most of all she always saying that we have to take our responsibility. As a daughter and a student I have my own responsibility to study hard because my mother is working hard just to have a good life for me. All I can say to her is thank you and I love you.. You inspired me so much.
Juliet A. Bas.
BA-Communication I-B
There are so many well-known person in this world.There are so many famous singer,actor,actress,painter and more.We idolized them because of they great performances,they are great!But only one person really influenced me and who is she?My cousin.To tell you honestly,she really excel in any kind of activities.She never lose hope everytime she undergo in different challenges in life.Now tried all her best to reach her dreams.She has a kind heart that no one can ever steal.Although sometime,she fail,she never give up.She is still standing and continue the things that she had from the start.Lastly,she never forget to talk with God.Now,she has a nice job.She is really successful.For me,I want to be like her.Although we have still differences,I will apply the things that she had done before so that I can be also a successful one someday.I am very proud of her.
ReplyDelete"My Dream Guy"!! =)
ReplyDeleteI'm a simple girl that waits for my dream boy to come. It's hard to find him. My friends calls me "choosie" because i always ignore the feelings of the boys who likes me.
But I'm not "choosie". I know it. It's just i'm looking for some qualities of a guy that i like them to have.
In a guy..,
-i want him tall because I'm a tall girl. A guy with a white complexion (yung tisoy). haha.
I like a guy with the perfect shape of nose (matangos) and with a tantalizing eyes(with long eyelids).I like a guy with nice teeth just like me. I dont like fat guys.. I often like thin guys because I'm not a fat girl.
-I like a guy with a very pleasing personality.
Who can understand me and who have time for me!!
i like him to be with me always. I may be selfish but it's what i want.
Perfect guy?? I don't think so!!!
What do you think??
Mara Janel A. Imperial
BA Comm IB
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ReplyDeleteThe most influential figure in my life would be my second family. The Youth For Christ family. It influenced me so much because it changed my life into a better one. Throughout my physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. I believe in God in all ways. And I learned a lot with the life of being brave beside God all the time. I learned to pray and be more concern to my family even though we are all apart and gave them importance as important as to my self. I also learned not to depend to anyone because I’m a big girl now . It lightened up my mind. It gave a huge impact to my life. And it all answered my iffy mind.
ReplyDeleteSo for me, this could be the most influential figure in my 17 years of existence in this world.
Emagiel Anulao of BA Comm. I-B
I think,the most important figure is not only a person but also a thing that we can learn from it. For me,cellphone is the most influential figure. Why it is? Everybody knows how to use cellphone even a poor person in their oldest models. Cellphone,because you can communicate from far places. Another thing,every words that are sending and receiving from our love ones is true and some inspirational quotes that we received. Some are useful and some are godly message concerning about our safety. I know,there's a danger in this gadget but there is one thing that surely have a lesson from it. You must be careful meeting people and must know them,if not,don't mind them at all. They are strangers. A simple thing but a part of our daily life we had.
ReplyDeleteEra Abigail Galapati
BA Comm I-B
Hope you like my comment :)
ReplyDeleteHe is not big as you think but he makes me strong. He is not as popular as you think but I need to see him always. He is not a clown but he makes me happy. Yes, he is my diary. A note that all my experiences written. He is a precious thing to me. He fades all my cry, and listen to all my problems. If I’m angry, he is always willing to listen. When I’m in love, I need to tell him first before others. I always wrote my experiences even it is sad or happy; non forgetting or quite simple I love my big colorful diary because he always remember me all my experiences.
John Jimwell Atienza
BAComm 1B
The one behind me that really influenced me a lot is GOD. He guides me in the path I'm taking. Though i face hardship in life it doesn't mean that he never love us but he is just making us stronger. There are times that i taught that I can't go on. As I look above the sky seem to tell me that life is full of hope. Living with God's presence is living in peace where everything is fine.
ReplyDeleteNow as you look at me you'll see the person molded by God,that I can go on and makes other realize that anytime a person is allowed to know himself by just knowing that God is always here for us.
The one who really brought these things in me. The one who really influenced me. She is the sweetest girl yet the strongest girl i'd ever known. She is the girl in every mans dream, she is the girl that is with me through my ups and downs. Every day is a special day with my SISTER. She may not be as great as those sisters in the world but to tell you i'm so proud to be her sister. Were sister's till the end. She is the very reason why im like that. Why my personality is like that. Why im acting like that. She has been my mother,my brother, my cousin, my best friend and my pillow. She is so fun, full of adventure and so so so so much loving sister. I just can't imagine myselfwith out my sister. She is the one who's deciding for me. She is the one who cheers me up when in blue. And she is the one who picks me up after every fall form you. She is the extra ordinary sister of mine. She is my best friend forever and i love her so much. She knows every thing about me no secrets! Life with her is so easy no sweat just blood... hahaha just kidding. So easy like imma touch the sky cause she's pushing me up. And no doubt she's there for me every time:) <3
ReplyDeleteLooking for somebody to represent my answer for this simple yet confusing question, I found myself staring at this certain thing which immediately unlocked my boggled mind. She, who never get tired of listening to my melodramatic sentiments whenever I suck things up and untiringly lend an ear to my disgusting voice as I sang her sentimental songs striking my broken heart. The one, who’s always there every time I fall down…lift me up and encourage me to stand up. The one who never nag me to stop bringing her everywhere... .as time comes when I just want to be all alone (of course with her) clearing things up as I realized all the mess I had done. She, who’s always there, humming her angelic voice, pushing me to continue writing song for all the people I loved. She, who let me foresee the beauty hidden in this, I supposed, multi-angular world. The one rekindles the faith in me, raised me up through the odds of every sad moments I’ve experienced. Now, though we are far apart and miles away, I can’t still deny the fact that like an impending tower, she influences me to move and keep going on. In fact, like a Cream O does to a Cream o’holic, she’s the one who always made me out of my seat and keep me longing for an inch of her. I miss my Honey… I miss strumming her like I always do. My old seven stringed guitar.
ReplyDeleteEVA B. LUGTU
The most influential figure in my life is my family, because they are the one who mold my personality. They are the first one teach me how to interact with my neighborhood as well as to the other person. My family is also my company in times of gladness and joy. They are also the one who always there to support me every time I join in the contest. They are the number one supporter who always give encouragement in order for me to give my best and tried to do everything in order to win in different contest. They are the one who sacrifice and provide everything in order for me to continue my studies and to step the tertiary level to have a good future someday. I know that it’s hard for than to provide money because aside from me, I have two siblings who also studying here also at the SLSU.That’s why I’m so proud that I have a parents like them. And I am thankful that they are my parents. Above all I thank God for the wonderful and precious gifts that he gave to me and that is my family.
ReplyDeleteSometimes in a very unexpected days and times of our lives there is someone who will come to us and will leave a mark or changes in our lives.During my high schooldays while I am walking alone became the very first time I saw that person. That person's smile is really lovable and undoubtedly seductive. My heart was really caught by that smile. Then the next school year came and unexpectedly we became classmates. Then we became friends and grew as bestfriends. No doubt that I am so happy when we are together. The days passed by and our graduation day came and yet Iam still afraid to say "I love you" to that person.So until now that person is always in my mind and also in my heart. There are lots of changes made by that person into my life. Every single day of my life now I am still longing and I feel that my heart is dying because of that person that once came into my life.
ReplyDeleteRonald P. Asya
BA Comm 1-B
Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh “to anyone” (2NE1)… It’s funny how the Korean culture has fast become a trend, so-to-speak, to a lot of people, and literally, anyone. The Korean way of life, especially here in the Philippines, has rapidly influenced Filipinos’ practices.Korean couples strolled around parks while the little ones were tailed along by their yayas as they played as if it were their last. The once Filipino-owned stores flooded by Koreans have become Korean-owned commercial centers that cater to their needs.Yet, this was just the beginning of my reality.I became more exposed to Korean culture—education, food, fashion and beauty, and entertainment and music.
ReplyDelete"Thank God I found you I was lost without you
ReplyDeleteMy every wish and every dream Somehow became reality When you brought the sunlight Completed my whole life I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful I found you" that is what Mariah Carey's lyrics of the song entitled "Thank God I found You"
The most influential Person in my Life is My Family. Because They are the one Who always on my side When I am Down. And they are the one who makes my life meaningful. Without them, I can't see the beauty of this world. So I really thankful because I found A perfect Parents.
Kristy Baronia
Joanna Marion N. Veluya
ReplyDeleteBA-COMM 1B
The most influential figure in my life is my family. Want to know why? Because they provide want I need especially my parents. And we all know that parents know s what the best is for their child. They give me a life to enjoy with. They are giving us the opportunity to study and to become a better person. And I’m happy because my family protects me and loves me. They supported me for whatever I do. They teach me how to be strong and how to face problems with my own. Since I decide to be an independent person, I become matured. Of course it all happens with the help of my family. I can say that I’m very lucky to have them. And I still cherish the moment t we have when we are together. Ever since that I know what my worth in this world, I’m so thankful to God because He gave me a life. That’s why I’m willing to pursue my dreams and continue my life with full of happiness.
"JESUS"...I can really say he is the most influential person of my life.
ReplyDeleteHe is so wonderful,great and so powerful. He created us like the image of him, he sacrifice his own life in the cross just to save us in our sins.
He loved us even though we commit sins but yet he forgives us. He makes us stronger and more brave through the challenges He has given to us. He give us the things we need. He is really great isn't it?
Thanks to Him that we are all here in these world living happily.
Hiedee R. Salva
BA Comm1-B
I am a good servant of my own country. I am following the rules and regulation written to the constitutional and by laws. I will do everything in my power to pass a better Philippines to the next generation because i am a boy scout of the Philippines. I oath to help other people at all times with possessing a good human behavior . Because I believe that a good human behavior achieves when we know to ourselves that we can contribute changes to our mankind and even to our society.
ReplyDeleteRonald Aldwin C. Corets
BA-Comm I-B
ReplyDeleteProf.Monsods said:
ReplyDeleteAll of us is a leader maybe we don't realize that but we are a leader and maybe some of ambassador is graduated in UP diliman it doesn't mean that some UP diliman is smart and all teachers have no responsibilities if we failed a subject because its the student fault not the teachers and the prof. said that UP diliman will have a excellent and integrety it is the lesson to every students and also the prof. said that don't be boastful because if you don't have a mine you are nothing and she said also that say no to cheat because it is also the cost of the problem of the philppines and it is not the solution or it not the answer for our successful and we need an integrety for the successful of our philippines and use our excellent and thats all my reflection and be proud that we are Pilipino.